I think you'l find you and others were instead bringing the typical 'LOL NOT BEST SPEC!' answer to the table, instantly ending any hope of a constructive debate about the new features (camera, video, assistant etc).
Camera, same spec as older products and the same for the video. Assistant, could be good, not my cup of tea, maybe if it's better than other solutions...
Back to page 1 methinks, and the crux of my argument, which some have been able to nicely debate. I've just put the whole thing together as dull in my mind, some might really look forward to the new features, I'm not so convinced. The best spec might be valid to some, the whole package doesn't excite me at all. I went along and took a look at the previous iPhones at the first chance, this one doesn't excite me the same. I also looked at the iPad and iPad 2, nice spec and package, but not for me and my family. That's my opinion. Yes we're in the Apple section, but even so, I'm not going to come out and say i'm going to buy this when as a product, in the whole, it just doesn't excite me much. I fully realise that things have slowed down in some respects in the mobile market, and are consolidating into less platforms with more market share, but the hardware appears to be steaming ahead, something that you must realise is not with this product. Perhaps they don't need to, perhaps Apple have done just enough to keep them doing ok this cycle, but I seriously doubt it and believe they're a tad conservative. As I pointed out, if this release was back in june I wouldn't being saying half as much on this subject...