Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

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  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Thanks for the fast reply. I hadn't realised that it was 4 :o I'll drop the shake from the morning snack.

I tried biceps shoulders and back today, but decided that triceps shoulders chest would be a better split, because those three are used together more, also because my biceps were so shagged (they're definately my weakest point) that they were holding back when I was trying to do shoulder exercises.

The reason why I decided on a three day split is because I keep my sessions are relatively short, my muscles get tired pretty quickly, and I'm flagging majorly by the end. So I think that two shorter sessions on each thing per week will definately be more beneficial than one long one. What do you think?

Yeah 4 might be a bit ott. If this is a relatively new regime/activity I wouldn't jump right on the shake bandwagon tbh. Have you taken whey before? I took it very briefly before I caught the norovirus and then spent 8 hours emptying my arse and stomach on the toilet. So have a psychological barrier to break with the stuff. I find it can be quite filling and remove appetite.

Nail your diet, no ****, all good stuff, everything you need etc etc. Then use the supplement. Don't rely on it for protein, it's not miricle grow and won't get you 'shreded'.

How were your biceps holding you back from shoulder exercises? what exercises were you doing? The only exercises I can think of for shoulders don't utilise the bicep :confused: unless im forgetting some.... Edit: I suppose seated row or lateral pull down? if you were hitting them with back? Why I prefer to have a seperate day for everything, but then I have the time, where as you don't.

Thumbs up for hitting triceps on the same day as chest. Work them after you've done your shoulder and chest pressing, then you can absolutley destroy them!

I'm personally a fan of training ****ing hard. So I train the absolute **** off myself. See how your split goes. You can always move shoulders onto your leg day. Tends to be quite a popular choice for those that do split routines.

BB Flat Bench:


Incline DB superset with incline flies:



Cable Cross over:


This AC joint is stopping me from pushing myself, I don't get pain at all, but it feels as though someone has "turned off" my arm, and I hit a wall, it doesn't matter if it's 60kg or 140kg, my arm will just not push through. This happens after a few reps so obviously it must tire quite quickly as it's weakened or compensating. Bench felt pretty strong when I was able to push the bar, but then i hit the "block" and although the left side was going up, the right side was having none of it.

I think I might just have to accept that I do only very very light weights for the next month on bench. :( That's going to be tough. I guess I just have to change my timing/tempo to get some good work from it?

Sodding injuries.
Know how you feel man. Im getting physio just now and havent done much training in last 4 weeks with damaged AC joint. Whats worse is that now I can feel probelms with the other shoulder now also.
I'm pretty sure that the problems are coming from squating. It seems to be the strain on the shoulders holding the bar behind the neck that is doing it for me. I dont really go over 130-140Kgs for reps when squating...but I guess thats near twice my bodyweight..so still quite a load.
I was...and am still getting most pain while benching. It is dulling...but still there.

What I do know is that once I get all this fixed...im going to have to change my routines...and maybe even have to ditch heavy back squats all together if I want to keep training hard the way I do.
Funny you should get it squatting though!?

I'm going to drop the weights, increase reps, do some machine work (less stabaliser work), and some light pull overs. Ditch the cross overs too.

Fortunately pulling exercises will be fine, but pressing exercises I'm just going to have to take easy for a while.

Rugby season is almost over so I should be able to rest it up nicely.
ye i know....but ive become aware of how much stress the shoulders are under...and in an unnatural position while squating.

Its hard not to train...ive been trying to do some moderate stuff....but its not helping it heal. Im giving at least a full week off now...getting fed up with it.

Pulling is OK with me too....but it does make it real sore the next day.
Freefaller it's not suprising at all he's feeling it when squatting. If he's got poor rotation of his shoulder than it's really not going to do him any favours!

I can't really shed any light on shoulder injuries so you're best searching around and ultimately seeing a professional.
I've got physios and osteos looking after me, I just need to take it easy - which for me is hard going!! :p

I guess if you struggle with shoulder rotation I can see why forcing your shoulders back to hold the bar can cause problems... I just don't think I've ever noticed that sort of problem before. :)
toxic, you ever do front squats? might be worth doing them for a while if your shoulder isnt being nice to you while back squatting.

FF - might want to look at more specific stabiliser work, rather than less, it could be something small that needs more direct work, be it endurance or strength
Had a brilliant triceps and shoulders day today

At the end of the workout I just felt so sick and had to sit over the toilet for ages thinking I was going to throw up everywhere :D

Really pushed myself to the absolute max and definitely feeling it now, feel exhausted
toxic, you ever do front squats? might be worth doing them for a while if your shoulder isnt being nice to you while back squatting.

FF - might want to look at more specific stabiliser work, rather than less, it could be something small that needs more direct work, be it endurance or strength

No..havent really done them before. But I think thats my only chance to keep to doing squating exercises. Obviosly wont get the same weight...but it might be OK. Ill give it a go after a break.
My favourite way to start legs at the moment:

A1: Leg extensions 4 x 15
A2: Front Squats 4 x 10-12
90 Seconds rest (No rest between A1 and A2).
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