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ok this may sound like a daft question but
is there any way of telling if ive got a protective sheild on my screen and back?
i know ive put one on about 2 weeks ago that come with my case, ive just took the phone out of my case and i cant for the life of me see any sign of the screen protector.
either ive put it on and its dissolved ??? or i just dont know...i definatley 100% sure i put one on the front and back tho
Sorry for double post, but my INCASE SNAP CASE just came for my iPhone 4 from Apple, seems decent - protects the back fully and the sides, top and bottom exposed (but corners protected, so can be stood on something and the band won't touch the surface and comes with a nice little stand :p
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Sorry for double post, but my INCASE SNAP CASE just came for my iPhone 4 from Apple, seems decent - protects the back fully and the sides, top and bottom exposed (but corners protected, so can be stood on something and the band won't touch the surface and comes with a nice little stand :p

Exactly this :D

Also, I can use the 'knock off' dock that I picked up without having to take the case off.

Result :)
Well after a couple of weeks of upgrading from my boggo 3G I have to say I'm super impressed.

It's so much quicker, the screen is fabulous, and the battery life is excellent.

This is the iphone that it should have been.

I don't have any signal issues with calls, but I've ordered myself the free case (why not it's free?!). I feel the keyboard is more accurate than the 3G, and it's nice to have 16gb too. Uploaded some movies onto it and it looks marvellous.

Internet speeds seems faster - but that's probably because safari is now performing better.

I love the multi tasking ability - still getting used to it, always forget to do it instead of hunting for the app!

The voice control is a bit tempermental but I don't see myself using it anyway.

Little features like locking the rotation of the display is a nice touch. Not bothered about facetime, but still cool to have the option there - haven't checked whether or not skype works with the camera...

Compared to the 3G this is a different phone altogether. The thing is, I've got so used to the interface now, that going to another phone would be very difficult for me - though I do like my work's blackberry for typing emails on - a nice tactile keyboard is still superior IMO.

I haven't got lots of apps, but all the ones I have work well.

Very happy with it.

Don't really know if I want/need any apps - the problem is there are so many. I've survived for 2 years without lots of them, but now the phone is a bit more capable I should look into them a little more.
Just got my new Incipio feather case (in matt black), for my iPhone 4. I think its the best case you can get for the iPhone 4 just as it was for the 3G/3Gs. Both sides have screen protectors, and now feel my iPhone is well protected. Still have a leather and suede pouch. But only the suede will fit now.
Only concern is the front corners are not as protecting as the 3Gs case version. As it clips onto the metal band. Some may prefer that as it does not get in the way as much.

Having dropped my 3GS a couple of times with feather case on to a concrete surface a couple of times with zero damage to phone - I recommend these cases. Check them out! Also they come in bright colours.

That looks very similar to the Incase Snap Case, only difference I can see from the images is that the plastic is moulded into separate sections for the side buttons and there is no branding on the entire case.

Oh, and the Incase Snap case is slightly opaque on the back. Other than that, looks pretty much the same.
ok this may sound like a daft question but
is there any way of telling if ive got a protective sheild on my screen and back?
i know ive put one on about 2 weeks ago that come with my case, ive just took the phone out of my case and i cant for the life of me see any sign of the screen protector.
either ive put it on and its dissolved ??? or i just dont know...i definatley 100% sure i put one on the front and back tho

LOL screen protectors wont dissolve into thin air:p

If you have put one on then you will definitely see it if you hold it at certain angles...plus a sure fire way of finding out if there is a screen protector is take your finger nail and scratch the corner...if there is one you will feel some sort of resistance along with the screen protector coming away from the screen.
Well, I finally got my SIM free iPhone4 (took 3 weeks!) and the phone is pretty good yadda yadda but the best thing for me, surprisingly, was the backup and restore from my old iPhone. Short of a disk image I've never known a backup to go so smoothly, completely and quickly.

Well, I finally got my SIM free iPhone4 (took 3 weeks!) and the phone is pretty good yadda yadda but the best thing for me, surprisingly, was the backup and restore from my old iPhone. Short of a disk image I've never known a backup to go so smoothly, completely and quickly.


Yep, I totally agree.

I had to unfortunate task of upgrading 2 company directors iPhone 3Gs to iPhone 4. Everything went smoothly and it was over in less then 10 minutes for both phone.

If everything in life was this simple.
Well, I finally got my SIM free iPhone4 (took 3 weeks!) and the phone is pretty good yadda yadda but the best thing for me, surprisingly, was the backup and restore from my old iPhone. Short of a disk image I've never known a backup to go so smoothly, completely and quickly.

100% agreed - as this is my second iPhone - just that process has pretty guaranteed me staying with the iPhone. I would be interested to hear if other phones had the exact same ability.

Looking at some of my posts here, its fair to stay I really cba to tinker with stuff anymore and setting up a device is never high up on my priorities (hell I had my 3GS for a week before I could bothered to switch it on and activate it)...

ps3ud0 :cool:
yeah when i said dissolve i was joking you know
thing is tho, i definatly remember putting one on, looking at it and thinking what a good job i made, strange ?
yeah when i said dissolve i was joking you know
thing is tho, i definatly remember putting one on, looking at it and thinking what a good job i made, strange ?

Are you seriously telling me you are incapable of finding out whether your iPhone 4 has any protective shields on or not?


as crazy as it sounds, yes
only because i am 100% sure i put one on front and back, yet there is no visable evidence of them being there
Well, I finally got my SIM free iPhone4 (took 3 weeks!) and the phone is pretty good yadda yadda but the best thing for me, surprisingly, was the backup and restore from my old iPhone. Short of a disk image I've never known a backup to go so smoothly, completely and quickly.


Agreed. Most impressive.
I don't suppose anyone would know if any of the London stores have them in stock? I shall ring round them tomorrow but I'm not hopeful. Waiting till mid September for one to be delivered is a pain.
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