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23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
Hi guys, I've been on my hols so a bit out of touch, I saw an article on the "antennagate" and although my iPhone doesn't suffer from signal problems, or not that I have noticed a free Bumper wouldn't be bad thing :D So how do we go about doing this? Cheers
25 Jul 2006
Hi guys, I've been on my hols so a bit out of touch, I saw an article on the "antennagate" and although my iPhone doesn't suffer from signal problems, or not that I have noticed a free Bumper wouldn't be bad thing :D So how do we go about doing this? Cheers

Got to wait till late next week when Apple put up a page for people to order a case. I'm sure they'll announce it on Apple.com :)
7 Oct 2004
Hi guys, I've been on my hols so a bit out of touch, I saw an article on the "antennagate" and although my iPhone doesn't suffer from signal problems, or not that I have noticed a free Bumper wouldn't be bad thing :D So how do we go about doing this? Cheers

Wait until next week and then Apple will have a section up on their website where you can claim your free bumper/get a refund on one if you've already purchased it :)
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Good post there ps3ud0, you are right. All this arguing (as I've said earlier) wont help anyone :p

Hi guys, I've been on my hols so a bit out of touch, I saw an article on the "antennagate" and although my iPhone doesn't suffer from signal problems, or not that I have noticed a free Bumper wouldn't be bad thing :D So how do we go about doing this? Cheers

Walk into an Apple store, or you can fill a form in online for it, details to follow in the coming days I would think.
18 Oct 2002
I'll add my 2pence, not that it'll 'swing' anyone into rethinking their thought.

Apple have made a design mistake, but not thats its unique to iPhones but a lot more obvious to the new iPhone 4.

22 days later they hold a press release, please can I have evidence of this being done before of any other maker?


I am a fanboi 100% but I also agree with 'sceptics' that Apple have handled this incorrectly, but have they hid? No.

Are they doing something about it? Yes.

For god's sake get over it, its clearly a design flaw that causes dropped calls but can it be overcome? YES.

You've still got a phone thats above the rest, that outperforms the rest.

Now get your free case, and moan some more while you use the best phone released since sliced cheese.

5 Feb 2009
N. Ireland
not wanting to flame the situation but there are lot of folks saying that this is an 'inherent' iphone flaw. and not an 'inherent' flaw on other smartphones. now by definiton 'inherent' is something that is "Existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute"

surely this is not the case, yes it's a flaw but it only rears its head it certain circumstances, therefore not inherent

only adding this so as to let people know that not every iphone or other smart phone will suffer this flaw at all times. which is what inherent means:p
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
So the claim of software error was utter BS? Because if it is then why woukd they need to give away free bumpers?

If it was a software problem then they coukd fix all phones right now and not have to lose millions by giving away free bumpers.

That's 3million iPhones x £25. It cant have been easy to swallow, even if it cost much less to produce, its not pocket change, not even to Apple.
25 Jul 2006
So the claim of software error was utter BS? Because if it is then why woukd they need to give away free bumpers?

If it was a software problem then they coukd fix all phones right now and not have to lose millions by giving away free bumpers.

That's 3million iPhones x £25. It cant have been easy to swallow, even if it cost much less to produce, its not pocket change, not even to Apple.

They never said it was a software error. The update that was released 4.0.1. was to fix the way it display the signal.


And they're sitting on $40 billion in cash, so it might as well be pocket change to them.
19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand
not wanting to flame the situation but there are lot of folks saying that this is an 'inherent' iphone flaw. and not an 'inherent' flaw on other smartphones. now by definiton 'inherent' is something that is "Existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute"

surely this is not the case, yes it's a flaw but it only rears its head it certain circumstances, therefore not inherent

only adding this so as to let people know that not every iphone or other smart phone will suffer this flaw at all times. which is what inherent means:p

Too add, it is inherent as the antenna issue exists in all iPhone 4 devices. As your definition above states, anything with a permanent attribute is inherent. It is irrelevent whether it occurs in certain situations or not, it is a characteristic of the antenna.

Anyway, my thoughts. I'm dissapointed in Apple but not surprised. I was watching the iPhone 4 with interest but will hold off now and see what they do next. Apple unfortunately marketed the phone WITHOUT the bumper and the look of the phone is diminished by using this bumper. I would not be happy with getting a phone that required a 'case' to make it work effectively in some situations, which we will all find ourselves at some point, which is why I wont be but I will watch for the iPhone 4 (2nd edition) to see if they fix it.

What gets me is that they released the bumper at the same time as the phone... Fix already released before it became apparent?
26 Jan 2006
BlizzardX; said:
Too add, it is inherent as the antenna issue exists in all iPhone 4 devices. As your definition above states, anything with a permanent attribute is inherent. It is irrelevent whether it occurs in certain situations or not, it is a characteristic of the antenna.

Anyway, my thoughts. I'm dissapointed in Apple but not surprised. I was watching the iPhone 4 with interest but will hold off now and see what they do next. Apple unfortunately marketed the phone WITHOUT the bumper and the look of the phone is diminished by using this bumper. I would not be happy with getting a phone that required a 'case' to make it work effectively in some situations, which we will all find ourselves at some point, which is why I wont be but I will watch for the iPhone 4 (2nd edition) to see if they fix it.

What gets me is that they released the bumper at the same time as the phone... Fix already released before it became apparent?

What rubbish, actually buy one, own one, use one. You'll find using it in the normal way brings about no problems what so ever.

Can anyone tell me the exact moment how many bars showing on the display became such a thing for devices?...so long as ther WAS a connection and not saying searching all the time!
15 Nov 2002
So with Apple admitting yesterday that the iPhone 4 has an hardware fault it looks like us consumers have grounds to cancel our 24 month contracts. :)
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