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30 Nov 2007
TMobile early upgrade update

Just got off the phone with English CS and English Save Team at TMobile.
They are in NO way able to offer existing TMobile customers the IP4 until 1 month before the end of the contract.
The guy in the Save Team said that TMobile are more than happy to let exixting costomers leave early ( pay remaining line rental - 4% ) and the way he was speaking gave me the impression they would gain more new customers offering IP4 to replace existing customers leaving ! CRAZY !!!
He said that to offer me an IP4 3 month before the end of my contract would put my account in the minus, yet to offer it me a month before the end would be ok.
The logic behind this baffles me, i pay £30 a month line rental, but my monthly bill is about £45. So they are letting me leave early, pay 3 x £30 - 4% as apose to letting me have what they are offering all new customers and me paying £15 more than my line rental is a month !
So after 9 years of being with TMobile, come next tuesday im leaving.
Terrible Terrible way to treat yor existing customers TMobile !!
31 Dec 2007
That's shocking I've upgraded early on t-mobile cost me £170 early upgrade fee for two lines on Friday two iPhones delivered on Saturday no probs what so ever the cs guy was so helpful and even knocked money off the fee as it was £280 originally. Either he wasn't supposed to give us a deal or they changed their policy
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
That's shocking I've upgraded early on t-mobile cost me £170 early upgrade fee for two lines on Friday two iPhones delivered on Saturday no probs what so ever the cs guy was so helpful and even knocked money off the fee as it was £280 originally. Either he wasn't supposed to give us a deal or they changed their policy

And probably got sacked for doing such a deal as no matter who i have spoken to at Tmobile they wont even budge an inch...i spend at £100 per month on my line thats meant to be upgraded but yet through their utter stupidity they will let me leave just like that.

Havent decided what im going to do at the moment as i should have my iphone4 from apple by tommorrow...checked the delivery status and its with UPS, meant to be delivered tommorrow so ill probably just hang on till sept then see how much they offer me when i say i want to leave.
12 Oct 2005
left abit no your other l
Its a restore and then a rested to factor settings not just a restore

and i am doing mine now i loved my iPhone 4 jail broke it and it felt buggy and started to crash.

there are only one or two things i think missing from the iphone 4 i am happy not to jail break at the moment.

That said if there was a good free wifi tether app and a way to facetime over 3g for free i will then think about jail breaking again
7 Mar 2005
I've had the bumper since late last week now. I have to say, I'm really pleased with it. I would've been disappointed for 25 quid but I'm finding it a much easier device to handle with the bumper on, particularly for gaming. Just makes the iPhone feel that little more robust. It obviously has a different aesthetic, but not a bad one by any means.
4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
How many of you guys use a screen protector?. I have one unused here but haven't fitted it yet. Just wondering if it has any effect on the touch screen controls in any way, as in does it reduce the effectiveness?. Had one on my old 2G and it felt like it did reduce feel on the screen so I removed it. I'm extremely careful with my phones and my iP4 lives in a protective "sock" type case when its not being used so chances of getting scratched are minimal anyway. Just after some thoughts really. :cool:
26 Jan 2006
I treat mine like kack and my ip4 has nothing to show it just out of the box, the glass on the back was a great idea, if ya have any commen sense I wouldn't worry about it.
31 Dec 2007
How many of you guys use a screen protector?. I have one unused here but haven't fitted it yet. Just wondering if it has any effect on the touch screen controls in any way, as in does it reduce the effectiveness?. Had one on my old 2G and it felt like it did reduce feel on the screen so I removed it. I'm extremely careful with my phones and my iP4 lives in a protective "sock" type case when its not being used so chances of getting scratched are minimal anyway. Just after some thoughts really. :cool:

mine has zagg invisible shield on it and its great, was a pain to apply but you barely notice its there and it doesnt effect the touch screen, its worth buying an expensive one imo
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Yayyy finally should have my iphone4 tommorrow..just rung up UPS who are delivering it and was told that it will be with me by tommorrow...been a long wait, tommorrow will be a month since i ordered the phone lol...just still mystified as to why its taken them this long as it was shipped on the 24th of july but yet had to wait a week before its delivered:rolleyes:.

Knowing my luck it will end up being faulty lol..
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