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18 Oct 2002
All over the world...

ive just read a fe post on various forums about this, and the solution is to keep calling customer service until you get what you want, but dont say that you have tried before. ive read this and it seems to work, give it a shot buddy, whats the worst that can happen

Dont think it will work tbh, they have put notes on my account from what the guy was telling me so it doesnt matter how many times i try...fact is that if your an early upgrade you WILL not get the iphone4 no matter how hard you try.

Anyhow im just waiting for them to send me my final bill so i can pay it off...works out to £113 to end it and as far as they are concerned they just arent interested in keeping me....shame really as ive never had an issue with tmobile before this iphone4....it wouldnt surprise me if they lose a hell of a lot of existing customers due to their sheer incompetence of not trying to keep their customers...first time ive ever had to complain about tmo really in the past 10 yrs ive been with them.

Otherwise i could just hang fire till end of sept then upgrade but dont really fancy waiting that long tbh....it wasnt like i was going to keep the iphone4 from tmo...was planning to sell it soon as i got it as i got my apple sim free iphone4 hopefully coming this week.
12 Mar 2006
N.E England
Ordered my 16GB today, 5 months left on current contract, 3 let me pay just 45 to get out of it and sign for a new one on the 99 handset deal.

Had a good experience with 3 the time I've been with them so don't mind continuing. My E71 is worth around 80-100 aswell!

EDIT : I was paying 21 quid a month on my current..
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
surely if tmobile offer you an early upgrade, you should be allowed to upgrade to hat ever you want.
is there any way to end the contract early ?
if they dont let me have IP4 on the 10th Aug I will be so so annoyed
the muppets on the phone dont help either !

Well you would think so but according to them i can upgrade to any other phone bar the iphone4:confused:..which doesnt make any sense whatsoever...i mean why allow me to upgrade early if thats the case.

Only way you can end the contract early is to pay it off then take out a new contract which they are willing to do but i lose my number in the process and thats something i really dont want to do....too much of a hassle getting in touch with everyone to tell them ive changed numbers.

Is aug 10th your contract end date or an early upgrade??...because if its an early upgrade then i wish you all the best in trying to get the iphone4...funnily enough they did say you can upgrade within a month of your end date for the iphone4...my issue is that im signing up for another 24mths so its not like they are going to lose anything.
30 Nov 2007
10 aug is my early update date.
if i dont get it i will get them to final bill me and i will be off to o2
i think ur right tho spawn, they are going to loose a hell of a lot of customers if they carry on like this.
early upgrade means just that !!

when u say pay off your contract, is that the price you pay for the month x month remaining ? so in my case 35 x 3
3 Nov 2008
Good GOD iphone contracts are a rip off! (more so than normal phone contracts lol)

both 24 month contracts.

HTC Desire : £35 a month, free phone, 1200 mins, Unlimited Texts (flexible booster), 3GB of internet

iPhone 4 : £35 a months, £119 for the phone, 600 mins, Unlimited Texts (flexible booster), 500mb of internet

what the ****ery??!! seriously thats insane.
12 Mar 2006
N.E England
Good GOD iphone contracts are a rip off! (more so than normal phone contracts lol)

both 24 month contracts.

HTC Desire : £35 a month, free phone, 1200 mins, Unlimited Texts (flexible booster), 3GB of internet

iPhone 4 : £30 a months, £99 for the phone, 500 mins, Unlimited Texts, 1GB of internet

what the ****ery??!! seriously thats insane.

You compared a pretty naff iPhone 4 contract there. I've fixed it for you. Obviously the iPhone works out more still but it's the phone everyone wants at the moment.
3 Nov 2008
also you dont get the choice of an internet flexible booster on the ip4 wtf @_*

Its total madness, pros and cons of android vs the iphone aside, these are 2 incredably similar handsets but the contract and prices are so different...im actually speechless...
3 Nov 2008
You compared a pretty naff iPhone 4 contract there. I've fixed it for you. Obviously the iPhone works out more still but it's the phone everyone wants at the moment.

''pretty naff'' as in a commen price point for smartphones on a major uk network? I didnt deliberatly find a bad ip4 contract i just found the equivilent price vs my desire.
25 Oct 2002
Sarf Lahndahn
Popped into the O2 store at Hempstead shopping center, on the offchance that they had any 4's in stock. I've got a 3G on simplicity, and wasn't desperate to upgrade, but the sales guy explained the business tariff- 32Gb for £202 up front, £35 per month including VAT, 800 minutes, unlimited texts, 750Gb data. A 24 month contract, but with a phone upgrade after 12 months (so basically 2 12 monthers).

Seemed like a decent deal, the only "disadvantage" is that I can't keep my number.... (and to be honest that's a positive advantage in my situation). So I went with it.

I can't get fully up and running until I've synced with iTunes on my PC at work, but first impressions are good. The screen is awesome- loading the BBC news default webpage is totally legible at default zoom (on the 3G it's an unreadable mush until you zoom) and the phone is so responsive. I remember my 3G being like that two years ago... maybe Apple slow all the older phones down in software to push us into upgrading!

I do have the antenna issue, but given its construction I'm going to put it in a case anyway. Also the phone is really odd and boxy to hold after the nice curves of the 3G!
3 Nov 2008
desire on 3, £32 a month, iphone is still not £100 better no matter how you cut it.

Free phone
500 minutes (anytime, any network)
5000 texts
1GB internet
5000 Three-to-Three minutes
12 Mar 2006
N.E England
desire on 3, £32 a month, iphone is still not £100 better no matter how you cut it.

Free phone
500 minutes (anytime, any network)
5000 texts
1GB internet
5000 Three-to-Three minutes

Fair game, totally depends on your preferences I guess. 100 isnt a great deal considering how long I will have the phone.
3 Nov 2008
yeah slightly granted. But still the premium is sick.

tbh is more a critique of tMob rather than the iphone4 directly

Fair game, totally depends on your preferences I guess. 100 isnt a great deal considering how long I will have the phone.

yeah over 2 years its not a lot (£4 a month more heh) but it just smacks of charging it because they can and people WILL buy it regardless.
Last edited:
12 Mar 2006
N.E England
yeah slightly granted. But still the premium is sick.

tbh is more a critique of tMob rather than the iphone4 directly

yeah over 2 years its not a lot (£4 a month more heh) but it just smacks of charging it because they can and people WILL buy it regardless.

Aye that's it and yup I'm a sucker for it, I WAS going to get the HTC but just caved in for the novelty of the iPhone as you say 4 pound a month more it's pocket change in the grand scheme and I've wanted and iPhone for years :p
3 Nov 2008
definatly and fair play to apple for producing and marketing a brand that can squeeze that much extra $$ out of consumers.

as a techie it just frustrates me to see money wasted for no good reason. For example id have much rather my mum got an iphone but i couldnt justify the extra cost over a desire to her.
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