Have been checking out some quick mod reviews from Gobher in his
Skylight: Skyrim Mods YouTube series, find some that might be of interest for some of you and that I found interesting myself so thought I share them with you here. Then again, you might already seen and used these mods before.
This is a mod for you that like to tinker with your settings and such:
IMAGINATOR - Visual Control Device for Skyrim
Short description in-case you don't want to jump over to Nexus and check it out:
IMAGINATOR is a stand-alone, in-game, image modification tool.
It allows you to separately control visual elements like Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Sky Brightness, Sunlight Output, Bloom and Tint all from within an easy-to-navigate MCM. Never before have you had such power! Seriously.
Also works when using ENB's so might be of interest if you not already have it or find the normal way ok (not used a ENB yet so have no way of knowing)
Not done anything magic yet myself but this is a mod I found interesting and most likely will be using when/if I do a Mage character:
Spell Crafting for Skyrim
Unfortunately it not been updated since 2013 but hopefully it wont have any conflicts, because it sure looked like fun, the ability to combine up tp 5 different spells. =)
Then 2 small mods, that just add a bit of immersion to the game. One of them do shows where the Hold Borders are located though and some of you might already be using it, or have used it, they are compatible with each other but the Designs of the Nords flags will make the ones in Hold Border Banners a bit nicer, that's all. =) Well, the Design will also make other Banners/Flags look more impressive, all around Skyrim. =)
Hold Border Banners
Designs of the Nords
This one will definitely be going in my load order as I am not to fond of the "take a chance and end up with a trillion different pots" when doing Alchemy.. LOL
Alchemist Compendium - If I understand it right, covers all recipes in Skyrim.
This is a mod I'm already using and find it very useful, you know instantly by looking at a Plant/Ingredient what it can be used for (as long as you discovered it that is) or how a pcs of armour will increase or decrease your Damage/Armour rating as to what you wearing at the moment, also shows your Carry Weight.. basically a easier way to find out if you can grab stuff without becoming overloaded. =)
Not sure about you all but I often end up accidentally picking up something I don't want and this mod sure will save time going through the inventory to drop it.
For those of you that like more realistic playing and using Frostfall or similar mods I thought this might be interesting:
iNeed - Food Water and Sleep
It looked like a very simple but yet useful tool to keep track of your basic needs... Then again, I not tired any of these Survival Mods yet so guess it is open to discussion so to speak. =)
And to follow up on Survival Mods, this one can be beneficial in such a playthrough as well, since the two fires that goes with it do warm you up if playing such a game. But, for me anyway right now, it looks like such a better way to travel and not having to go to a certain City all the time to fiddle about in your bought house.
Gypsy Eyes Caravan
And this one also going into my load order, I just have to try it out later when I am back from Solstheim.
And if you find yourself lonely on your walkabouts in Skyrim and looking for a Companion, and maybe want someone that not to polish around the edges, maybe this one is for you ?
Arissa - The Wandering Rogue
She has almost 500 lines of dialogue and one line you will sort of recognize, bit of a spoiler maybe but I found it funny the way they made it:
You ask to trade some things with her and she replies:
I'm sworn to carry your burdens... Oh. Wait. I'm not.