Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

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Guys, I have a question with respect to cardio and the calories which body building requires daily? I understand that I need to eat an excess to maintain good growth and recovery, however, I don't want to put on too many (I accept I'll put on some) pounds of fat. Would it be plausible to perform cardio in the morning before breakfast in an effort to save my daily calories for muscle and attempt to burn off fat before I eat? And would this be even remotely effective?

cheers for any help :)
Hi all...Can't remember who exactly told me originally, but here it goes anyway :)

I partially tore a tendon in my ankle a couple of months ago now, and I was recommended to take MSM / Glucosamine (http://www.myprotein.co.uk/capsules-tablets-softgels/joint-care/msm-glucosamine-chondroitin/) which personally I think did help...

Now then, I have ran out of the tablets, and haven't had any for a while now...However I have realised that my knee has started giving my jip again, which I think is a tissue problem going by the physio...But I think these did help the knee pain I get!

Now my question...Would it be better to go back to trying the MSM + Glocsoamine combo...or just goto the Glucosamine varient (http://www.myprotein.co.uk/capsules-tablets-softgels/joint-care/glucosamine-sulphate_/)

Any info would be appreciated, oh and on a side note I also think my ankle tendon is on the trot again :( Hurting now as I type!

Cheers all.
Guys, I have a question with respect to cardio and the calories which body building requires daily? I understand that I need to eat an excess to maintain good growth and recovery, however, I don't want to put on too many (I accept I'll put on some) pounds of fat. Would it be plausible to perform cardio in the morning before breakfast in an effort to save my daily calories for muscle and attempt to burn off fat before I eat? And would this be even remotely effective?

cheers for any help :)

It's not really going to work like that but there's no harm in including cardio into your routine provided you're eating enough. Eating more and exercising more is a good way to be as you'll have a higher metabolism and be more likely to burn fat. You can still pack on some muscle without getting flabby as long as you're prepared to put on a few extra pounds, as you say you are.
Hi all...Can't remember who exactly told me originally, but here it goes anyway :)

I partially tore a tendon in my ankle a couple of months ago now, and I was recommended to take MSM / Glucosamine (http://www.myprotein.co.uk/capsules-tablets-softgels/joint-care/msm-glucosamine-chondroitin/) which personally I think did help...

Now then, I have ran out of the tablets, and haven't had any for a while now...However I have realised that my knee has started giving my jip again, which I think is a tissue problem going by the physio...But I think these did help the knee pain I get!

Now my question...Would it be better to go back to trying the MSM + Glocsoamine combo...or just goto the Glucosamine varient (http://www.myprotein.co.uk/capsules-tablets-softgels/joint-care/glucosamine-sulphate_/)

Any info would be appreciated, oh and on a side note I also think my ankle tendon is on the trot again :( Hurting now as I type!

Cheers all.

If money isnt an object I would ot for the first one.



Not in stock or I would have been ordering last night. Im going to have to find somewhere else to get this. Its meant to be the best for tendon problems etc.

(Ive never taken cissus before...im only going buy what ive read)
Guys, I have a question with respect to cardio and the calories which body building requires daily? I understand that I need to eat an excess to maintain good growth and recovery, however, I don't want to put on too many (I accept I'll put on some) pounds of fat. Would it be plausible to perform cardio in the morning before breakfast in an effort to save my daily calories for muscle and attempt to burn off fat before I eat? And would this be even remotely effective?

cheers for any help :)

You need to work out your MBR (metabolic rate) to see what your body needs just to maintain what you've got. Then and only than can you start working out what you need. You can't pluck a figure from the sky. Nutrition, diet and exercise are closely linked but one without the other doesn't work. You don't need lots of clever forumlas or science, but you just need to be honest to yourself and work out exactly what your body needs. Best place to do it is by a qualified nutritionist or instructor at hte gym that knows his stuff. You can attempt at doing it it yourself if you know what you are doing and have the tools for the job. :)

My basal rate is rounded to around 3300 cals per day - I only consume 3500 or so a day, but that's enough for slow recovery and slow progress, but I cant' be bothered in doing the whole bulking/cutting thing as I don't believe it's a sensible way of doing it.
Ah I see, cheers guys.

edit: Right, I know this is probably wholly inaccurate and I will get my BMR worked out by a professional but I have done it on a website quickly (haha) and was wondering if you guys could suggest how many calories I should be eating over this.

This is the website: http://www.apennyearned.co.uk/bmr-calculator.html

And it has told me that my BMR is estimated at 1718.7225249223484 kcal

I have also used their facility for factoring exercise of which I have put down 30 minutes of running making the required calories up to 2109.7646316363634 kcal

Now just so I can begin to factor in some costs and such like, could you suggest how many extra kcal would you say I would need to eat if I was to bulk properly?

By the way I'm 6ft 2", weigh 157 lbs and I'm 19

cheers :)
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You have a BMR of 1596.45.

Harris Benedict Formula

To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

1. If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
2. If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
3. If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
4. If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
5. If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

Lets go with 3 so that's 1596.45 x 1.55 = 2474 Kcals for maintenance, add 500 Kcals to the total 2974, which should see you gain 1lb per week.
Ah I see, and when you say 1 lb, would that be 1 lb of fat if I did not exercise or a combination of muscle and fat through exercising and eating?

thanks for the help
If money isnt an object I would ot for the first one.



Not in stock or I would have been ordering last night. Im going to have to find somewhere else to get this. Its meant to be the best for tendon problems etc.

(Ive never taken cissus before...im only going buy what ive read)

Thanks Toxic :)

Yeah...I'll order some of the first link then (the mixture of the 3)...Hopefully it helps in the long run.

I need to start doing some muscle building exercises on my knees again :( My right one is getting so bad now, i have to wear a support on it at work =/

I might have a look at the Cissus stuff eventually, I kinda know the MSM + Glucosamine works for me at the moment...So hopefully that is all I will be needing.

Cheers for the input :)
Had a good chest/triceps session yesterday
5 min 1000m warm up on rower (started doing warm ups again and I've really seen the benefits)
Flat dumbell press 5sets 6reps (changed from my usual smith bench, 20kg dumbells rather than 20kg a side on the smith and the bar is 10-15kg apparently)
Flat dumbell flyes 5x6
45 degree cable flyes 5x6

Incline dumbell press 5x6
Close grip bench press 5x6
Single french press 2x6
Two handed french press 3x6
Tricep rope pushdown drop set from 22.5-12kg 20 reps last set

Any comments / opinions on this workout? (I'll post the other two another day)
A light meddley upper/lower session for me yesterday. I did some light chest work to get the shoulder moving and get some blood flowing. No big weights for a while though for chest unfortunately.

Incline BB:


Followed by 4 sets of RC work.

Incline cable flies // superset with incline DB press

10x10 // 10x16
10x10 // 10x20
10x10 // 10x20
10x15 // 10x20
10x15 // 10x20

Flat cable flies // flat DB

10x10 // 10x20
10x15 // 10x20
10x15 // 10x20
10x15 // 10x20
10x20 // 10x22.5

Front squats:


Leg press:


Average session. So so irritating ahving to use lightweights, though I did concentrate on slowing down the eccentric and concentric movements which did bring on a heck of a pump. Still kept the volume high though.
are full body workouts the way to go or split each body part to each day? It just feels like you only train them once a week rather than 3 times?
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