Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Back today;

Deadlifts -
135lb x10 (Warmup)
225lb x6 - 4 sets
300lb x1 - 1set
Bent Over Barbell Rows 135lb 3x10
WGPU - 3x8
Seated Cable Row - 3x8
Barbell Shrugs - 6 sets, 3 front 3 rear.
Wrist curls 3x 10-15
RG Barbell curls 3x8-12

Was very pleased with the deadlifts, and going to attempt 325 1RM next week, the 300 wasn't really a problem lifting, and considering this was all after the previous sets, hoping to hit 350 the week after! All with strict form as had the mirror infront of me, and side on so was able to check.

about that leg press... no word of a lie the kids i work with i take them the gym on wednesdays and we put 350+kg (probably not far from 400kg) and i swear to god... she pressed that weight 13 times we then added more weight and she got ten out of that!
We need a proper plate loaded leg press :( and also more than 300KG in plates which is split between a smith and a bench at the moment. I think I need to change gyms!
I've recently started doing proper exercises at my gym, oh the number of people who go into the weights rooms to just chat or grab a stupid weight and just sit with it annoys me, especially when the excersises they do are just for pumping and not really functional or long term. I have started doing DLs and squats, shoulder presses with bar bell, and very recently started doing Turkish get ups and bent presses so those number are very low as I am getting used to the awkwardness of them.

My stats are 5'8 74kg 13% BF.

This is usually my daily routine:

DL 3 sets of 8 starting at 120kg finishing at 160kg
Squats 3 sets of 8 140kg (I suck at these as they just plain hurt)
BP (optional) 5 sets of 10 100kg I seem to plateau with these as I rarely do them, they dont seems to be that effective apart from pumping.
Turkish get up 3 sets of 8 22kg (second time I have tried to do this exercies can increase loads but its very very tiring)
Bent Press 3 sets of 8 28kg
The last 2 exercises are more about stability than strength as I can do more but I wobble and am on the verge of losing the weight due to balance.
Shoulder press 3 sets of 8 depleting sets from 60kg to 40kg
Back to back:
Pull ups
2 sets of 15 BW
Chin ups 2 sets of 15 BW

Follow up with a 20 mins interval training on Treadmill or 20 mins on cross trainer. Have stopped core work since I started turkish get up and bent press, and started crunching at the top of my pull ups and chin ups.

I feel my DL could be higher but have recently noticed my form is terrible as I lower back arches and has started to cause strain there.
Going to sound like a totally daft question here but here goes!

Is it wise doing a set of exercise in the morning such as arms then doing chest or shoulder on an evening?
A week and a hlaf off feeling crappy and finally going back today.

Really looking forward to it, now..... Back+arms or tris+shoulders+chest. :D
Legs of course. Snap you out of it nicely.

Damn you :p

Just planned in some legs as I haven't touched them bar the machines in the past 2 months. Will get on with some split squats, dumbell calf raises etc as I have never done full squats etc (yet) and dont want to break myself in half.
Some lunge walking should have you feeling 'crappy' again :p

I see the pernonal trainers putting people through that horror.

Anyway session was good although I totally ignored legs (again :mad::() Hit back+Bi+forearms pretty hard although it wasn't as easier before I got ill. Still good to get back into it though.

Put 90kg on the bar to do shrugs (counting went wrong. doh) and found my lower back being strained (plus crushed a few vertebrate 5yrs ago). Took it back down to the 80kg I normally do and it was better although even with straps I think this is a little too much as my form still doesn't feel good enough (using straps and over+under grip).

Bring on Fri,Sat,Sun gym sessions!
For shrugs you may find you get a better range of motion using dumbells as it allows a bigger contraction I find.

I've also just started shrugging one side at a time, alternating and find this to be very effective.

I usually alternate BB and DB shrugs as it's good to a get a mix of positions and motions.

I've been told I'f you lean foward slightly and bend your legs just a bit it'll take some pressure off your spine. It also means your pulling slightly back as well as up which *should* be better.
I've got a skipping rope on my x-mas list. My brother said if I can send him the link for the one I like he'd get hold of it for me.

Having a look there seems to be a few varieties, speed ropes, weighted handles, different lengths etc

I'm 5ft 10/11". Does anybody know the benefit of weighted handles?(To build the forearms?) If somebody could generally point me in the right direction that'd be great! :)
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