***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

well BFBC2 on PC felt like a console port to me so I don't see much difference

yes you can run it at 1900x1200 with 16xAA @60 fps etc but pop up is dreadful - especially when sniping etc - why not give the option for PC to have further draw distance ?
Oh and also, I hate when people claim a game's is developed for PC.
As far as the facts are for bf3 is, that it is multi platform, just like Crysis 2 which the LEAD platform was PC:

The PC may have been the lead platform for Crysis 2 in that it was developed on the PC first - that's common for multiplatform games as it's easier to get the initial technology running on PC.

However from a game design point of view it's obvious that consoles were the target platform for Crysis 2, given the 'Press Start' fiasco in the demo, the small levels, toned-down physics, limited gamepay, excessive post-processing and low-res textures.

In BF3 The PC is obviously the lead development platform AND the target platform, the console versions being developed from that base.

The first way leads to a game feeling like a console port, the second leads to a game feeling like a PC game. An important difference.
They are probably going to stick some invisible walls in and rein in the map sizes by having check points, easy peasy.

You could do the entire game with streaming technology - there are plenty of console games with huge open worlds. Memory will be an issue, but with clever programming they could work around most of the problems.

Depends if it's a quick port or if they're going to put some serious effort into it. If they manage to get the original game onto consoles with minimal compromises it'll really show up how much worse Crysis 2 was by comparison.
You could do the entire game with streaming technology - there are plenty of console games with huge open worlds. Memory will be an issue, but with clever programming they could work around most of the problems.

Depends if it's a quick port or if they're going to put some serious effort into it. If they manage to get the original game onto consoles with minimal compromises it'll really show up how much worse Crysis 2 was by comparison.

Wake me up when Crytek can actually compete with the likes of Carmack for doing efficient graphics programming.

Crytek tend to leave a lot to be desired in the optimisation department. :p
Wake me up when Crytek can actually compete with the likes of Carmack for doing efficient graphics programming.

Crytek tend to leave a lot to be desired in the optimisation department. :p

Indeed. Apparently he has forced them to code Rage so well it runs on Medium at 720p on integrated graphics or something absurd.
Dx11 is Dx10, just with more features and better performance.

He probably wants to know if it will run some of features in dx10 since he has a dx10 card, or will it fall back to dx9 instead.

I would hazard a guess at running in dx10, just don't expect any of your ATI/AMD extras to work, ie no tessellation.

This guys gonna have a bruised set of nads, threw him in the air and thats how he landed. :D
"It will be interesting to see if the original game has to make any sacrifices if it is indeed making the move to Microsoft's box."

....if? It will have to make sacrifices...The texture quality will have to be completely destroyed for one.
Would make no sense at all for it to come out for the 360. One of the reasons the story in Crysis 2 was essentially a "reboot" was so console players would know whats going on, and wouldnt have to have prior knowledge of the story for the original game.

And as said, textures would be compressed beyond a laughable level, levels would probably have multiple loading interruptions or drastically axed in length.
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And as said, textures would be compressed beyond a laughable level, levels would probably have multiple loading interruptions or drastically axed in length.


I bet console Crysis won't be the same PC Crysis we have all come to love. Wait till console players again complain when they see the difference just like what happened with Dice when they showed Battlefield 3 on PS3 lol:D

Crytek would be getting lots of angry responses:D.
Just played it on DX11 everything maxed out at a resolution of 1680x1050, everything runs like butter on a GTX 580, never below 60fps and it looks great too!
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