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Just ask to speak to someone higher - sounds like youve been fobbed off more than anything. Just dont expect them to make it particularly easy to cancel a contract though...

ps3ud0 :cool:
yeah but not a great deal, what they are telling you is **** they are trying to make you think like them and make you keep the phone, dont stand for it. tell them you want to cancel within your 14 day period, if they mention the data used and mins give them your card details and get them to bill you. but what ever you do dont give in if you want away from 3
shop or online did you get it ?
yeah but not a great deal, what they are telling you is **** they are trying to make you think like them and make you keep the phone, dont stand for it. tell them you want to cancel within your 14 day period, if they mention the data used and mins give them your card details and get them to bill you. but what ever you do dont give in if you want away from 3
shop or online did you get it ?

online, thats the problem do you think its worth going into a store and try cancelling it
If everything works apart from app installs, surely the handset must have a fault somewhere?. Rather than cancel, if you are happy enough with the deal you got from Three can they not just exchange the phone for one that will install apps?. Apps are a fundamental part of iPhone ownership, hell - the Appstore and being able to try different apps is one of the major "plus points" of having an iPhone. I'd be stood in the 3 store you got the phone from and refusing to budge until a replacement handset had been sorted out. ;)
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its on all 3 iphones draeger

Really?. I had no idea!!. :eek:

In that case then surely the phone isn't fit for the purpose it was sold for?. Ok, scratch standing in the 3 store refusing to budge till a replacement is given. I'd defo be cancelling that. And to think if T Mobile had not got their collective fingers out on the 30th of last month I was actually about to sign up with a 3 contract for the iP4. ;)
I gave my g/f my old 3G (unlocked via o2 so she can use her 3 SIM) and she has the app store issue, so it's definitely not an iPhone4 specific issue.
Noticed today that even with my official apple bumper I can still kill my signal with the "death grip", I thought the bumper was meant to prevent this since I'm not making contact with the antenna?
stops the signal dying, on mine with the bumper when i hold it in the grip of death way i lose 1 bar, when my brother or sis hold it its always max signal nothing drops. no idea why that is
I just have a normal rubber case and I don't get the signal dying issue, I recall reading lots of people on orange noticed the signal problem more can't say I noticed it on T Mobile.
Yeah my work pays for my sim and they just switched to orange from o2 and altho the area in which I continue to get 3G when I leave aberdeen is much better, once I'm out of it even my basic phone signal is awful just a couple of bars whereas always had a solid 5 with o2.
its on all 3 iphones draeger
i had same issue so i cancelled yesterday and went to o2

I experienced a similar issue where you would get a white screen with a bit of source code on it. If you came out and went back in it would usually solve it. Looked like a problem with the app store, not the carrier to me. Not exactly a massive problem.

My phone is fine on 3 despite my internal speaker issue which apple gave me a replacement handset for on Saturday.
Actually from reading on the apple forums this does seem to be an issue with three as you say. It is intermitent though so wonder what could be the cause here.
Actually from reading on the apple forums this does seem to be an issue with three as you say..

yeah i know, that why i said it was a 3 issue and not any other carrier, and that other 3 users on here have this issue.
goodness knows what is causing it, just glad im no longer with 3
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