The Banter Thread

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Didn't he say he'd grown up this week or something?

Yes and I think some City guys here have been saying the same, Balotelli's crazyness is past him, now he'll be great, etc, etc.

Its as daft as those saying Rooney has grown up because the last incident was X months ago, but another one always happens. Same as Barton, he hasn't done anything mental in ages, except that punch last year and the other twelve things.

When Balotelli hasn't done something insane in 3 years, he'll have grown up.

This though is a funny story, getting loads of parking tickets, taking a kid who was being bullied to school to help sort it out, giving money away, thats not really "football" stuff. Daft stuff in/around training and on the pitch during games are issues though, they are hardly holding him back though. Doing daft stuff like setting your house on fire, its not brilliant, but its not arson, he's acting like a big kid, not acting like a criminal.

Ipad while on the bench, seriously, who the hell cares?
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Balotelli has grown up on the pitch which is what is important i think.
I couldn't care less what he does off the pitch.

He does far less complaining, rash tackles, standing around and many more things he did. This season he has been scoring goals, tracking back, not having a strop when he gets tackled. He still has been doing things off the field but its not harming him or the team.
Balotelli has grown up on the pitch which is what is important i think.
I couldn't care less what he does off the pitch.

He does far less complaining, rash tackles, standing around and many more things he did. This season he has been scoring goals, tracking back, not having a strop when he gets tackled. He still has been doing things off the field but its not harming him or the team.

You see him screaming at fans and fighting with Yaya against Villa which isn't really a grown up approach.

I like the bloke despite him being a bit of a breast, keeps me laughing at least :D
You see him screaming at fans and fighting with Yaya against Villa which isn't really a grown up approach.

I like the bloke despite him being a bit of a breast, keeps me laughing at least :D
Screaming at fans?

You must mean the "shush" finger and the stare down?

Fighting with Yaya? It was hardly fighting.
It is well known that they are friends, this kind of thing happens all the time in training. Little slaps, tackles, fish left in car etc.

He had a right to be angry when Yaya didnt play the pass when it was perfect for him to do so and when he ran his foot across his back that was just a bit of "banter" as in haha you cant even score that IIRC it was after Yaya missed?
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Probably that he went to John Lewis to get cleaning supplies for his cleaner and came back with a trampoline or something. But at this stage these stories are obviously being made up
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