***The All New OCUK Anonymous Confession Thread!***

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And in a rather weird turn of events, I've had an email from one of the crossdressers suggesting as swap of contact details. If you both wish to proceed, send me an email from your normal email address and I'll swap email addys...

Fantastic! :D Hahahahaha
2:When I was a lot younger I was scared of going downstairs at night to use the bathroom as it was a scary house so I would pee behind the headboard against the wall. Nothing like peeing on the wall next to you then going back to sleep inhaling the warm pee-fumes..... :|

Ewww, that's pretty horrible.
This thread is absolutely wonderful. It is amazing how many things here I can relate to. Not necessarily practiced, but possibly thought of. I mean, seriously, everyone surely has a hot cousin somewhere.
This thread is absolutely wonderful. It is amazing how many things here I can relate to. Not necessarily practiced, but possibly thought of. I mean, seriously, everyone surely has a hot cousin somewhere.

Mine are all ugly skanks... Majority of which are now either up the duff, or have 1 or 2 kids... usually by different fathers.

I'd always wished for a hot cousin though hahah.
These get more disturbing every day. I'd like to think that most are made up but I'm quite worried there are strange enough people here.
My dad was cremated a few years back. When in possession of his urn curiosity got the better of me and I had a little taste.
It didn't taste as nice as I thought it might.

I literally was eating a piece of pizza as i read this and damn near almost threw up.
Every week for 4months straight i had a female friend stop over,we would go at it for ages and then both sleep until the morning,what she didnt know was that when she fell asleep i would get the condom out of the bin and smear the contents onto her face and clothes :( Never said this before until now :)
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