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Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
I think I may have found why some peoples battery gets obliterated and other peoples don't.

I'm not exactly sure how Multi-tasking is supposed to work, is it meant to close programs by itself, intelligently?

I found on my phone, more often than not it just leaves everything open in the background. With loads of things open, I lost 11% battery in about 2 hours.

With them all closed, I lost 0% overnight.

Close them all (double tap the button, then hold on an icon and cross them all off).

Anyone know how it's meant to work or if there are any options to control it?
25 Jul 2006
I'm not 100% sure how its suppose to work. I've read one article that says closing the applications on the multi-tasking tab doesn't close the app, but the Ars Technica review says it does.

Either way it shouldn't be consuming any CPU cycles, it basically saves the state in memory and if and when that memory is need for a running application iOS4 will close the app.

Might experiment with what you've said though. I'll close all my apps tonight on full charge and see what happens in the morning. Then have all apps open the next night.
4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
I didn't know that about the multi tasking thing possibly consuming battery life. I've only just got my iPhone 4 so I'm learning about it's little cool features such as multi tasking. Will keep an eye on that, ta.

So - This Airshare, is it any good?. Read some conflicting reviews on it. What I'd like to be able to do is connect to my PC ( Vista ) over my wifi network and be able to transfer files, photos, docs etc between them. Airshare the very thing for that or is there something better?.
19 Oct 2002
a dark place
my first 4g had a dodgy battery but i did find the battery drained much quicker if apps were on in the background. the new one ive not noticed it draining anything
4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
Also, a quick question guys. When I'm at home I have wifi turned on in my settings and access the appstore, internet etc via my router. However, sometimes when accessing something online that wee symbol that is like a rotating circle of lines going round and round appears. That's not the phone accessing the web etc via T Mobile is it?. I understood that when wifi was switched on and connected that the phone accessed the web and appstore via that without you having to do/change any other setting anywhere, is that correct?.

Just don't want to be eating into my monthly data allowance when I'm at home with a perfectly good wireless network around me. :cool:
16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
That symbol appears whenever there is data being transferred. If you're on wifi then you'll have the wifi indicator and not a 3G/E/o symbol. When you're on wifi you don't use any of your data allowance.
31 Dec 2007
Also, a quick question guys. When I'm at home I have wifi turned on in my settings and access the appstore, internet etc via my router. However, sometimes when accessing something online that wee symbol that is like a rotating circle of lines going round and round appears. That's not the phone accessing the web etc via T Mobile is it?. I understood that when wifi was switched on and connected that the phone accessed the web and appstore via that without you having to do/change any other setting anywhere, is that correct?.

Just don't want to be eating into my monthly data allowance when I'm at home with a perfectly good wireless network around me. :cool:

no its not just means its downloading something, ive only used about 15mb so far as been at home on wifi lol, plus t-mob dont charge you for going over they just throttle you and send you a warning
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12 Oct 2005
left abit no your other l
Only thing i would want from JB is free tether

i pay for my apps

and the wifi sync thing looks cool

but people are saying it breaks facetime and mms and wireless data so i will go to bed and read all about it tomorrow
12 Mar 2006
N.E England
I wouldnt compare it to other previous phones - Ive used smartphones for 5+years and found it hard to fill a SD card let alone a SDHC - now my 32Gb phone is nearly full, just like its predecessor...

Im also far more picky on what I install on it now so its definitely media rather than apps filling it all up...

ps3ud0 :cool:

I just can't see me filling it, I mean most of the music I listen to is in a folder around 5GB, thats my most frequently listened stuff. I doubt I'll fill it with much video stuff. I can stream a lot of it

apps I'll need what about a gig or so?

I just can't justify the extra. I hope I don't regret it but I don't think I'll be stumping up the extra.
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