I did want to put something more structured up with the comparisons, but just don't have the spare time and it gets a little stressful when it messes up. My favourite was Seasons of Skyrim, however since moving to T.A.Z I'm not sure what I want from an ENB any more!
Need to get my weather system sorted, I'm playing around too much with mods... never a good thing!
Serenity is a fantastic ENB as well and brings out some nice colours when used with CoT, I think I need to create a simple mod list so I can actually see the results of an ENB against certain things like parallax and weathers, think that might be useful.
I am using them 2 mods myself, I think I'm either looking in the wrong place or missing something but my water reflecting and sub scattering seems off... maybe I'm being too pedantic now with everything visual aha.