Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (May Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 522 41.6%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 733 58.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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25 Jul 2005
Nobody knows what the economy will look like post-remain either - certainly neither the Bank of England or the OBR have a great track record of predicting this. I don't recall hearing much from the IFS, IMF and World Bank predicting the 2008 financial crisis either. The government know they can't make arguments based on verifiable claims about what benefits the EU bring, so they produce unverifiable claims about what may happen in future.

BTW devaluation of the currency will make Britain a more attractive place to invest in, increase GDP growth and reduce our trade deficit. Oh but it makes our fortnight in Benidorm £200 more expensive so it must be a bad thing. Really.

It'll also make anything manufactured abroad, or anything manufactured from materials brought from abroad more expensive. Great for exports, almost correspondingly bad for imports.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
How about, rather than voting leave based on a hypothetical situation that may or many not come up in 20 years (euro, turkey joining etc) we consider the shorter term for this referendum. Then in 20 years, IF the EU turn round and tell us we have to join the euro, we have another referendum.

Or do you not trust our government enough to give us that option?

"Ever closer union" is not a hypothetical situation, it's a very real project and litterally written into each treaty. I don't know the timetable for change, but I'm damn sure it will include federal EU taxes, and an EU Army.

There is no chance we'll get another referendum in my lifetime (estimate another 20 years), I'm personally sceptical that Britain will ever again get the chance to leave the EU democratically. If we want to be free this is our one and only opportunity. Successive governments have lied to us and made mugs of us over the EU - that won't change so long as we're in the EU. As I alluded to earlier, whatever happened to that referendum we were promised on the Lisbon treaty? Whatever happened to our opt-out on the charter of fundamental rights?
18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
Like the illegal immigrants working in the kitchens of the Pakistani origin multi millionaire "Indian" restaurant owner whose parsimony about providing a genuinely nut free meal killed a diner recently, despite a previous warning? There'll be tens of thousands of `em.

OK, and please tell me how not being in the EU will fix this problem? They are illegal immigrants which means they are not EU citizens. If they were EU citizens then they wouldn't be illegal immigrants as they would have the right come and work here.

I'm really interested to know how not being in the EU will fix illegal immigration.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
It'll also make anything manufactured abroad, or anything manufactured from materials brought from abroad more expensive. Great for exports, almost correspondingly bad for imports.

Yes - that's what I meant by reducing our trade deficit.

The thing is that these short-term wild fluctuations are just speculation from the city-spivs. It doesn't really matter in the medium to long term as things correct themselves e.g. weak pound = increased exports = more people buying sterling = stronger pound. What's important is that the UK remains a great place to do business. The EU is great for big business who do business across nation states and would prefer to deal with supra-national, undemocratic authorities. Most businesses in the UK however are small businesses and these guys are absolutely being strangled by red tape that comes from Brussels. My own view is that small businesses are the life-blood of the British economy and we should be trying to promote more businesses of this type.
21 Jul 2012
Only if you read the express and telegraph headlines, rather than looked at what was actually said... ;)

On the £4300 figure - Quoted from Osborne himself:
"Put simply‎: over many years, are you better off or worse off if we leave the EU? The answer is: Britain would be worse off, permanently so, and to the tune of £4,300 a year for every household"


On war in Europe - Quoted from Cameron:
“Can we be so sure that peace and stability on our continent are assured beyond any shadow of doubt? Is that a risk worth taking? I would never be so rash as to make that assumption.”


On 800k unemployment - capped from the Treasury report:


Osborne quoted saying the same here:


The scaremongering comes straight from the Government and isn't down to the media. Cameron has gone full retard.
6 Sep 2011
I'm really interested to know how not being in the EU will fix illegal immigration.

dont you know.... illegal immigrants will arrive by boat and go... "oh your not in the EU, i guess i cant come here illegally anymore :("

people seem to think by leaving the EU immigrants wont be allowed to legally illegally come here
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25 Jul 2005
Ignoring the part about jobs and women, it is likely that the EU will start to directly tax citizens at some point within the next couple of decades.

It does kinda make more sense than the current funding system. I doubt our taxes would go up however, rather it would be offset from income tax or something similar.
25 Jul 2005
The mistake you're making is thinking that the people need convincing before the EC can push it through. Remember when "the people" were told British government that we'd have an opt-out to the charter of fundamental rights? remember when we were told we'd have a referendum on the Lisbon treaty by the British government? remember when we were told we hadn't given away control of our borders by the British government? The EU doesn't give a damn what the British people think about anything.

They have no right to request UK NI numbers and I believe it would breach the DPA if our government handed them over. Of course they matter, if they didn't then you'd be perfectly happy to post yours here.

What has the EUs opinion have in any of this. This is the same British government you want to have "more" power.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
What has the EUs opinion have in any of this. This is the same British government you want to have "more" power.

Since it's fundamentally a referendum on whether we want to live in the UK or in the United States of EUrope, I'd suggest that the opinion of the EU matters a great deal to this debate

Rilot said:
OK, and please tell me how not being in the EU will fix this problem? They are illegal immigrants which means they are not EU citizens. If they were EU citizens then they wouldn't be illegal immigrants as they would have the right come and work here.

I'm really interested to know how not being in the EU will fix illegal immigration.

It won't - what it will do however is make our government 100% responsible for immigration to this country; they will set the immigration policy, they will implement it and they will enforce it. Most importantly they will be held accountable for their performance through the usual means - they wouldn't be able to use the EU as an excuse any more.
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