Just the kind of sensationalism that keyboard warriors (no names mentioned from here)
Just the kind of sensationalism that keyboard warriors (no names mentioned from here)
Guys as said before it crashes now, if i disable blur makes no odds totally unplayable on ultra, i will be honest i dont think it looks that good, looks just well, blurry. Will be flushed down the pc game bog i think.
Yeah one look at the OCP comparisons between DX9 and DX11 shows that the DX11 update is nothing more than a rushed bolt-on to a console title, the gameplay still is poor and linear, I can live without the tessellated low res walls lol.
Yeah one look at the OCP comparisons between DX9 and DX11 shows that the DX11 update is nothing more than a rushed bolt-on to a console title, the gameplay still is poor and linear, I can live without the tessellated low res walls lol.
Yeah one look at the OCP comparisons between DX9 and DX11 shows that the DX11 update is nothing more than a rushed bolt-on to a console title, the gameplay still is poor and linear, I can live without the tessellated low res walls lol.
Something wrong with you? The patch was for enabling dx11 and hi res texture support. Last i checked a patch mainly for graphics wasn't going to completly rewrite the game.
Something wrong with you? The patch was mainly for enabling dx11 and hi res texture support. Last i checked a patch mainly for graphics wasn't going to completly rewrite the game.
I'm just stating the flaws with game are still there and even no dodgy DX11 update can disguise that, I can't honestly see why anyone would defend crysis 2 as a good PC title.
Just like when dice kicked the PC gamers in the nuts with BF BC1 never coming to PC then BF BC2 being a port. Crytek have been about PC gaming since 2004 with far cry and Crysis 2 is not a console port as it is the best looking game the world has seen ATMI expected DX11 to be built in the game from the start and ready to play with when I purchased the game and not wait nearly four months for some poorly put together pack that offers little over the original game. And why are you so hurt about anyone claiming crysis 2 is anything but a console game ported to the PC when it so obviously is, the PC was never the lead platform like say BF3 is on the PC, crytek kicked the PC gamer in the nuts with crysis 2, any PC gamer can see this and the non mainstream gaming press did as well.
I'm just stating the flaws with game are still there and even no dodgy DX11 update can disguise that, I can't honestly see why anyone would defend crysis 2 as a good PC title.
I'm just stating the flaws with game are still there and even no dodgy DX11 update can disguise that, I can't honestly see why anyone would defend crysis 2 as a good PC title.
I expected DX11 to be built in the game from the start and ready to play with when I purchased the game and not wait nearly four months for some poorly put together pack that offers little over the original game. And why are you so hurt about anyone claiming crysis 2 is anything but a console game ported to the PC when it so obviously is, the PC was never the lead platform like say BF3 is on the PC, crytek kicked the PC gamer in the nuts with crysis 2, any PC gamer can see this and the non mainstream gaming press did as well.
I'm just stating the flaws with game are still there and even no dodgy DX11 update can disguise that, I can't honestly see why anyone would defend crysis 2 as a good PC title.
We know the flaws are still there, the discussion is about the updates, not stuff people have been flapping their gums about since the leak in january.