Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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I just wish my overhead lift, squat and bench were in higher/in proportion! They are puny!

Overhead press, squat and bench more :p:)

I used to do a lot of seated press. I switched to standing military and some of my presses have improved. I tried seated DB a few weeks ago and hated it. I tried seated with no back rest yesterday and LOVED it. I felt it working my shoulders like something I've never felt before. Recruiting all of my shoulder, traps and core too. Hoping to see some strength increases from this. Might be worth a shot, or taking not of if you find you plateau.:)
Overhead press, squat and bench more :p:)

I used to do a lot of seated press. I switched to standing military and some of my presses have improved. I tried seated DB a few weeks ago and hated it. I tried seated with no back rest yesterday and LOVED it. I felt it working my shoulders like something I've never felt before. Recruiting all of my shoulder, traps and core too. Hoping to see some strength increases from this. Might be worth a shot, or taking not of if you find you plateau.:)

I work out at home - power rack + weights in the garage. I have a three day split and do all the big lifts. But the roof in the shed isn't that high so have to overhead lift outside. But with all the crap weather I have switched to doing them seated probably until spring. Will try withno back rest.

I really miss overhead pressing/push presses. Nothing feels more manly!
I really miss overhead pressing/push presses. Nothing feels more manly!

Sure does.

Do you have some olympic DB's? I think the reason why seated over head press feels so effective is because:

You're not pushing back against something which normalyy makings lifting up easier.
The lift in general is slower as you have to stabilise yourself with your core and maintain a good balance (even while seated).
You can get your shoulders right back and recruit all of your shoulder.

Can't believe it took me 2 and a half years to loose the backrest!
Well, I didn't have my boxing match... my opponent pulled out this afternoon, it was a massive let down to be honest because I was so fired up for it :(

On the bright side the other guy from my club who did have a match tonight won his after only 1:30 in the first round, he absolutely demolished his opponent, and it was his debut bout! He forced a standing 8 count after about 20 seconds and the other guy never recovered.

There's another show next Thursday so the coach is trying to get me a match up for that, fingers crossed. The good thing about that is it gives me another week of training to prepare, and after watching some of the matches tonight I'm going to train harder than ever before :D
Had some fun with the leg press tonight - 4XBW (280kg) X3. I was screaming the place down on the 3rd.

I only need to add another 160kg and I can use all the 20 plates in the gym :D
it's a bit silly unless it's genuine ;)

I agree. Especially when they're only half or quarter reps like you get at my gym!

I personally don't find screaming or grunting loudly to help the lift. If anything it just draws attention and then you get people watching you stall/fail as this is the only time I make quiet (if any) noise during a rep.

Nevertheless good lifting :)
Hope you didn't scream too much - it's a bit silly unless it's genuine ;)

I try to keep myself quiet as well, but I really can't help it on my last set of deadlifts for example. especially the first rep makes a few people arounnd me go like :eek:

it's only 160kg, but I am making an effort so I think it may be considered genuine. :D
My brother makes some of the most bizzare faces when straining. Furrowed brows, teeth bared and high pitched yelps. I usually end up un able to spot him because I'm laughing too hard. :p
I did forget to say though that 4x BW is a fantastic achievement, screaming aside :)

I actually find it really distracting (to myself) if I make noises - sometimes they do come out, but it's more of a guteral grunt more than anything.

One thing I've noticed is that I find a thick bar easier to lift and use than a thin bar - even for Deads and Bench - I just can't get on with thin bars anymore!
I can't stand the noise makers. There's one chap who adores cable curls and nothing else, it's all he does yet finds the need to screech as if passing a Titanic sized **** from his arse. Incredibly skinny aswell.
We've got a Ronnie Coleman impersonator at our gym. Forever bloody mumbling 'light weight light weight'.

TBF, he's pretty big... but by big I mean fat... and the weights are actually light weights... but still.
Bit of a change to today's chest workout. Onto a rolling 5 day with the 5th day being a rest day. First lot of 5 aimed at strength and the next 5 days aimed at mass. So less weight and more reps today. Trained 2 hours earlier than normal.

Slow controlled negs.

Pecfly Warmup:

75KG x 8
82KG x 8
89Kg x 8
96KG x 8

Incline DB Press:

30KG x 12
30KG x 11
30KG x 10

Flat DB Press:

30KG x 10
30KG x 9
30KG x 8

Flat Cable Flyes:

11KG x 15
11KG x 12
11KG x 12

Incline Cable Flyes

11KG x 12
11KG x 12
11KG x 10

Diamond Press Ups:
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 6

Quick Dropset on chest press from 65KG down to 25KG. Was fairly fatigued by this point.

Lying tricep ext. EZ bar.
Shoulder Width grip: 4sn: 17.5KG x 25
Close Grip: 4sn x 17.5KG x 16

Decline Cable Flyes: Kneeling for big ROM.
11KG X 15
13KG x 12

5 minute HIIT on the rower.

Weighed myself before I trained today. 13 stone 9. And then 13 stone 12 when I left. When I weighed myself the other day I'd had another meal and more water which would probaly make up the extra lbs. So I'm not as heavy as I thought however I'm physically bigger. Might buy some scales and weigh myself first thing in the morning.
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