***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

Your not going be playing it anywhere near smoothly with a only 6970 after installing this lot :p

What you mean 'only' a 6970 !! lol top 2 of the single most powerful single GPU graphics cards available !! lol

But yes im sure it will run pants,lol, just read up on the tesselation issue, seems 4x solves it, or can you turn it off all together? and just have the benefits of the other DX improvements for now ?
How big is sand box editor?

Can't wait to mess with CryEngine 3 power:cool::D

Edit: can you still run and use the editor if you don't have crysis 2?
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You made it sound like your are only using a single 6970

:p But i still wish you luck even with two 6970's at 2560x1200 :p

Well no, im just saying its a good card, it plays everything at that res no worries, people tend to over kill a lot on these forums ;)

Ha well after looking at Hard OCP's review of the patch I think I may only install high res textures and leave it, seems buggy as hell.
lol I'm not even going to bother installing CR2 again, OCP actually did a good review.:eek:

Crytek made statements that Crysis 2 would have full DX11 support when it shipped. (Conveniently now, that video has been removed from YouTube.) The company even delayed the game for "more time to polish." People that believed the "full DX11 support" pre-ordered the game got a DX9 game instead without any explanation. Then there was the Day 1 patch to remove "press start to begin," auto aim, and other useless console features. Then came the kick in the nuts from Crytek when the CEO proclaimed to the world that these patches were "a gift" coming months later. In the end, what many of us ended up with was hours of our valuable time wasted trying to install broken / rushed patches. frown And many of us spent $60 on a game that was no where near worth the considerable cost. Yes, it is prettier now, but the gameplay and surrounding world is just not on par with what was pitched by Crytek or expected by PC gamers.

I guess by now we should just accept that this is par for the course with Crytek but you have to admit that something is seriously wrong when customer's lives are so much easier when they simply don't buy your games and don't accept your "gifts."

The OCP verdict on crysis 2 DX11 Tessellation & High-Res Texture Pack

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Question guys , about to buy this game today looking at the instrustion from Raven's Link does patch 1.9 include all the other patches ?

Step 1: Install the game but DO NOT start the game. This prevents the auto updater from launching.

Step 2: Download the 1.9 patch manually (I used this link) and install it.

Step 3: Start the game and enter your 20 digit code. Start a campaign and the immediately save and quit.

Step 4: Restart your computer.

Step 5: Install DX11 Tessellation pack. Start a campaign and then immediately save and quit.

Step 6: Restart your computer.

Step 7: Install High-Res Texture pack.

Step 8: Restart your computer.

Step 9: Start game, select the "Ultra" option in the graphics settings menu. Select "Yes" for high-res textures in the advanced games menu.

Step 10: Play Crysis 2.
Ha well after looking at Hard OCP's review of the patch I think I may only install high res textures and leave it, seems buggy as hell.

I been playing it for about 5 hours with all the DX11 upgrades and high res textures installed and it been running perfect and looks great and i haven't noticed any bugs at all..

Edit:I Just read that OCP review:
What were they doing to take 4 1/2hours to install the DX11 upgrades :confused:..Only took me about 10minutes
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I been playing it for about 5 hours with all the DX11 upgrades and high res textures installed and it been running perfect and i haven't noticed any bugs..

Edit:Just read that OCP review:
What were they doing to take 4 1/2hours to install all the DX11 upgrades :confused:..Only took me about 10minutes

Ran into bugs apparently. There has been some isues with the patch installation for some people. Ran fine for me.

I been playing it for about 5 hours with all the DX11 upgrades and high res textures installed and it been running perfect and looks great and i haven't noticed any bugs at all..

Edit:I Just read that OCP review:
What were they doing to take 4 1/2hours to install the DX11 upgrades :confused:..Only took me about 10minutes

mine has been buggy keeps crashing to desktop and if you look at this thread i made there the problems iam having


btw i've made a sandbox thread :)
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Usually I find HardOCP to be a good read but they appear to of thrown their toys out the pram on that one just because they had a couple of issues installing it. Just the kind of sensationalism that keyboard warriors (no names mentioned from here :rolleyes:) like to jump all over.
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