*** The all new iPhone 4 thread - Keep all iPhone 4 stuff in here ***

I have forgot which case I went for now, did pick one up from ebay to help protect phone for now wonder if i can find out which i went for lol.
my free bumper came today, cant believe they were charging £25 for it, anyway im not sure I like it, think i prefer the naked and use an ipod sock
Does anyone like me constantly have to reboot their 4 in order to be able search the web, refresh facebook use certain online apps? I'm having to do it most days now and it's really annoying. My 3GS would go weeks without a reboot but with the 4 it's like the phone loses signl even though it has full bars.

faulty unit, my first one had this prob as well as the battery running dry in a few hours. call apple and insist on it getting replaced
It's getting to be a joke now. I went through three 3GS' and each time I had to buy new protectors.

I think this will be my last iPhone

It would be the same no matter what phone you had. None of my nokia/motorola/sony ericson screen protectors were replaced. Phone companies simply dont do it from what I've seen.
pull it off stick on either a mug you wont use or mirror etc, then give it a good rinse and let it dry and use the zagg fluid to stick back on
Once you've activated the phone can you just swap between different phone companies sims? I am on T-Mobile contract till end of the year and am thinking of switching network.
Once you've activated the phone can you just swap between different phone companies sims? I am on T-Mobile contract till end of the year and am thinking of switching network.

As your buying from apple direct, it wont be locked to a network, so yes. You will obv. need a micro sim or cut down your existing
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