Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Having watched Rippetoe's deadlift tuitions, he states that deadlifts should involve lifting a weight from a dead position, i.e. stationary on the floor, whether doing them for reps or not. Some of you may not consider him the bible on strength but a lot of people seem to.

I suppose however that it comes down to the fact that as long as you pause rather than bounce off the floor, the weight is still 'dead' at the bottom, only you're not going quite as far by not putting the weight down entirely. Conversely again, not dropping the weight makes sure that there is constant tension on the muscles throughout the lift.
Can anybody comment on the idea of drinking oats before going to bed?

I'm currently on quite a low carb diet with only a few slices of bread, vegetables, fruit & grain bars and 75 grams of oats being my main sources.

I already take a 6-8hour digesting blend of whey before bed but wondered if throwing an extra 25 grams of carbs in before bedtime would be a good idea/of any help? Or would I be better with more protein though it's already over 40grams as it is.

Or should I round my pre WO serving up to match the post WO of 50 grams?
As I always say mate you'll have to try it for yourself. I have 1 slice of wholemeal bread with my chicken at night and that's enough, anymore and I wake up tomorow feeling abit rough (especially tomorrow when I've had a £1 asda special pizza at about 11:30pm tonight :p)
But if in a shake I would probably rather have it pre wo, depending on how long before the workout it actually is.
Todays workout went like this:

Back Squats: Smith
7.5KG x 6
60KG x 8
100KG x 8
110KG x 8
110KG x 6
120KG x 4

Front Squats, PC: Oly Bar
60KG x 8
70KG x 8
80KG x 8 (PC & Front Squat PB)
60KG x 12

Walking lunge: Either hand
32KG x 16 steps
36KG x 16 steps
40KG x 20 steps

Adduction: 4sn
80KG x 20
100KG x 20
120KG x 20
130KG x 10
140KG x 8

Leg Curls: 4sn
45KG x 10
45KG x 10
45KG x 10

Leg Extension: Slow negs & pause at peak:
50KG x 8
70KG x 8
90KG x 8
100KG x 6 F

Walking Lunge to fully violate my legs:
40KG x 16 steps
40KG x 16 steps

Job done. My ass is actually killing me right through each glute :p

Took 65 minutes in total 10 of which were spent waiting for the smith/olympic bar.
As I always say mate you'll have to try it for yourself. I have 1 slice of wholemeal bread with my chicken at night and that's enough, anymore and I wake up tomorow feeling abit rough (especially tomorrow when I've had a £1 asda special pizza at about 11:30pm tonight :p)
But if in a shake I would probably rather have it pre wo, depending on how long before the workout it actually is.

Cheers for the reply.

I currently have 1:1 whey/oats with a half teaspoon of cinnamon an hour before I train. Half an hour before is my pump supplement and then post workout is 2:2 whey/oats and a teaspoon of cinnamon.

I might up the pre workout to 1:2 whey/oats as BSD said:

'infact there is evidence recently to suggest that taking carbohydrates pre workout can actually get the recovery process faster'

I'm eating every 2/3 hours as it is, apart from when I'm asleep. I normally wake up between 3am/5am for a wee :p I could eat then but it's a bit excessive and would probaly just wake me up. I figured as the bodys growing during sleep and mending maybe some more carbs might help.

I'm finally pushing through my plateau and the weights creeping up due to no longer over training/going over my maintenance calorie allowance. So I'll see how it goes for now.
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My thinking is pretty much the same its a deadlift because the weight it dead before each rep, the bounce that guy is using is the same as bouncing the bar off your chest when your pressing which would be considered poor form

Spot on.

DLs "for reps" is rubbish, and resembles more SLDLs and often constitutes bad form or touching on RDLs which is fine...

However, a deadlift has a pause at the bottom when the bar is fully unloaded (i.e. no bend on the bar) before lifting it again. A rep doesn't have to be instantaneous.
Well, I dont think you can say its rubbish. Powerlifters using it quite effectively on speed days.

But for most lifters it is not worth it.
Well, I dont think you can say its rubbish. Powerlifters using it quite effectively on speed days.

But for most lifters it is not worth it.

Ok rubbish is probably the wrong word, but, as has been stated a "Dead"Lift, is exactly that. A touch and lift isn't the same thing and as I said resembles more an SLDL or RDL than a full on DL. :)
I'm not saying I don't agree with you, just thought rubbish was a little harsh :)

If you are doing heavy deadlift you should always be having a small pause at the bottom for sure.

Speaking of deadlifts I did them again this week and the knee felt very good. Followed them up with some power cleans...forgot how tough they were.

Am allowed to start squatting to // next week :)
CNP from the sticky:

Monday (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)

Flat Bench Press – 3x8
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
Skull Crushers – 3x8 (similar to lying tricep extensions)
Close Grip Bench Press – 3x8
Seated Dumbbell Military Press -3x8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 3x8

Wednesday (Back/Biceps)

Dead lifts – 3x8
Bent over one arm Dumbbell rows – 3x8
Chin Ups 3x8 (Or Lat pull downs if you can’t do chins yet)
Barbell Bicep Curl -3x8
One arm Dumbbell hammer Curls – 3x8

Friday (Legs/Abs)

Barbell Squats – 3x8
Dumbbell Lunges – 3x8
Calf Raises-4x10
Abdominal workout (Crunches, leg raises, whatever)

That'll more than good enough for a while yet.

Much appreciated many thanks :) Is this a good bulking routine?
Can anybody comment on the idea of drinking oats before going to bed?

I'm currently on quite a low carb diet with only a few slices of bread, vegetables, fruit & grain bars and 75 grams of oats being my main sources.

I already take a 6-8hour digesting blend of whey before bed but wondered if throwing an extra 25 grams of carbs in before bedtime would be a good idea/of any help? Or would I be better with more protein though it's already over 40grams as it is.

Or should I round my pre WO serving up to match the post WO of 50 grams?

Do you use/have you thought about casein before bed? Long lasting protein that will last through the night and feed your muscles a bit better, that or drink a load of milk before bed.
Do you use/have you thought about casein before bed? Long lasting protein that will last through the night and feed your muscles a bit better, that or drink a load of milk before bed.

'Whey Protein Concentrate, Milk Protein Concentrate (Providing 80% Micellar Casein), Hydrolysed Wheat Protein (Providing Peptide-Bonded L-Glutamine), Egg Albumen, Soya Protein Isolate), Traditional Ground Flaxseed'.

They're the ingredients of my pre bed shake (Phd Pharma Blend). I could have it with milk as opposed to water actually thinking about it. It's fairly thick stuff as it is! Extra calories too which is good considering I'm bulking currently.
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I've almost finished reading Muscle - Confessions of an unlikely bodybuilder by Sam Fussell. Basically about a skinny guy who is fed up of his frame and turns to bb'ing. Its quite an interesting book.

I picked it up for like a quid online. Anyone want to borrow this after I've finished it? It'll only get slung in a box otherwise.
I've almost finished reading Muscle - Confessions of an unlikely bodybuilder by Sam Fussell. Basically about a skinny guy who is fed up of his frame and turns to bb'ing. Its quite an interesting book.

I picked it up for like a quid online. Anyone want to borrow this after I've finished it? It'll only get slung in a box otherwise.

I wouldnt mind a read mate if you dont mind

Much appreciated many thanks :) Is this a good bulking routine?

That depends much more on your diet rather than your routine
Much appreciated many thanks :) Is this a good bulking routine?

Yep, or eat less and its a cutting routine :p

They're the ingredients of my pre bed shake (Phd Pharma Blend). I could have it with milk as opposed to water actually thinking about it. It's fairly thick stuff as it is! Extra calories too which is good considering I'm bulking currently.

Sounds fine to me mate, I have all my shakes with milk as I really don't like the consistency of MP with water.
Well I've had a full week with the power lifters and feel it's working out OK. I did deadlift last Friday then we did squats on Monday which the coach was very impressed by my form which I was happy with:D Bench press Wednesday which my form was crap until the last set and this was only at 45kg so I made myself look a bit of an arse :o

All in all I like it we do a few sets of assistance work after we have squatted or deadlifted or benched I just don't know if I'm doing enough, seems there's a lot of standing around and the whole thing takes just under 2 hours I could be in and out in 45mins if I was alone.

Watching a few of the other lads working out they are all so strong we have a 15 year old who can bench 90kg and one of the lads has a comp this week and is going for a 250kg deadlift and hes only 19.

Friday deadlift 105kg

Monday squat 85kg

Wednesday bench 45kg

Lets hope these numbers go up over the next few months.
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