*** The all new iPhone 4 thread - Keep all iPhone 4 stuff in here ***

13 Jan 2003
Played with a mate's iPhone4 yesterday. He's already got an android HTC to replace it as he's only had it one day and it's going back for a refund.

It's got a very hard, cold, metallic feel to it. Very different to the iPhone 3 series. Almost like it's cut from rock as it's very heavy too.

Thing is - it's just an iPhone. There's no additional bonus beyond the 3GS in terms of usability. The screen is sharp and clearer but not as bright as the HTC's OLED. The HTC isn't quite as smooth on the home page as he's got widgets on there. The usability of the android is also dire.. it's like someone has half finished it and way the you use it isn't easy either. The apps have a cheaper feel too.

So I'm not too fussed now in picking up one and I'll wait until the 3GS is on it's last legs. Even next year..

Now.. I have to avoid the returning temptation for an iPad as my '07 MBP battery is dying yet again (could leave it at home)..
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19 Jul 2008
London, UK
Actually, for a lot of people it does bring about some daily problems, just maybe not for you.

Then maybe it's time for those people to get a refund! Less phone clash on the street. :D

Though I do appreciate all those that don't actually own the phone standing up on our behalf and gave us all a piece of their mind on the free "rubber band" or "bits of rubber" solution. Try a bit harder and people will think we're getting bits of blu-tac to stick it on the problematic area! Wouldn't have gotten it without your support though. :cool:
13 Jan 2003
Reading reviews you'll find that iPhone 4's screen brightness is the highest out of all the latest smart phones, especially compared to OLEDs. Maybe what you're seeing is greater contrast on the HTC? or just that the brightness wasn't both on the highest setting.

Sorry - in terms of colour contrast. The OLED screen was simply more vibrant. Perhaps saturation but it did leave the iPhone appearing washed out.

The resolution on the HTC wasn't as good though.
20 Oct 2002
North West
When auto brightness was turned off and brightness on full using my N1 and IP4 - the IP4 seemed better to me.

But yeah...I liked my N1 but it didn't quite cut the mustard when compared to my 3GS.

I mean call quality...throughout the life of my N1 I had quite a few people complain about call quality (didn't happen with my 3GS using the same sim).

Now with my IP4 people have actually asked if I was on a land line...sounds silly but there you go!
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Looks like RIM the manufacturers are not very happy with apple and their attempts to bring BBs into this attenna/reception issue.

Issued a statement saying as much

RIM said:
"Apple's attempt to draw RIM into Apple's self-made debacle is unacceptable. Apple's claims about RIM products appear to be deliberate attempts to distort the public's understanding of an antenna design issue and to deflect attention from Apple's difficult situation. RIM is a global leader in antenna design and has been successfully designing industry-leading wireless data products with efficient and effective radio performance for over 20 years. During that time, RIM has avoided designs like the one Apple used in the iPhone 4 and instead has used innovative designs which reduce the risk for dropped calls, especially in areas of lower coverage. One thing is for certain, RIM's customers don't need to use a case for their BlackBerry smartphone to maintain proper connectivity. Apple clearly made certain design decisions and it should take responsibility for these decisions rather than trying to draw RIM and others into a situation that relates specifically to Apple."

- Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie

Bolded the bit i found amusing:p

Taken from here: http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/17/rim-co-ceos-pull-no-punches-responding-to-apples-antenna-statem/

Even Nokia have weighed in too: http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/16/nokia-we-prioritize-antenna-performance-over-physical-design-i/
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26 Jan 2005
I updated my iPhone4 yesterday. Today, i got off the phone to a mate, and 5 mins later it's literally dead???

Nothing seems to turn it back on, it was at 70% battery. Anyone got any ideas? :(
7 Oct 2004
Looks like RIM the manufacturers are not very happy with apple and their attempts to bring BBs into this attenna/reception issue.

Issued a statement saying as much

Bolded the bit i found amusing:p

Taken from here: http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/17/rim-co-ceos-pull-no-punches-responding-to-apples-antenna-statem/

Even Nokia have weighed in too: http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/16/nokia-we-prioritize-antenna-performance-over-physical-design-i/

Jesus christ Spawn let it go, you like Blackberrys and we like iPhones now bugger off.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Jesus christ Spawn let it go, you like Blackberrys and we like iPhones now bugger off.

Well he was going to buy an iPhone so I wouldn't be too quick to flame him, he does like his BB's though :p

I agree with RIM that Apple have been quite cheap with this. They could also potentially be using doctored results to make other smartphones look bad when they dont have so potent a problem.

To be honest, all the major tech websites, Apple fanboys or not are saying in real world testing, there IS a problem here, more so than with other phone.

There's no denying it really, but unfortuntely the masses may well believe Apple, because they are Apple.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Jesus christ Spawn let it go, you like Blackberrys and we like iPhones now bugger off.

:D yeh i like Blackberries but i also like iphones too...thats why im contemplating as to whether or not i should cancel my apple order for the 32gb version or keep it and wait for its arrival....hmmmm decisions decisions.

Funny how you straight away answered my post lol:p
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Well he was going to buy an iPhone so I wouldn't be too quick to flame him, he does like his BB's though :p

I agree with RIM that Apple have been quite cheap with this. They could also potentially be using doctored results to make other smartphones look bad when they dont have so potent a problem.

To be honest, all the major tech websites, Apple fanboys or not are saying in real world testing, there IS a problem here, more so than with other phone.

There's no denying it really, but unfortuntely the masses may well believe Apple, because they are Apple.

/me cuddles robboftw..:p

Havent cancelled my order with apple...i might wait and see what happens really...but tbh i dont see the reception issue causing me too much headache as im hardly going to be making calls/texts/emails with it...going to use it as a multimedia device ie mp3s, videos and web browsing along with the apps.

Dont worry robbo i only swing one way and thats towards the females:p:D
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
It's the same weight as the previous generations and lighter then say a HTC HD2 or the Evo..

Well today i went in again to my local o2 shop and had another playe with one...and it does feel slightly heavier than my brothers 3gs but i like the shape of it....even though the design has interfered with the attenna but aside from that its a pretty nice looking device.

The screen looks absolutely gorgeous though...everytime i have seen one i still cant get over how bloody sharp it is and i havent even got that great eyesight:p
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