The Boys (Amazon Prime)

Homelander is clearly taking inspiration from Trump. The way he dealt with the female interviewer, even called her a nasty women, a line from Trump's own mouth.

Victoria Newman is surely AOC inspired.
They're probably more inspired by those people than they are the comic book characters at this point.

And the guy playing Homelander is doing a brilliant job of that character. Probably the best part of the show.
Homelander is clearly taking inspiration from Trump. The way he dealt with the female interviewer, even called her a nasty women, a line from Trump's own mouth.

Victoria Newman is surely AOC inspired.
Considering Kripke has a massive case of tds (would probably fit right in with then folks in SC here) there will be parallels with trump, I believe he still has largely the same characteristics as the comic version though.
So much going on in that episode. Loved Ashley finally answering back to one of the heroes.

I agree, Starlight needs to do something useful, than keep moaning about Butcher and Hughie actually doing something to take Homelander down.
Oh god how I hate Homelander.....I just want to wrap my fist around his untouchable massive chin everytime he is on screen :)

I do wonder if the actor is acting or really acting or is a such a ***** ****** as well :)
Seriously? He's an actor. Do you think Jack Gleeson is a bit of a **** as well?
He is excellent in "Banshee" too.

So much so, I watched Banshee after I'd seen The Boys S1 and S2 and couldn't believe how different he was :eek:

I watched all 4 season of Banshee back when it was first broadcast and it took me a couple of episodes of The Boys to make the connection. Brilliantly acted.
Considering Kripke has a massive case of tds (would probably fit right in with then folks in SC here) there will be parallels with trump, I believe he still has largely the same characteristics as the comic version though.

Well they are both massive narcissists who believe (in Homelanders case its true) they have absolute authority to do as they please. That line to the interviewer in the latest episode is what Trump said to Hilary in one of their debates.
Loved the episode, but jeez if we keep showing Butcher family members and having flashbacks he's gonna rival Daphne's family in Fraiser for how many different accents the same family can have.
Seeing more of Butcher's backstory was good with the exception of the mishmash of accents. Antony Star is really selling Homelander the last 2 episodes, the love for milk is still there.

Did not expect a Mollusk threesome attempt to be shown :cry: Deep trying to go all in as if his wife would be down for it.

That ending with Solider boy dropping he's Homelander's dad is going to mess him up even more
Have to say, after the **** poor effort that was season 2, I've been really digging how they've spun it this time around. It's still a little flakey at times and the satire is so on the nose that it makes me want to puke, but generally speaking it's engaging, entertaining and completely thrilling when it needs to be. Where season 2 felt like a wishy washy attempt to broaden the scope of the narrative, this season feels completely focused in on what the original premise promised to deliver. I just hope they don't completely choke the ending for the sake of eeking out another few seasons.

You can't keep the narrative spinning much longer on when Homelander is going to crack. It needs to happen next week, that's what the whole arc of this season has been about and they need to deliver on it to keep me interested.
For every good thing this series there’s some contrived or stupid stuff as well to get the plot from A to B or fill in a gap. Lockdowns weren’t kind to the writing. Surely there was a better way to explain Black Noir’s backstory than ‘oh by the way he sees cartoons that talk to him and decide to give him an impromptu therapy session.’ That sort of thing needs context for why it’s the case or it having being there in some form since the beginning, but they just drop it in out of nowhere with no explanation. Didn’t work at all for me.

I’m pretty much expecting the status quo to be resumed at the end of next week‘s episode so they can do it all again in season 4.
If Solider Boy is Homelander's dad then who is his mum? Stormfront? That might send him over the edge.
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