Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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did my chest/tri's today as I think I'm gonna try keep up a 4 day split rather than 4 or sometimes 5, managed 57.5kg bench for 8 reps quite comfortably (used to do ~65-70), inclined DB benched 22.5 (used to do ~25-26) and did a fair bit of tricep volume for a huge pump. I think I'll be gradually upping the bench weight.
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I presume that was aimed at me, well, I'm a big fan of bodyweight exercise, and frankly a lot of people concentrate so much on press ups and bench press that you're right it's a disproportionate comparison however, WG chins are an integral part of lifting - if you want back development they are key. Heck I'm not asking people to do WG chins with their legs out at 90degrees - though if I can do them with the size of my legs others should too. It's just a very good core exercise - if you're serious about your body and strength WG chins are a very good way of developing it further.

Obviously the heavier you become the more muscle/strength will be required to lift up your mass, but I've seen 120kg do WG with 20kg round their waist - it's about practice and power to weight ratio - power to weight is almost more important than the actual weight lifted. Hence why I'm impressed by x times bodyweight lifts that some people manage - so what if it's something I can rep on, if it's 2,3 or even 4 times BW it has my admiration and respect.

x times BW is a far more impressive show of strength and power to me - and clearly shows power to weight ratios of an impressive nature.

Yeh it was :p

I agree with you there, I am much more fond of strength over size, as you say x times bodyweight is what I am aiming for, all be it a long time away.

WG chins are still on my to be able to do list :( I am severely under strength'd.
Ill use this thread for some info, looking for a good website to advise me what to buy (shakes/powders ect), im looking to tone and build a little more muscle, i dont know where to start really, a good diet i guess, the problem i had when i last tried to get a good diet is i was having the same thing day in day out, partially because i havnt enough experience with what im supposed to and not supposed to be having.

all help appreciated, thanks
I try to keep myself quiet as well, but I really can't help it on my last set of deadlifts for example. especially the first rep makes a few people arounnd me go like :eek:

it's only 160kg, but I am making an effort so I think it may be considered genuine. :D

That's a great weight and there's no shame in grunting! Can't imagine going really heavy without making a fair bit of noise - it helps!
Leg day today. Higher volume cycle this week. Went Like this:

Back Squats:
WU: 7.5KG (Bar Smith) x 6
60KG x 10
60KG x 20
60KG x 20
60KG x 20
60KG x 10
60KG x 10 (contemplated making this a 20 at the peak of the last rep but chickened out)
60KG x 10

Front Squats:
60KG x 0

De-racking the bar of the olympic bench was enough to tell my my 'quad trama' and pump was going to be stopping those happening today!

60KG x 8
60KG x 8
60KG x 8

Ideally I'd of liked sets of 20 but my quads we're trembling so much I didn't feel comfortable.

Walking Lunge:

40KG x 16 steps
40KG x 16 steps

Adduction: 4sn:
80KG x 20
80KG x 20
80KG x 20
90KG x 20
110KG x 20

Leg Extensions: Pause at peak: 4sn:
45KG x 20
45KG x 15
35KG x 10 Long pauses at peak. Last rep pause till failure.

Job done :)

Dude, you did 100 squats?! Is it me or does that seem overkill? Sounds like you can up the weight fairly dramatically and get to you 8-12 rep range. Unless you're going for endurance training ofcourse!

Hit chest last night after a well deserved weeks rest.

3x 12/10/7 Flat bench
3x 12/10/7 Incline Bench
3x 12/10/8 Incline Flys
3x 12/10/8 Cable flys
3x 12/10/8 Dips
20Minutes Low Intensity Fat burning cardio
By the time i got home, was already feeling the DOM in my triceps, woke up this morning my entire pectoral region is ACHING!

Feels good man!
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Dude, you did 100 squats?! Is it me or does that seem overkill? Sounds like you can up the weight fairly dramatically and get to you 8-12 rep range. Unless you're going for endurance training ofcourse!


I always try and do quite a bit of compound lifts. Squats I do about 60-70, Bench, 50-60, DL.....I dont mess about with DLs :eek: 30-40 reps.

I always try and do quite a bit of compound lifts. Squats I do about 60-70, Bench, 50-60, DL.....I dont mess about with DLs :eek: 30-40 reps.

I'm led to beleive (as a general concencus, not for all)

1-5 Strength
8-12 Mass
12-20 Endurance

I personally find best results purely for mass @ the 6-8 rep range, but am doing 8-12 now to 'shock' my body for a month and see if it has any effect.

DL's - 5x5 for strength atm as my DL is quite weak (300lb 1RM)
Bench - 3x6-8 or 3x 8-12
I agree, I think 20 reps is excessive - unless it's for a warm up or a last dropset for burn out.

Volume is fine and necessary for legs, but I think Benny's reps are excessive. Personally I'd do 100kg x10 reps for 4-5 sets with nice slow negs - that'd give you plenty of volume, and remember there are other exercises for legs that can be done. Volume doesn't have to be high per session, if you train legs twice a week, then you're getting plenty of volume.

However it does depend on Benny's goal - we're only assuming a few things at the moment.
Dude, you did 100 squats?! Is it me or does that seem overkill? Sounds like you can up the weight fairly dramatically and get to you 8-12 rep range. Unless you're going for endurance training ofcourse!

My legs respond well to high volume training. I used to just do high volume training for legs. However for the last month or so have been in the 5-8 reps range from 100-130KG for back and then front squatting. This lot of 5 days was aimed at size, and the next 5 at strength and so on alternating.

Yup :)

I agree, I think 20 reps is excessive - unless it's for a warm up or a last dropset for burn out.

Volume is fine and necessary for legs, but I think Benny's reps are excessive. Personally I'd do 100kg x10 reps for 4-5 sets with nice slow negs - that'd give you plenty of volume, and remember there are other exercises for legs that can be done. Volume doesn't have to be high per session, if you train legs twice a week, then you're getting plenty of volume.

However it does depend on Benny's goal - we're only assuming a few things at the moment.

My goal is primarily strength and mass. As I've mentioned im alternating a strength and size 5 day cycle at current to see how I get on with the 5th day being a rest day. Strength days are 5-8 reps and then size days are 8-12.

I've always been a fan of high volume leg workouts. I suppose I could knock some reps off and up the weight slightly. Though high volume works for me with my legs. 25" relaxed and 25.5" tensed. Theyre growing and hopefully the mixture of high volume and low volume heavy will stimulate this.

A strength leg workout will look something like:

100KG x 8
110KG x 8
120KG x 5
130KG x Failure (3-4)

Then front squats the same from 60-90KG

LungeWalking, Adduction, SLDL and Leg extensions all with a much shorter rep range than yesterdays leg workout.
As I said, if it works for you - I just don't think it's "optimal" but my concern is you burning yourself out and having a negative effect on your gains. But you do do heavy days too so I guess it's not so bad. :)
As I said, if it works for you - I just don't think it's "optimal" but my concern is you burning yourself out and having a negative effect on your gains. But you do do heavy days too so I guess it's not so bad. :)


If I find that the high volume has begun to stop working over the next few weeks I shouldn't see any gains, or minimal, or loss of strength so I'll be keeping a close eye :)

I've been really trying to fine tune my diet at current. And I've over done the fine tuning on the protein so it would seem! Not sure if you've seen my other post in the Paypal Protein thread but could do with a quick bit of advice if you wouldn't mind?
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Presumably 60/2 - 30kg's each side for 6 reps.

Either way, that's a lot of weight for your own weight, good job!

I curl 18kg's for 12/10/8 (each arm).
The fly vs DBP number seems odd to me, too. Sorry to be piling on the skepticism, but pressing 80kg (PB) yet fly of 102kg? I realise it's a cable fly, and cable machines resistance vary wildly from machine to machine, but are you sure it was 102kg and that you were actually doing flyes? That's seriously, seriously heavy weight and I'm not sure I've ever heard of someone doing flyes with 50kg+ in each hand. :)
Ah ye or it could be each hand (nearly the same as pounds would work out). Everyone normally just says the *per hand* amount for dumbbells not combined. Doesn't make sense in my mind to say I alternate curled x amount when really it was only half that.
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