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27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)

Looks like a 500Mb cap (spend £45 over for higher cap) and standard 24month contracts :/

Monthly cost         Minutes    Texts   Internet
£25.00 (24 months)   100        100     500 MB
£30.00 (24 months)   300        300     500 MB
£35.00 (24 months)   600        500     500 MB
£40.00 (24 months)   900        500     500 MB
£45.00 (24 months)   1200       500     750 MB
£60.00 (24 months)   Unlimited  500     1 GB

EDIT: By cap I mean FUP...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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31 Dec 2007
its not a cap as confirmed with T-Mobile today its a FUP

in other news my other half put on her sexy voice and managed to buy both of our £40pm blackberry upgrade in Nov contracts out for a total of £170 and get us 2 iPhone 4's for delivery tomoz, im well happy, the CS guy was great he kept on knocking money off the Early upgrade charge YAY!!!!
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Ahh sorry just used that term and didnt bother to check - will edit. Still thats a lot worse than the current WnW t&Cs no? Swear those are like 3GB as a FUP...

ps3ud0 :cool:
4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
Just picked up my iPhone 4 from my local TMob store. Was quite surprised to hear they had them still in stock despite not calling until 10.30am this morning to ask about availability. Went for the £35 per month tariff 600 mins / 500 texts / 500Mb tinternet and £119 up front for the phone itself. When I asked about the 500Mb figure for internet the guy said that was an FUP and there would be no charge for going over that figure. However what would happen is you would be throttled at peak times ( not you, the phone....lol..!!! ). Was disappointed to learn that you cannot apply the "Unlimited Internet" Flexible Booster to the iP4 with TMob. All the other free boosters are available apart from the internet one. :(

Just got home with it all and I'm about to set it all up, but a couple of questions to those who have had their iP4's for a while and came from another iphone.

1. I've backed up all my phone contacts from my old 2G iphone into Outlook 2007 on my laptop via itunes. I take it when I get my 4 up and running I just plug it back into the lappy and transfer the contacts from itunes/Outlook 2007 to the new iP4?.

2. itunes wont throw a wobbly when it realises that the phone it is connected to isn't my old 2G, it's a 4 will it?. By that I mean is there anything I need to do when I connect up my new 4 to my laptop/itunes or will it just recognise my phone as a new one and be happy?.

3. Apps already purchased through the store that are on my 2G. How do I transfer those across to my iphone 4?.

Many thanks in advance for any advice. :)
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7 Mar 2005
Finally got my bumper, actually looks really nice, even if it is a different aesthetic from the steel band, it looks good in a different way :)

Does anyone elses have a small amount of movement/slack in it though? Would prefer if it was a real tight fit.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Just picked up my iPhone 4 from my local TMob store. Was quite surprised to hear they had them still in stock despite not calling until 10.30am this morning to ask about availability. Went for the £35 per month tariff 600 mins / 500 texts / 500Mb tinternet and £119 up front for the phone itself. When I asked about the 500Mb figure for internet the guy said that was an FUP and there would be no charge for going over that figure. However what would happen is you would be throttled at peak times ( not you, the phone....lol..!!! ). Was disappointed to learn that you cannot apply the "Unlimited Internet" Flexible Booster to the iP4 with TMob. All the other free boosters are available apart from the internet one. :(

Just got home with it all and I'm about to set it all up, but a couple of questions to those who have had their iP4's for a while and came from another iphone.

1. I've backed up all my phone contacts from my old 2G iphone into Outlook 2007 on my laptop via itunes. I take it when I get my 4 up and running I just plug it back into the lappy and transfer the contacts from itunes/Outlook 2007 to the new iP4?.

2. itunes wont throw a wobbly when it realises that the phone it is connected to isn't my old 2G, it's a 4 will it?. By that I mean is there anything I need to do when I connect up my new 4 to my laptop/itunes or will it just recognise my phone as a new one and be happy?.

3. Apps already purchased through the store that are on my 2G. How do I transfer those across to my iphone 4?.

Many thanks in advance for any advice. :)

Wow really??...i rung up earlier this week to find out about my upgrade and was told because im a high value customer its an early upgrade ie 3 mths early but they wont offer me the iphone4:(...said my contract runs out on oct24th so after that i can haggle for a better deal and by then i imagine there will be more than enough to go round.

Still waiting on my iphone4 to come from apple...its almost been a month now and im pretty ****ed about it...it shipped on the 24th but it wont be delivered till the 6th august latest...unbelievable that it takes them 2 weeks to deliver from the ship date....
4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
My contract ended on the 31st of June. Been trying to get a Desire out of them for weeks with no luck because of stock levels. Originally wanted an iPhone 4 but because of the doubt over TMob getting them in stock on whatever dates etc I got fed up and decided to just grab the HTC phone. That said, when I heard last night on the TMobile forums that stores were going to have handsets in stock today I changed my mind once again. :p

Word of caution though folks, TMob's store computer system went into meltdown this morning. Someone somewhere has made an error in the way the system handles iPhone 4 purchases/upgrades and it was a hell of a performance to actually walk into the store, go through the steps required and walk back out. Apparently they can't fix the error in the system until it flags up as a "Serious" error or something. So it takes a bit longer to get hold of a 4 because some of the steps have to be done manually. Felt sorry for the guy actually, he was very apologetic because every time he went to the next step in the process it was a case of "Computer says no". :D

We got there eventually though.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
its not a cap as confirmed with T-Mobile today its a FUP

in other news my other half put on her sexy voice and managed to buy both of our £40pm blackberry upgrade in Nov contracts out for a total of £170 and get us 2 iPhone 4's for delivery tomoz, im well happy, the CS guy was great he kept on knocking money off the Early upgrade charge YAY!!!!

Find that hard to believe mate...my contract is up for renewal in Oct and i just spoke to them and they wont even let me buy out my contract in order to get the iphone4...they have offered me an early upgrade now but even then i cant upgrade to the iphone4.

Wont be able to upgrade to the iphone4 till 24th sept at the earliest.
30 Jul 2005
went into see my Genius today about my overheating error.

they plugged it into there macbook and it showed having reached 642 degrees C apparently :p

He gave me a brand new replacement handset :p
4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
Ok, as far as my previous questions go a few posts back, got them all covered now. Contacts, photos etc all transferred across to the iPhone 4 via iTunes from my old 2G handset backup. I updated the iP4 to OS 4.0.1 just now.

One thing though ( and it's probably something silly ) I notice in my iTunes when I plug the iPhone 4 into my laptop, it still shows an iPhone 2G in there?. Doesn't mention anything about my new iPhone 4?. Transfers everything and syncs fine but insists calling the handset a 2G?. :confused:
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
This means that T-Mobile can start doing what Vodafone have started doing at any time then.

I wouldn't trust that, you can still be shafted on a FUP. It may go beyond 'friendly' warnings.

It's just too low. Stupid phone companies.
9 Jul 2006
Ok, as far as my previous questions go a few posts back, got them all covered now. Contacts, photos etc all transferred across to the iPhone 4 via iTunes from my old 2G handset backup. I updated the iP4 to OS 4.0.1 just now.

One thing though ( and it's probably something silly ) I notice in my iTunes when I plug the iPhone 4 into my laptop, it still shows an iPhone 2G in there?. Doesn't mention anything about my new iPhone 4?. Transfers everything and syncs fine but insists calling the handset a 2G?. :confused:

You can just change the name manually , it still says 2g because that's what it was last saved as.
25 Jul 2006
This means that T-Mobile can start doing what Vodafone have started doing at any time then.

I wouldn't trust that, you can still be shafted on a FUP. It may go beyond 'friendly' warnings.

It's just too low. Stupid phone companies.

Not much help if you're already on a contract but GiffGaff offer truly unlimited internet and text messages with their "£10 Goodybag"
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Do you use giffgaff - any ideas what they are like what networks they run on? Assume these plans are pure PAYG or SIM-only rolling contracts?

EDIT: Seems 02 - shame no wifi included otherwise it will be perfect...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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25 Jul 2006
Do you use giffgaff - any ideas what they are like what networks they run on? Assume these plans are pure PAYG or SIM-only rolling contracts?

ps3ud0 :cool:

They use the o2 network and its purely PAYG.

With the £10 Goodybag you don't get any "credit" to use, but you get unlimited internet, unlimited texts and 100 minutes. Which is more than enough for me. You can purchase more expensive Goodybags if you require more minutes or you can top the phone up like a standard PAYG sim if you want credit to use.

Been using them for a couple of weeks now, I was with o2 before. Haven't really noticed the difference except I can leave Last.FM streaming now while walking around without worrying about my bandwidth. :D
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