***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

Ooohh I cal almost touch and feel the brick walls;)

Wolvers how is the performance with one 5850? I have a single 5850 aswell and would really like to know. Btw is 950MHz core speed? That is impressive

I know, anyone that thinks that isn't a big difference just has a chip on their shoulder about the rest of the game. This game looks amazing, that's a fact.

I haven't tried with just one card I'm afraid but I would expect you'll struggle with the max settings. Water cooling helps keep my clock speeds pretty high, they'll go higher but 950 I think is plenty. :)

The textures on the tessellated walls looks worse than the non tessellated walls, anyone care to disagree.

They're the exact same textures, that's quite obvious.
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Have to agree with raven here :eek:

The game is a console port, it is so obvious, when it first came out, it is only now that they are starting to add stuff in, which should have been in the game from day 1:

Signs of it being a console port:

- Please press start
- Auto aim
- textures where awful and some of them still are (the bottles and water)
- Pretty much no physics in the destruction of the environment at all, see my last post in this thread showing a video of destruction compared to crysis 1 and warhead, massive difference and the thing, which I miss the most out of this game
- No options to change the individual settings of the physics, objects, texture water etc. just 3 or 4 options for the entire thing (was only implemented because some guy was doing their job for them and plus due to the mass of people complaining about)

etc. etc.

I honestly don't know how people don't think it is a console port :confused:, tbf though nearly every game is a console port anyway, can barely think of even 5 games, which aren't, but at least most of them are a good port that give you the choice of things and don't limit you completely and look better on the PC than the consoles by a good bit, with crysis 2 this wasn't the case, the PC on max settings looked pretty much the same as the 360 and PS3, there was virtually no difference between them at all from what I could see, obviously that is much different now with dx 11 etc.

I for one, do think the game is one of the most prettiest ones we have had in ages (even before this patch, dx 11 etc.) and I can't even play it on max settings (didn't find much of a difference between low, medium and high) and find it enjoyable apart from all the hand holding with the visor, press q to activate armour etc.
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I can't honestly see why anyone would defend crysis 2 as a good PC title.

How can you even think that this is not a good PC title....(Am guessing you must hate FPS type of games )

I spend about 6 hours playing this games over the last two days and i think it's great...
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Have to agree with raven here :eek:

The game is a console port, it is so obvious, when it first came out, it is only now that they are starting to add stuff in, which should have been in the game from day 1:

Signs of it being a console port:

- Please press start
- Auto aim
- textures where awful and some of them still are (the bottles and water)
- Pretty much no physics in the destruction of the environment at all, see my last post in this thread showing a video of destruction compared to crysis 1 and warhead, massive difference and the thing, which I miss the most out of this game
- No options to change the individual settings of the physics, objects, texture water etc. just 3 or 4 options for the entire thing (was only implemented because some guy was doing their job for them and plus due to the mass of people complaining about)

etc. etc.

I honestly don't know how people don't think it is a console port :confused:, tbf though nearly every game is a console port anyway, can barely think of even 5 games, which aren't, but at least most of them are a good port that give you the choice of things and don't limit you completely and look better on the PC than the consoles by a good bit, with crysis 2 this wasn't the case, the PC on max settings looked pretty much the same as the 360 and PS3, there was virtually no difference between them at all from what I could see, obviously that is much different now with dx 11 etc.

I for one, do think the game is one of the most prettiest ones we have had in ages (even before this patch, dx 11 etc.) and I can't even play it on max settings (didn't find much of a difference between low, medium and high) and find it enjoyable apart from all the hand holding with the visor, press q to activate armour etc.
Hold up obv troll is obv you just said Crysis 2 on PC looked the same as the 360 and PS3 version then you say it is one of the prettiest games you have played even before the DX11 update. All I can say is stop naming problems the game may have had at lunch talk about how it is now. If this is how console ports look and run this smooth I would be a very happy PC gamer.:D:cool:
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Hold up obv troll is obv you just said Crysis 2 on PC looked the same as the 360 and PS3 version then you say it is one of the prettiest games you have played even before the DX11 update. All I can say is stop naming problems the game may have had at lunch talk about how it is now. If this is how console ports look and run this smooth I would be a very happy PC gamer.:D:cool:

hahaha sorry but i laughed at that typo loads!

"All I can say is stop naming problems the game may have had at lunch talk about how it is now".

I may be missing summat here, but I've downloaded the 1.9 DX11 patch and the "hires" pack which seemed to go fine, but when I try to instal the 1.9 DX 11 patch first, it comes up with this message

"please patch the game to 1.9 before installing this package" :confused:

Its asking me to patch the game to 1.9 while I'm in the process of patching the game to 1.9.
Are there two 1.9 patches where one has to be installed first before the DX11 patch can be installed, or what?
Thanks for any info
I may be missing summat here, but I've downloaded the 1.9 DX11 patch and the "hires" pack which seemed to go fine, but when I try to instal the 1.9 DX 11 patch first, it comes up with this message

"please patch the game to 1.9 before installing this package" :confused:

Its asking me to patch the game to 1.9 while I'm in the process of patching the game to 1.9.
Are there two 1.9 patches where one has to be installed first before the DX11 patch can be installed, or what?
Thanks for any info

sounds like you need the actual 1.9 patch first, there are 2 files for the hires addon, the textures and the dx 11 features, plus a 1.9 patch, their naming could be better tbh
some people are going to like it some people aren't.
that's life, move on.

I like Modern Warfare 2. a lot of people I know don't. I don't cry about it.

this game is pretty. as I have said previously, I play a game to be wading in knee deep in people shooting at me. that's what action games like this are for. when I have a bunch of guys chasing after me with a lot of fire-power the last thing I want to be doing is to be stopping and analysing the textures present on the wall I just ran past.

you cant expect any title these days to 'change the game'. it just doesn't seem to happen any more.
if it does then let it happen and be pleasantly surprised. i have personally given up on waiting for something to blow my mind because most titles rarely do.

just saying.
I may be missing summat here, but I've downloaded the 1.9 DX11 patch and the "hires" pack which seemed to go fine, but when I try to instal the 1.9 DX 11 patch first, it comes up with this message

"please patch the game to 1.9 before installing this package" :confused:

Its asking me to patch the game to 1.9 while I'm in the process of patching the game to 1.9.
Are there two 1.9 patches where one has to be installed first before the DX11 patch can be installed, or what?
Thanks for any info
You need the1.9 136MB 1st:http://uk.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/download-the-crysis-2-directx-11-ultra-upgrade
Hold up obv troll is obv you just said Crysis 2 on PC looked the same as the 360 and PS3 version then you say it is one of the prettiest games you have played even before the DX11 update. All I can say is stop naming problems the game may have had at lunch talk about how it is now. If this is how console ports look and run this smooth I would be a very happy PC gamer.:D:cool:

Lol, I am hardly a troll as I said that I liked the game apart from all the hand holding and the destruction pretty much taken out completely and also the AI was terrible and it is probably one of my favourite shooters in the last few years.

Yes it did look exactly the same as the 360, PS3 before the high res patch and dx11 as far as I could tell and so the game on all platforms is without a doubt the prettiest game in a while even on the consoles it is better than most PC games, I didn't say that was a problem but to me it made it pretty obvious that the crysis 2 was a complete port to the PC as usually the graphics are better e.g. sharper, AA etc. like COD you can tell straight away looks much better on PC than the consoles amongst the other reasons I have stated.

Yes, they were problems at launch and most have been sorted now, however it is too late, 4 months has it been? These things should have been here in the first place (I don't care about dx11 as I don't have a dx11 GPU, but the high res texture pack and the other things should have been there as soon as it released).

I am not complaining about it being a console port as nearly every game is a console port anyway, just people are saying that it was developed for PC when clearly it wasn't, BF 3 will be a true PC developed game and this time the consoles are getting a port.

I also have to laugh at the people who are playing it again just for the dx11 etc. and are saying that it is really good now despite the fact they played it at launch and said it was crap etc.

Graphics aren't everything, the game play isn't great and the AI is awful but it was enjoyable and fun anyway for me.

There are better games out there, which don't look any where as pretty.
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I suppose the good news from this latest update is the SDK, would like to have a tinker, but I've yet to buy the game for myself.

Oh and also, I hate when people claim a game's is developed for PC.
As far as the facts are for bf3 is, that it is multi platform, just like Crysis 2 which the LEAD platform was PC:

I don't care what evidence you guys gather to disprove my point, a developer saying what their fans want to hear has been proven to be the farce that PC gaming is coming to.
Well the fact the PC version shipped in DX9 only and with a lot of console focused feature like press start to play, limited to 3 GFX options of which to this day there is no AA option which is pathetic for a PC release, aim assist as well as the completely dumbed down gameplay from the original crysis leads to a title developed for consoles first.

BF3 on the other hand has been shown to the press on the PC, and with 64 players, bigger maps compared to 24 players and smaller maps on the consoles, BF3 actually looks like a PC focused game watered down to console. It's all in the facts.
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