£380,LMAO. £360 is bad enough!!
The RX5700 and RX5700XT are overpriced just like almost all the Turing cards. The RX5700 is going to be at least £60 more than an RTX2060,or more like £80 more if we have 1:1 pricing,and the RX5070XT is literally the same price as the overpriced RTX2070,which pushed up the price of the 70 series cards to new highs. $449 will equate to £425 to £450 over here.
Both companies can clear off at that pricing IMHO. We need another competitor as this is becoming a cartel now.
In late 2018,you could get a GTX1080 for as low as £430 to £450,and V64 at launch for £450. This new "gen" is just an excuse in making overpriced card pricing even more mainstream. Best thing is not buy any of them at current pricing otherwise people are justifying what Nvidia did,just because AMD matched it and are "the good guys". Anyone buying a £400+ RX5700XT or RTX2070 has literally validated Nvidia making a product like a RTX2070 at that kind of price. Soon,people shouldn't moan if the RTX3070 and RX6700XT are £500+ cards next year.
What is the RX480 competitor going to be,if the RTX2060 competitor costs £60 to £80 more and is only 10% faster,a card which is GTX1660TI speed for more money?? This is destroying mainsteam gaming now.
That is what AMD said only in 2016,and these metrics were true of last year,looking at what market research companies also said.
So people might as well get a Vega56 now at this rate.
Bottom line is that Nvidia and the very first Titan card, started this whole high pricing fiasco. They pushed out a £1k gpu to see if anyone would bite and the fan boys came flocking to show off their e-peen by having "the best/most expensive" card available. Nvidia seen that they were selling at this price and lo and behold, we're here today with stupid pricing. If nobody had bought the original titan at that price, then today we wouldn't have high prices.
If those with more money than sense would turn 1 dial on the visuals, down 1 notch to get a solid 60fps instead of hitting the "ultra" settings button, then we wouldn't be here again. This "must have max visuals settings enabled to game on" mentality need to stop. The difference from Ultra and High settings is barely noticeable anyway. Yet these GPU manufacturers are playing on the need for fan boys to swing their epeen, to sell at high prices.