The correct way to eat a custard slice?

Cream slices are definitely better. I just start on one end and use a plate to catch all the 'droppings' which can then be eaten once the rest has gone.
Like so:

I am definitely a convert from cream slice to custard slice but it has to be from a local bakers. Most supermarket slices are vile.

Also squash and lick is the only way to maintain any dignity and eroticism :D.
just eat it, get in a mess and enjoy the greatest food on earth. the cold, the texture, the sweetness, its just pure sweat harmony.

cream slices on the other hand are utterly pants and shouldn't be classed as food.
You actually did a forums search for 'vanilla slice' and then updated a 4 year old thread to advise us of a 'pretty problematic' situation?

This forum :o

No. I didn't need to search as I distinctly remembered this thread after having my memory jogged by my vanilla slice eating escapade today. I thought that now I had something to contribute I'd take the time share my experience with others. I expect it has been on my subconcious 'to-do' list for some time i.e. to eat a custard (or equivalent i.e. vanilla) slice and report back here although I wouldn't say it has been a priority/focus. Trust me, if I had wanted to buy a slice and eat it I most likely could have done so at any point over the last 4 years. Except that time my bank cards stopped working and I had no cash.
What's with all the thread necro tonight?

Custard slices, toothpaste, what next? What hand do you scratch your ring piece with?
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