*** The all new iPhone 4 thread - Keep all iPhone 4 stuff in here ***

13 Feb 2003
I'm not surprised that other manufacturers have waded in, I didn't think they would take too kindly to Apple trying to demonstrate that their phones have problems to try and cover their own issue.

I think the real problem at heart is that I know a lot of people have said they would be keeping theirs. With me, I've been sitting on the fence to see what was going to happen; now as much as I'd like to replace my 3G, I don't think it's worth it for a phone that's got a design flaw. We all know what Apple are like and if we don't see a sneaky revised version later in the year, chances are they will release a new phone next year with new antenna design.

I can't be alone in thinking this surely?
So that makes me think how many sales Apple has potentially lost now as a result of it.
25 Jul 2006
I'm not surprised that other manufacturers have waded in, I didn't think they would take too kindly to Apple trying to demonstrate that their phones have problems to try and cover their own issue.

I think the real problem at heart is that I know a lot of people have said they would be keeping theirs. With me, I've been sitting on the fence to see what was going to happen; now as much as I'd like to replace my 3G, I don't think it's worth it for a phone that's got a design flaw. We all know what Apple are like and if we don't see a sneaky revised version later in the year, chances are they will release a new phone next year with new antenna design.

I can't be alone in thinking this surely?
So that makes me think how many sales Apple has potentially lost now as a result of it.

Well there's been a new iPhone every year since the start, so we can be pretty confident there's going to be a newer, faster, better version next right on schedule.
22 Feb 2007
Evey call I make I keep putting them on mute, so annoying. My last call was rigning up for a takeaway, they were in such a rush taking the order when I muted it took me a few seconds to realise so they hung up halfway through the order.
4 Feb 2007
Nuneaton, UK
This is weird, since fitting my Griffin Reveal case yesterday my signal is now full with the phone lay flat on my desk, yet before at times I only had 1 bar maybe 3 max. How is this?

Edit: Must be a fluke as without the case I have full signal now. I think so many other things can effect the level of signal, like the weather or passing cars even.
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15 Jul 2010
Apparently Steve Jobs apologized today.

Although it's not his fault it's just reception on smart phones is still not that good. Damn those pesty humans, we need to invent better phones.

^ sarcasm

(by the way, that's what he pretty much said).

Oh and free cases for everyone *THUMBS UP*
18 Oct 2002
Sandwich, Kent
Well, I got my iphone4 a few days ago - upgraded from my 3G for £19, and my contract went down!

At first, I was a bit dissapointed. Its, just an iphone - I couldn't notice much difference, bar the excellent screen and speed.

However now I've had it a few days I'm well impressed. The camera and video recording is fantastic. I've had no problems with calls dropping, and the speed apps run at is so much better.

There are a few niggles with the OS, but I'm sure they'll be fixed soon enough. Thumbs up from me. :)
19 Jul 2008
London, UK
Some of them are not effected, some, but the people who bought the first batch have a problem, I seen it first hand and yes it does effect calls, when you hold it, the signal goes down to no signal, hence the call will drop

What is this "Batch" you're talking about? If you're saying that there are proof of later manufactured stocks which have no attenuation problem you are mistaken. All iPhone 4 have the problem, just depends on how the reception is in your area.

If you don't have a problem, think yourself lucky and enjoy the phone :)
If you have a problem, think yourself unlucky and return the phone. :)

(see what I did there??!)

Not the one I was shown, went from full signal, down down down, then no signal and call dropped, guy at a model shop was showing me his. Hold it in the other hand, no problems

If this is happening after updating to iOS 4.0.1, record a clip of it happening and post it on YouTube. I'm sure Apple will come to your house with testing gears (as they said they did in the press conference) and probably give you a bunch of goodies to keep you quiet. :D
19 Jul 2008
London, UK
My point was that its not the end of the world if you have a bad reception problem with this phone.

Yours was just more of the same nonsense that you've posted throughout this thread.

And yours is just more moaning. Don't see me complaining. :)

edit: and since you've added your point, which was to tell people be happy with your phone if you don't have a problem, and leave us to moan some more in this thread, mine is if you don't like what you got, go get a refund and stop moaning in this thread. Simples. :D

Oh and no need to offend. It's all in good spirit, just as yours were.
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26 Nov 2006
I got mine on Thrs on orange, on my 3GS I have perfect 3G reception everywhere I went, on iphone 4 I sometimes got perfect reception but mostly 2-3 bars. I could replicate the signal drop easily but it never disappeared altogether, I updated to 4.0.1 today and it still happens, not as fast but it still happens all the same, also the best reception I've had is 3 bars, 3GS next to it is on full...
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