Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (May Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 522 41.6%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 733 58.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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13 Nov 2013
I was thinking you'd need a standardised NI number (or equivalent) database across the EU if the EU wanted to start collecting taxes directly from citizens, rather than via national governments.

After taking our jobs and our women, they are coming for our taxes?!
18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
Do we know how many migrants are here? I don't think we have any idea....

Assuming that they are either working and paying tax, or not working and receiving benefits, yes we do.
It's the ones that do neither who slip through the net but I've not seen any figures for this because I'm guessing it's hard to quantify.
21 Jul 2012
What source are you basing this on?

Is this statement just your opinion/fear of the future?

Probably from here: http://order-order.com/2016/05/25/eu-plots-europe-wide-tax-id-numbers/

The EU is laying the groundwork for new, centrally planned National Insurance-style numbers for every taxpayer in Europe. The proposal was passed by the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee last night, and chillingly calls for a ‘European Taxpayer Identification Number’ to keep track of every EU citizen. This is the European Commission text:

“Proper identification of taxpayers is essential to effective exchange of information between tax administrations. The creation of European Taxpayer Identification Number (EU TIN) would provide the best means for this identification. It would allow any third party to quickly, easily and correctly identify and record TINs in cross-border relations and serve as a basis for effective automatic exchange of information between member states tax administrations.”

Brussels wants the ability to track every EU taxpayer, laying the foundations for a new European tax…

The report also calls for the EU to take over member states’ corporate taxation powers with a common corporation tax base, banning sovereign states from increasing their competitiveness by cutting corporation tax below 15%. This is a direct attack on sovereignty and attempt to create a new, centralised EU tax system…

UPDATE: UKIP’s Steven Woolfe says:

“If we stay in the EU, we will be forced to pay a European tax. Plans for an EU taxpayer ID system – effectively a new continental National Insurance number – demonstrates their real ambitions for further integration. They are laying the foundations for an EU tax system.”
12 Sep 2012
Your just paranoid, sharing citizen information is nothing new. National insurance number will just be used to sort out tax codes for people moving around. It even says the reason for its use and absolutely no where is any mention or hint of a possible direct EU tax.

Put the tinfoil hat away

And they say remain is project fear...
15 May 2010
Out of Coventry
What source are you basing this on?

Is this statement just your opinion/fear of the future?

Its based on fear, blind prejudice and ignorance, obviously.

No, its because they've tried to do it before on a few occasions, and have been blocked so far


As integration between countries becomes ever tighter, the call for direct taxation will become stronger.
The ultimate goal for the EU is federal europe, no one denies that this is the case. Federal europe means taxes on a european level. I picked two decades as a conservative estimate for when this might occur.
12 Sep 2012
If direct taxation was the aim, then collecting NI numbers before hinting at direct taxation or anything else certainly wont help the EU push it through nor convince people its a step closer.

If direct taxation was a thing, what would stop them just requesting NI numbers after it was introduced?

Thinking that a database of NI numbers means anything in terms of getting closer to direct taxation is ridiculous.
28 Nov 2003
Assuming that they are either working and paying tax, or not working and receiving benefits, yes we do.
It's the ones that do neither who slip through the net but I've not seen any figures for this because I'm guessing it's hard to quantify.

Like the illegal immigrants working in the kitchens of the Pakistani origin multi millionaire "Indian" restaurant owner whose parsimony about providing a genuinely nut free meal killed a diner recently, despite a previous warning? There'll be tens of thousands of `em.
15 May 2010
Out of Coventry
If direct taxation was the aim, then collecting NI numbers before hinting at direct taxation or anything else certainly wont help the EU push it through nor convince people its a step closer.

If direct taxation was a thing, what would stop them just requesting NI numbers after it was introduced?

Thinking that a database of NI numbers means anything in terms of getting closer to direct taxation is ridiculous.

I personally, didn't make the claim that the database is a step towards it. I am just saying that the goal of the EU is federal europe. Federal europe means federal taxation, which they have tried to implement a few times before.

For instance, the next treaty change will enforce the ideas of the 5 presidents report, which includes federal taxes on financial transactions. This is timetabled for 2025 at the latest. Its not a large step from taxing companies to taxing peoples.

The exact mechanism for collecting citizen taxes is irrelevant, yes they could use NI numbers, or they could use this new database. It doesn't really matter, but direct taxes are an inevitability.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
If direct taxation was the aim, then collecting NI numbers before hinting at direct taxation or anything else certainly wont help the EU push it through nor convince people its a step closer.

If direct taxation was a thing, what would stop them just requesting NI numbers after it was introduced?

Thinking that a database of NI numbers means anything in terms of getting closer to direct taxation is ridiculous.

The mistake you're making is thinking that the people need convincing before the EC can push it through. Remember when "the people" were told that we'd have an opt-out to the charter of fundamental rights? remember when we were told we'd have a referendum on the Lisbon treaty? remember when we were told we hadn't given away control of our borders? The EU doesn't give a damn what the British people think about anything.

They have no right to request UK NI numbers and I believe it would breach the DPA if our government handed them over. Of course they matter, if they didn't then you'd be perfectly happy to post yours here.
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25 Jul 2005
This is almost hysterically naive. True you can't force a nation state to agree to something, but you can apply pressure behind closed doors to get them to agree e.g. Tony Blair agreeing to give up a huge chunk of our rebate in return for a vague promise to reform the Common Agricultrual Policy, which never happened. Getting anything done would be impossible in the EU if it weren't possible for the EC to pressure nation states to act against their own interest.

How about, rather than voting leave based on a hypothetical situation that may or many not come up in 20 years (euro, turkey joining etc) we consider the shorter term for this referendum. Then in 20 years, IF the EU turn round and tell us we have to join the euro, we have another referendum.

Or do you not trust our government enough to give us that option?
25 Jul 2005
I thought we were heading for war in Europe, an additional 800k+ unemployed and each family being £4300 worse off ... ? Hardly an endorsement of how the UK will survive regardless.

It is interesting that you say 'less free' and 'less influential' Mr Jack. Our 'influence' in the EU council diminishes when each new member state joins the EU our voting share drops so how is that the case? If anything we are being less and less influential the longer we remain in the EU.

Less free ... What? Less free being an independent nation? Come on :) :) :)

Only if you read the express and telegraph headlines, rather than looked at what was actually said... ;)
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