*** The all new iPhone 4 thread - Keep all iPhone 4 stuff in here ***

3 Nov 2008
Apple deserve everything that get over this issue because:

1. They promoted the external antenna as a feature that would magically improve reception.
2.They denied a problem.
3. Jobs acted publically like a douche to customers.
4. They attempt to justify their mistake by saying all phones suffer from it and publically attacking other compaines products (who dont promote their antenna systems as Apple did)
5. They were aware of issues with the antenna yet STILL pushed it as a feature and hoped no one would notice.

A simple admitance of the problem and a shift of focus of the marketing would have saved Apple a lot of the backlash they are now getting. Its nice to see Apples terrible practices come back to bite them now and again.
1 Dec 2004
I hope there sales and share prices drop even more because of this, it might teach them a lesson before selling phones that have KNOWN problems before releasing it for sale.

The Nokia N97 had a string of problems inlcluding signal loss, eventually the phone got pulled from the shelf.

A consumer paying good money for a phone (especially people that payed good money for SIM free phones) should be expected to have a replacement handset of no cost when the batch of fixed handsets hit the shelfs.

I would be at the end of my tether if I was offered a bumper cover as a solution to a handset I payed £400-£500 for.

Ridiculious. I always thought that apple were money grabbing barstuards given the ridiculious prices they stamp on everything, now this

Glad I got my 3GS tbh

And no, not all smart phones suffer from this, it was because we upgraded to iphones in work that we had to pay good money for a signal booster in work, my old smartphone at the time (non apple) had no problems with signal, and was on the same network as everyone else.
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20 Oct 2002
North West
Apple deserve everything that get over this issue because:

1. They promoted the external antenna as a feature that would magically improve reception.
2.They denied a problem.
3. Jobs acted publically like a douche to customers.
4. They attempt to justify their mistake by saying all phones suffer from it and publically attacking other compaines products (who dont promote their antenna systems as Apple did)
5. They were aware of issues with the antenna yet STILL pushed it as a feature and hoped no one would notice.

A simple admitance of the problem and a shift of focus of the marketing would have saved Apple a lot of the backlash they are now getting. Its nice to see Apples terrible practices come back to bite them now and again.

Lots of backlash? Like the queues of people trying to BUY an iphone?

Like the 10s of people in the other thread voting to KEEP their device?

Go away and contrsuct a better post.
1 Dec 2004
Exactly - 90% of people on this (tech) forum want to keep their iPhone 4's and my guess is that out in real world this will be much higher.

Why ?
Because in real usage it doesn't affect calls

Now move along :)

Some of them are not effected, some, but the people who bought the first batch have a problem, I seen it first hand and yes it does effect calls, when you hold it, the signal goes down to no signal, hence the call will drop
18 Oct 2002
Some of them are not effected, some, but the people who bought the first batch have a problem, I seen it first hand and yes it does effect calls, when you hold it, the signal goes down to no signal, hence the call will drop
I ordered mine on the pre-release day from Apple so it's one of the first batches (confirmed by serial number). I can replicate the signal drop but can still maintain calls whilst doing so.

Basically it's the same as any other smart phone.
Go check the Mobile forum here and Youtube; there is loads of evidence of devices from Nokia, HTC, Blackberry and Samsung doing exactly the same.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Exactly - 90% of people on this (tech) forum want to keep their iPhone 4's and my guess is that out in real world this will be much higher.

Why ?
Because in real usage it doesn't affect calls

Now move along :)

Some aren't affected, and it CAN drop calls due to this.

Go check the Mobile forum here and Youtube; there is loads of evidence of devices from Nokia, HTC, Blackberry and Samsung doing exactly the same.

Its not exactly the same, its far less potent.

I'm not going to go through this again time and time again whenever some Apple know-it-all fan comes along and is horrified at this backlash :p

If you don't have a problem, think yourself lucky and enjoy the phone :)
1 Dec 2004
I ordered mine on the pre-release day from Apple so it's one of the first batches (confirmed by serial number). I can replicate the signal drop but can still maintain calls whilst doing so.

Basically it's the same as any other smart phone.
Go check the Mobile forum here and Youtube; there is loads of evidence of devices from Nokia, HTC, Blackberry and Samsung doing exactly the same.

Maybe effected different from device to device, no phone should drop to no signal if being held in the left hand, maybe a few bars but not to none. But as it does, its not good for the reputation even if people are putting up with it. And the fact that apple are trying to get round a huge recall is just stupid. Given the fact that they have a lot of fans paying extortionate prices. And some people willing to let it pass and put up with the problem.
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