Not too impressed with this:
Can someone explain this 'restore' process to me as a few people seem to be having luck with that?
I'm not sure they do - if you look around - most people indicate about the same numbers you have in your pics - half your battery drain at half your usage. And this seems to be the key - not the stand by times, but the usage - whenever something is using the phone, whether in sleep mode or with screen on, it seems to be draining battery like crazy. Most pictures have one thing in common - lower 10 percentile with around 4 hours plus usage, regardless of how long the phone slept.
Once woken, the phone just doesn't seem to be returning to this deep idle sleep again racking up Usage figures. I've tried it yesterday and I recon it drains about the same amount of battery per 10 minutes whether you are using it to browse, read newsstand or to play Angry Birds. And that's clearly not right. Also, the lower battery goes, the more bugs I encounter, below 50% voice in Brothers of Arms 2 starts cutting off if there are two sound effects in the same time (maybe just buggy game), below 30% newsstand and maps in satellite overlay mode starts occasionally crashing and exiting when the phone attempts to sharpen the "next page" or map tiles, below 10% it stops sharpening images of the pages at all - you are just left with blury mess, until you zoom in.
Apparently people with 4's upgraded to IOS5 report the same battery drain and some say this drain wasn't present in betas of IOS5. So there is still hope.
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