Sounds like they are trying to do something clever with 3G and the App Store - more likely to attempt to reduce the bandwidth the App Store usually can suck on 3G...yeah i know, that why i said it was a 3 issue and not any other carrier, and that other 3 users on here have this issue.
goodness knows what is causing it, just glad im no longer with 3
I went to the three store and i had no luck there, they gave me an address to write a complaint. Man this is so stressful I rang some consumer product helpline and they say that I haven't got the right to cancel the contract. After an hour on the phone to three and speaking to about 4 different people all they told me is wait till they fix the problem and they gave me £10 off this months bill
Just go down the not working as described route.
iphone 3G/16 owner here.
Not sure if this info has been posted before, but here goes, FWIW.
Had a marketing call from O2 today. I had registered my interest in the iphone 4 and the early termination offer, but could never get sufficiently excited to want to queue to try and get hold of one.
Anyway they have offered me the same early termination deal as before, £20 a month and the same prices as per the web site, but they are quoting 21 days delivery for the phone. If I go for the deal (I have until Friday to think about it) they want the termination money up front, (bit of a cheeek when they haven't actually got a handset), then the charge for the handset will be charged to my account with the next months payment.
So it's decision time! What is my unlocked 3G worth now? Hmmmmmm!
Guys on Thee, out of interest, what apps cant you install?
I just installed few apps, via 3G and had no problems.
he shouldnt even have to do that, go down the 3 are a load of **** , now refund me and end my contract coz im within the 14days route
i actually gave 3 reasons when i took mine back on saturday
app store issue
can speak with customer services due to language breakdown
dropping service
no questions asked full refund, and that was the 2nd IP4 from 3 i had within 2 days !!, 1st was faulty
Well, take Orange for example. They do not offer a 14 or even 7 days contract returns policy.
3 may not do either and you may have been somewhat lucky.
He should be able to get it sorted out though![]()
Noway, that's really bad. Are all the other networks ok?