The Apprentice 2018 (Series 14) - 3rd October

looks bad when watching in HD. Most of the Girls look like they've applied their makeup on with a roller, then put several coats on.
Watched first episode last night, usual bunch of clowns with the odd one or two decent folks thrown in.

Now, did anyone else notice they were all wearing exactly the same clothes in the introductions as they were in the firing meetings?

Gut tells me, they went away, did the first task, then came back and filmed the intro and firing sessions back to back.
Is Kurran a robot?

The way he was sitting on the sofa before going back into the board and how he stood up was beyond weird.

And he's a ******* too which is good .
Here he is in glorious gif.

It's like when they asked him to put more actions into the virtual reality film and he just stood there motionless and did a weird little wobble at the end. I think like a lot of candidates these days he just has a severe case of "think they're more important than they really are" syndrome. In his mind he's probably a Saudi prince.

It's quite funny that the womens leader didn't know who Kin Jong Un is as well what with all of the news involving him over the past year or two.
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Looks like it's going to be another rubbish season. Really went downhill from last year when you couldn't tell whether the candidates were on the apprentice or towie.
Not feeling this season, it's gone from people actually trying to which team can mess it up the least.

Not one likeable person so far.
Just watched last weeks on the iPlayer, thought Frank was gone as well, he deserved to along with Kurran who can't act for toffee!

It's quite funny that the womens leader didn't know who Kin Jong Un is as well what with all of the news involving him over the past year or two.

Sums up the quality of the contestants if you ask me!

Finding Camilla rather easy on the eye. ;)
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looks bad when watching in HD. Most of the Girls look like they've applied their makeup on with a roller, then put several coats on.
Bearing in mind they're all still in their PJs when the phone goes and says the 'cars are picking you up in 20 minutes' thing, it must take the women at least that long to get made-up, let alone dressed ... 20 minutes my arse!

Here he is in glorious gif.

PMSL, that's epic - think I must have been making a brew at that point as I don't remember that :D
Bearing in mind they're all still in their PJs when the phone goes and says the 'cars are picking you up in 20 minutes' thing, it must take the women at least that long to get made-up, let alone dressed ... 20 minutes my arse!

PMSL, that's epic - think I must have been making a brew at that point as I don't remember that :D

A very minor point but it bug me nonetheless. Why the facade? Any normal person knows it's going to take longer than that - the token joker candidate from last season (the one who said "give me a laptop and I will make you £1bn") even said they have a lot longer than that.
Definitely. I'd struggle to get up, showered and ready in 20 minutes assuming there was no queue for the bathroom.

The thought that they haven't showered and just done their hair makes me :(
I guess most of them have never baked anything, a cake?, let alone handled dough, and just buy prepared food stuffs, know how to operate a microwave, and, watch bake-off.

What is the deal with the curated voice of Sabrina, this non-commital voice, don't they listen to how they sound.
Yeah to be honest I doubt you could chuck me in with half a dozen random people I've barely met and have us make vast profits from a venture we've never tried before. You've got literally no learning curve, because it is all done in a day, there is no scaling up or learning from your mistakes like a normal catering business might have (and typically a catering business would be started by someone with an interest/passion/experience in food, I'd imagine). If you got a couple of days to practice manufacturing beforehand, sure, but out of all the tasks I think this would be one of those I'd struggle the most with.

I thought the task was arguably won and lost on the commercial section, winning team got £200 more revenue and the losing team was left with bespoke stock that didn't have much generic resale value.

My feelings thusfar is that Jackie has high potential, she came across as a bit manipulative / whiny in week 1, but I get the impression she has reasonable intellect and is not completely naive. I could see her having a reasonable business plan and fighting her corner in the interviews, if she gets that far.
There's a serious lack of common sense. Even taking into account that the candidates are put into an unfamiliar scenario, in a task like that you only need to turn out a palatable product that looks halfway professional to retain the agreed contracts and to sell - doughnuts are as easy a sale as you can make (*who pays £5 for a doughnut though). The former should have been nailed down in the product selection (nothing wrong with chilli chocolate, it's tried and tested, but chilli sauce lathered on top?!) and then refined with basic taste-testing during the first batch of six.

Naturally the show is edited to highlight moments of idiocy, but there were some corkers - i.e. the teabag on top of the doughnut :eek:

The bespoke doughnuts were a major error. If you can't deliver something, don't agree it.

I'd agree with your views on Jackie @HangTime. Week one was prime for a double-sacking, but her chutzpah in getting the large order for the comics last week moved her up in my estimation. I wouldn't be surprised if she has a reasonable business plan.
I didn't catch it but did any of these geniuses come up with the idea to cut those huge figure 8 donuts that the client didn't want in half and double their inventory to sell to the public? or is that just expecting too much from them?

I was going to say prior to yesterdays episode that the black guy looks a cut above the rest, it's pretty obvious with how stupid the rest are.
Whilst I am a fan of Jasmine staying for a while ;) - how on earth could she think a sriracha donut is a good idea!?

And consistently inconsistent :p?
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