Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Been a bit disillusioned of late after my dodgy knee came back to haunt me - so used to building routines around deads and squats I don't really know what to do with myself anymore. Think I may go on my first every proper cut and see how low I can get the BF, but sure I'll miss that great feeling of beating a PB on a lift!
awful day eatin today... toast for breakfast + 2 chicken sandwiches from greggs for lunch... shake instead of a meal now

should be getting up at 6/7ish ready to cycle to college at 8, but i really cant be bothered

might take the day off, sort out a propper schedule... its not like ill miss anything, at all...

Rubbish session, was tired and didn't feel strong at all :/

Flat BB bench:


very widegrip (drop sets):

DB inclines - supersetted with incline flies:

12x22.5 / 15x12
12x22.5 / 15x12
12x22.5 / 15x12
10x22.5 / 12x12
10x22.5 / 12x12

kept it light for more of a pump rather than anything else, also I just felt weak :(

Cable cross over:


DB Pull-overs:


So pretty rubbish session overall. :/


Back squats:

12x100kg ATG
10x120kg ATG
10x140kg below //
8x160 //
5x180 // (paused for a few seconds between lifts)
DS:12x100kg ATG



Step ups:

6x100kg (each leg)
6x120kg (each leg)
6x120kg (each leg)
6x130kg (each leg)
6x130kg (each leg)

Leg extensions:


Followed by a 10 mins jog! :eek:

Felt better this session compared to my chest day. I guess you win some you lose some. No way was I at the stage of doing my 140+ benching on Tuesday though :(
Bah.... pulled one of my intercostal muscles (or possiby an oblique) playing rugby today (agreed to play last minute having not played for 12 years :o). Doubt i'll be squatting on Monday :(
Was reading last weeks issue of Sport today which had an interview with Chris Hoy - had some interesting facts in it:
27 inch legs, 230kg squat @ 90 kg, for a short time frame when sprinting he generates more torque than an F1 car. That's a boast I'd like to be able to make!
Interesting stats! I have 27 inch legs, but my squat isn't up to 230 yet - it will be though ;)

Roid - yeha getting stronger and feeling stronger :cool:

Regulus, that's great going mate - beastly! How tall are you?

Oddjob - poor bugger :( I received a shoulder in my jaw yesterday and as such can#t close my mouth properly and am battered somewhat! lol! Such a stupid game - but I love it! :D
Oddjob - poor bugger :( I received a shoulder in my jaw yesterday and as such can#t close my mouth properly and am battered somewhat! lol! Such a stupid game - but I love it! :D

Think it'll just be a one off. I'm acutally too small to play prop now... our other prop is almost 4 stone heavier than me ffs :( Unfortunately as i've not played for 12 years and never played any other position i can't really do anything else.
Anyone got any good recomendations for streching to help improve my squat depth? At the minute to get past parallel I have to start going up onto my toes because I dont have the flexability
Been trying a bit of power training on a Sunday, having a short break from deadlifting as I've been hammering my legs on a thursday and my glutes and hams hurt too much! I used Dumbells during the week and bars at the weekends.

Simple 5x5 on flat bench. Seen 90KG clean for all 5 sets, and then taken 100KG down for 2/3 reps. The second week I've tried it and found it a fair bit easier than the week before! Going to apply the same routine to Incline and Shoulders. No reason why I cant give the same a go on back too!

Anyone else used this? What were your gains like?
Woo i managed 4x50kg at bench pressing today (8x40,8x45,4x50)

Not a lot, but its nearly close to my PB i had at the end of last year which was 60kg.

(I'm very skinny,however i am gaining weight now 11stone woo)
Simple 5x5 on flat bench. Seen 90KG clean for all 5 sets, and then taken 100KG down for 2/3 reps. The second week I've tried it and found it a fair bit easier than the week before!


I started doing that about two weeks ago. I'd been stuck at around 80/85kg on flat bench for aaaages, through a combination of sheer laziness and, most probably, fatigue from high reps on earlier sets. Two sessions after starting a 5x5, I benched 100 :p
Bah.....Still suffering from a very problemtic shoulder. Have given near twoo weeks rest...and tried to do some arms and pull ups yesterday and its killing again. Its wierd....it not like the muscle but the bit right in the middle arround the top of the joint area. Its especially sore when pushing or benching...but due to where it is I cant really do any upper body. It started the day after a squating session...for some reason.
Someone with knowledge please give me some advise. I would go and see a physio...but Im working aborad at the moment and wont be home till weekend. Might try and see physio next week if still sore.

Ive been doing sessions of cardio....abs and legs last two weeks to keep going, but Im wondering if full body rest might be beter. It depessing seeing all my last 2-3 months solid hard work going down the pan...and at 35 its getting harder to keep it.
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Explain how the problem came about for me. I've got labral tears in both my shoulders, and used to and still sort of do, suffer from weak rotator cuffs, so have to be careful when doing any rear deltoid work. Luckily they've healed fairly well and am able to train with minimal/no nuisance from them.

Sound like either a deep strain or a tear by the sounds of it feeling internal. Read up on the rotator cuff and how the humerus sits into the socket. Theres a small lip/ledge of muscle(i think) to help keep it in place as the socket doesn't encompass the head of the humerus. Good of you to rest it, takes a long time to heal as the shoulder joint isn't simple. Some light shoulder 'rehab' would be the best bet before you return to training properly.
Explain how the problem came about for me. I've got labral tears in both my shoulders, and used to and still sort of do, suffer from weak rotator cuffs, so have to be careful when doing any rear deltoid work. Luckily they've healed fairly well and am able to train with minimal/no nuisance from them.

Sound like either a deep strain or a tear by the sounds of it feeling internal. Read up on the rotator cuff and how the humerus sits into the socket. Theres a small lip/ledge of muscle(i think) to help keep it in place as the socket doesn't encompass the head of the humerus. Good of you to rest it, takes a long time to heal as the shoulder joint isn't simple. Some light shoulder 'rehab' would be the best bet before you return to training properly.

Cheers dude...will have to look into that a bit more. Its a major pain in the A**! I didnt rest it at first...but kept training for a few weeks and it slowly got worse and worse...then one day (two weeks ago) it was real painful after workout. I had to give it a break. Anyhow...two weeks later and its still friggin sore. Ill give it another week and hopefully....and if still no beter Ill need to seek some professional help:(
Cheers dude...will have to look into that a bit more. Its a major pain in the A**! I didnt rest it at first...but kept training for a few weeks and it slowly got worse and worse...then one day (two weeks ago) it was real painful after workout. I had to give it a break. Anyhow...two weeks later and its still friggin sore. Ill give it another week and hopefully....and if still no beter Ill need to seek some professional help:(

yeah, you really dont want to destroy your shoulder. You dont realise how much you use it until you injure it! Mine tore with 30KG on the end at the top of a rep on DB press, all my left trap and upper left back swelled up. I couldn't even put my arm on the cross trainer handle without it hurting being jolted backwards. Had some serious shoulder instability and several subluxations (partial dislocations)

This was back in January 2008. Took a good week off, and then worked my way back into it very slowly. I could press fine, I did a short set just after I tore it, but pulling it accross my body was a no no. Sleeping became akward as I sleep on my side/shoulders. Was unable to lift my arm up past parralell to the ground for 2 weeks woth out serious discomfort. I found using cable pulleys allowed me to strengthen properly as you get constant tension throughout the rep.

Worth getting it checked out. I've had two x-rays and an MRI for the left, nothing for the right yet as it was only minor. seeing the consulant when I return home from Uni at the beginning of april, almost a year and a half after the incident.
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