Hello there everyone i hope you are all well :smile:,
I have spent the last few weeks modding my Skyrim and am happy with where i am at so far.
However something has hapend this morning that is really disappointing me; i am quite organised in my pc's file system so when i began working on installing my mods i decided the ideal directory for it to slot into my storage would be to put it in "D:/ModsLibrary/Nexus Mod Manager/ Skyrim....",
However much to my disappointment this morning upon turning on NMM to do some more work on my game to find the tool telling me that,
"This new version of NMM includes a major update to the way we store and install your mods which allow us to accomodate mod profiling (different playthroughs of your game).
In order for it to work NMM needs to REINSTALL or UNINSTALL all your currently installed mods.
Choose option 'YES' if you would like NMM to attempt to try and REINSTALL all your currently installed mods using the new method. The migration procedure is a lengthy process and it could require several minutes or even hours depending on your PC speed and quantity and size of your currently installed mods.
You may be required to interact with some scripted installers during the reinstall process.
NMM will also backup the current Bashed/Perkus/DualSheat pathches if presents, but you should re run various pathchers should your game crash at startup."
2. Option NO
"Choose option 'NO' if you want NMM to UNINSTALL all your mods and leave you to activate the ones you use again. (this doesn't delete your mods, it simply deactivates them'"
3. Option 'CANCEL'
"Choose the 'CANCEL' option if you would like to cancel this setup and not proceed with this new version. And you will need to reinstall the previous version of NMM you were using to be able to use NMM again.
It was after pressing YES to this that it has installed all of my mods into an alternate directory that just looks like a mess and is unorganized and absolutely not what i wanted not to mention not removing the other files taking up 40GB of space more.
I am using about 270 mods currently and really would not like to have to go through a whole manual reinstall procedure of them all though i do have the entire selection of mods backed up.
I have tried to backdate NMM that is currently (0.61.23) to an older version i found on the forums that i believe was the last patch before this mod profiling was introduced (0.56.1) however upon installing this NMM simply did not work and have reverted back to (0.61.23) I have also double checked all of my directory paths and i have nothing at all pointing to the directory it has chosen to use.
If anyone has any suggestions i would be hugely appreciative as i have exhausted all methods i can think of trying.
Kindest regards,