Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Dropsets and supersets are the bomb! They really really work if done properly. I'm going to be cutting my training down to 3x a week. Just can't keep up my training pattern at the moment. Lost a lot of discipline and whilst I still push hard when there I'm struggling to keep the effort constant. Maybe a break on my intensity might help. Also with this shoulder issue I have it's somewhat de-motivating. Will probably stick around the 213lb mark as that tends to be my easy to maintain weight. So I might lose a bit of bulk but if I keep the effort whilst there I hope strength losses won't happen.
Dont like that much at all really.

A day for Abs...and a day for Tri's and traps....yet sharing shoulders with chest I dont understand. I would always try and do a major muscle group and a small muscle group on one day. Abs...I would just fit in maybe across two sessions. Deadlifts I would do on back day and not after squats. I would put legs or rest day in between back and shoulders and chest....but its realy up to you and how hard you are working per session. I posted a four day schedule that I used while ago 2 pages back. If I was changing that to five days...I would take out the arms and do on a separate day with some cardio and abs. Shrugs I would do on back or 5th day (if I actually did them).

Thanks for the advice, ill think ill scrap that plan. Ive just found the plan you posted and ill think ill give that a go.

Dropsets and supersets are the bomb! They really really work if done properly. I'm going to be cutting my training down to 3x a week. Just can't keep up my training pattern at the moment. Lost a lot of discipline and whilst I still push hard when there I'm struggling to keep the effort constant. Maybe a break on my intensity might help. Also with this shoulder issue I have it's somewhat de-motivating. Will probably stick around the 213lb mark as that tends to be my easy to maintain weight. So I might lose a bit of bulk but if I keep the effort whilst there I hope strength losses won't happen.

I think that's a sensible approach.

It's difficult sometimes to really focus on training and eating when you're going through a really busy patch.

I think cutting down to 3 days a week and doing something like a full body routine is a good way to at least maintain or make slow progress.

30kg x3x5
50kg x3x5
70kg x3x5
100kg x1x5
85kg x5x5

Overhead press
40kg x5x5


80kg x5x5

chin ups 3xf

prone bridges 3x45 seconds

3 mile run 25mins

I'll be pleased when I've finished cutting, I miss my food :( and It's only day 3.
Yesterday's session:

Just a bit of everything to keep me feeling like I'm "ticking over":

Deadlift (no straps or belt):

8x100 (warm up)

Front Squats:




Standing shoulder press:


Very wide and light bench press:


And that's it. Nothing spectacular but gave me a good pump nonetheless.
200Kg DL's and just ticking over:rolleyes:

Im hoping to start a bit of training again at the weekend after 8 weeks off with damaged AC joint and tendonitis in my shoulder! Ill be lucky if I manage 100kG on the DL's....and Im not looking forward to the DOMS the days after!
Ive lost 4-5 lbs in weight in 2 months. Not good...but looking forward to geting back with it...albeit its going to take weeks to build back up.
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Back Today:

Wide Grip Lateral Pull down:
same speed positive & negatives, controlled.

warm up sets:
54KG x 10 x 3

working sets:
75KG x 10 x 3

Reverse grip(palms facing, close, like a chinup)
75KG x 10 x 4, again controlled.

Seated Row:
6 second reps, top handles:
65KG x 10 x 3
75KG x 10 x 1

6 second reps, bottom handles (perpendicular to floor)
65KG x 10 x 3
75KG x 10 x 1

Behind the neck pull down:

54KG x 10 x 3
61KG x 10 x 1

Then I decided to have a play doing a sort of cable cross over lateral pull down. Ending up doing each lat one at a time, stretching right up. Didn't quite simulate the machine at my other gym which has 2 seperate handles which almost touch when at full extension, bit of fun though!

Rear Deltoid/Upper Back:
Foward facing pec fly handles (palms facing eachother)
40KG x 10 x 4
Normal handles (palms parralell to the floor)
40KG x 10 x 4

Bicep isolation:
Cable Curls:
2 x dropsets starting at 38KG, until failure, dropping weight until 20 reps is achieved
Cable Hammer Curls
1 x dropset starting at 31KG, until failure, dropping weight until 20 reps is acheived.

Managed this in just over an hour. To say I was pumped was an understatement, especially my arms!
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Didn't mean to sound demeaning with my comments about my routine - it's just not as intense as I usually do :o Please don't take it in anything but a comparative to my usual strength!! :)



Ds: 10x80+bar



Very wide grip Flat BB Bench supersetted with DB Flies:

12x70 // 10x15
10x70 // 10x15
10x70 // 9x15
10x70 // 8x15

Tricep cable pull down supersetted with over head single arm tricep extension:

8x100 // 6x12 (each arm)
8x100 // 6x12 (each arm)
8x100 // 5x12 (each arm)
8x100 // 5x12 (each arm)
7x100 // 8x10 (each arm)

Unfortunately 100kg is the stack on that pulley machine :(

Very wide Lat pull downs super setted with V-Grip pull down:

10x50 // 10x50
10x60 // 10x60
9x70 // 8x70
8x80 // 7x80
6x90 // 6x90

I jogged to the gym and back from the gym making about 2.5 miles of which 3/4 of a mile is up an 8% hill so that worked out quite nicely. :)

Squats/legs tomorrow and then I'm off for 5 days. Though I did do some front squats yesterday I need to hammer them tomorrow.

Although I'm not able to go ot the gym as often my effort is still 110% when I'm at the gym so from that point of view I'm happy with my motivation.
Question for the forum here.

I'm interested how folk go about upping the weight they lift.

I've always started my sessions (after warming up of course) going for my 1 rep max. Once I hit the point I can't exercise the lift with good form I know thats my limit. I scale the weight back to 70% of the 1 RM and do something like 3x8 or 3x12 of that weight.

How do you do yours?
I just keep pushing :D I may have a low volume day where I just do 2-3 reps but 8sets increasing the weight accordingly.


for example for DLs and would only do 2-3 reps on each and see how many I can do as I get to my max currently 220 for a couple.

However there's nothing stopping you doing a 1RM after 3-4 sets. You just have to feel what your body is telling you. I Can tell when I can push myself and I do... more often than not far far too hard! :D :D :D
Question for the forum here.

I'm interested how folk go about upping the weight they lift.

I've always started my sessions (after warming up of course) going for my 1 rep max. Once I hit the point I can't exercise the lift with good form I know thats my limit. I scale the weight back to 70% of the 1 RM and do something like 3x8 or 3x12 of that weight.

How do you do yours?

If I can do 3x 8 or 10 of a lift or movement with the proper form. it's time to add weight. I rarely do 1RMs. Not much different to your approach really

Oh by the way I meant to add, form is critical. I don't like doing just 3sets as it's not enough for me but I train differently to a lot of you as I love volume. :) However if you can achieve your pyramid training with 8-10 reps with spare in the tank definitely increase the weight. Even by 2.5kg will make a huge difference.
I start by doing a couple of warmup sets & then my 3 working sets to which I add 1 or 2 kg each week, I then finish off by adding 10kg and doing as many reps as possible usually 3-4 for 2 sets (I also up this weight each week).
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Hey guys, Just started doing my own workout, got myself a Punching Bag and bench in the spare room.

Been doing it about 4 weeks now, and loving the early results, although small considering i was skinny to begin with, I'm loving it.

here's my routine, Comment appreciated. :)
Sunday: Shoulders, Traps and Triceps


Military Press for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Dumbell Lateral Raises for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Dumbell Reverse Fly for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Dumbell Shrugs for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps


SkullCrusher for 3 Sets, Doing 10, 8, 6 Reps

Laying Dumbell extensions for 3 sets, Doing 10, 8, 6 Reps.

One Arm Standing Dumbell Extensions for 3 sets, Doing 10, 8, 6 Reps.

Monday: Back


Bent Over Row for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps.

Palm Rotation Row for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

One Arm Dumbell Row for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Barbell Pullover for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Tuesday: Legs

Quads, Hamstrings & Glutes:-

Squats for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

45 Degree Leg press for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Leg Extensions for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Stiff Legged Dead lift for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps


Seated Calf Raises for 3 Sets, Doing 10, 8, 8 Reps

Standing Calf Raises for 3 Sets, Doing 15, 12, 10 Reps.

Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday: Chest and Biceps


Incline Benchpress for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Barbell benchpress for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Incline Dumbell Flys for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Dumbell Flys for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps


Incline Dumbell Curl for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Preacher Curl for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Standing Hammer Curl for 4 Sets, Doing 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps

Friday and Saturday are rest days.

My workout always begins with 5 minutes on the bag, and ends with 5 minutes on the bag and some stretching. I do try and get a good cardio session in on the bag every day, Except saturdays as I'm hungover generally.

I do 3 minute harsh fast punching, 3 minutes slow controlled punching, and then 3/4 minutes mixing up fast and slow. While constantly moving ofcourse.

I also bought myself one of those ab rollers, Got it years ago, but never got around to using it, but after looking around on various sites, it seems to be the nuts when it comes to ab workouts. So that's another thing I incorporate ever other day.


Anyways, That's my workout, Just wish I could keep my eating in check now, My self control as far as fatty foods is so bad. I can't say no to redbull, I cant say no to chocolate. I do eat plenty of protein as I know thats key to muscle growth, I also take creatine and drink protein shakes.
man feeling v. strong this week :)

session tother day:



Mazing :D

115kg shrugs 4x10

biscep 50kg curls on bar for 5x10
man feeling v. strong this week :)

session tother day:



Mazing :D

115kg shrugs 4x10

biscep 50kg curls on bar for 5x10

Well done :)

I've been busting PB's too this week, must be the weather :cool:

I was thinking of buying some BCAAs from MP but was struggling to find peoples views on them and how beneficial they are as they seem to be pretty expensive...found this thread


So if i buy i will take 2.5g twice a day, once when i wake and then before i train. Basically just wondering if it was worth the 18 quid??? (My diet is pretty good)

My goal is currently to bulk up.


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