Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (May Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 522 41.6%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 733 58.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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So what does this mean for Brits living in the EU ?

Like my mum for example, she's British but living in the South of France. Also myself, i'm toying on the idea of one day retiring to the mountains in France. Whilst i'm currently living in the US, being a British national means i can live anywhere in the EU. Will this end ?

Not necessarily but it is possible.

It depends on any future negotiations between the individual countries or possibly the EU as a whole and the UK.

Similar to you as you are now, working and living in a foreign country.
LOL I love this argument from leave camp.

You don't trust them to make a good decision on EU but you trust them to run the country as they see fit once outside of EU.

I trust them to run the country? Politicians are lying snakes.
So what does this mean for Brits living in the EU ?

Like my mum for example, she's British but living in the South of France. Also myself, i'm toying on the idea of one day retiring to the mountains in France. Whilst i'm currently living in the US, being a British national means i can live anywhere in the EU. Will this end ?

Like everything about Brexit - it becomes uncertain and undeniably put at risk. Maybe we'll negotiate back in, maybe we won't. Some Brexiters will argue for keeping it; for others getting rid of the right of free movement is a major reason to leave. Unfortunately, there's no real way of knowing what will happen especially as the result is likely to depend on the whims of any Conservative leadership election should Cameron be pushed post-referendum.

If you value such freedoms then they are a strong argument for Remain.
The latest headline is terrible. (the war one)
I can forgive all other economic ones as people pushing their agenda on both .. But this one is possibly the most scare tactic esque I've seen.

If the UK being in the EU or not is enough to stop a war it must be a pretty delicate situation! It's actually pretty arrogant to think our country (which usually causes tension!) can stop groups of people going to war

Think this one headline could do a lot of damage to IN campaign. It's certainly pushed me more to exit.

To be honest every time they publish a pro-Europe statement the more ridiculous it sounds.

If Europe is that unstable then I feel even more certain we are better off out of it.

Calling in support from Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, they are two proven liars for a start lol

Every time they publish a pro-European headline they seem to lose even more support. Might be prudent for them to keep quiet.
If ever you see any group of teachers on a quiz team or show, they are usually quite bad at any sort of general knowledge or anything outside of what the curriculum is that they teach.

No one knows what will be best in 5 or 10 years, so no one can educate you as to what is the better decision.

Being widely read is the best cure for ignorance and not usually from the internet.

Must be an unusual bunch of teachers ime. I know a fair few but actually there are some exceptions. My better half being one haha.

Tunney said:
Hasn't that been the main strategy used by the Leave campaign too? Talk of unlimited immigration from Turkey, refugees being fast-tracked passports, Greece/Italy/Portugal/Spain's economy completely collapsing, the EU collapsing, Britain's army falling under EU control...

Err really? Lets see Russia are going to invade, we will have ISIS and terrorist attacks every minute of every day, we will lose £4200 per household, will will have an alien invasion and wont be helped, we will have no way of working over seas or studying abroad or will be ignored by the EU, we will have meteor showers, we will have less presence on the world stage.

That vs we can do this we can make our own trade deals we can set our own rules we can do this. We can save £15-£30+bn per year, we can have a democratic voice, we get a seat on the WTO... Sounds far more optimistic.

feakbro said:
Errr...apart from the fact no-one has said that Apart from the leave campaign accusing the remain campaign of 'scaremongering' by saying it....which they didn't

Really? I raise you Barack Obama: Back of the queue, the French remarks... Its threats, nothing more. If the world economy believes it can do without 4-6trillion well.

I think my over ruling factor is Greece. The troika did an unspeakable evil against millions of people and I cannot agree with what it did. Look at what Varofoukis said: They hated the idea of democracy. And the weak suffer what they must? You bet!

I think the only area now available for change is the people getting splinters. My decision nor those of my friends and family will not alter.
These all have some basis in reality though, like you can literally go through all those and say yeah, there has been talk of an EU Army, we have had Greece's ecnomies collapse, Turkey and the EU are looking at closer ties which could end up with them having freedom of movement to the rest of the EU.

All successful scaremongering has a nucleus of plausibility. That doesn't mean that it isn't scaremongering though. The UK could merge its forces with an EU army. Greece's economy could collapse completely. Turkey could join the Schengen zone. None are likely in the medium-term though.

To suggest leaving the EU could lead to a war is absolutely ridiculous, there hasn't been a conflict between major 1st world developed countries since WW2, we're living in the era of the Great Peace. It's propaganda and lies at best.

What Cameron said (versus how the tabloids reported it) isn't implausible. The chance of war breaking out in western Europe is slim but what about Ukraine or Georgia?
All successful scaremongering: Greece's economy could collapse completely. .


Have you seen and read what's going on in Athens at the moment?

Greece are a bankrupt nation that is being loaned money generated by the same bank to pay itself back the money and charge the dues to the Greek people. They are also listing Greek assets as their securities.

With Turkey, well who knows. There is an increasing likelihood that Turkey or rather the dictator ISIS chum Erdogan is getting into a position of fast tracked membership. Turkey joining the EU would potentially wash in a culture of cavemen.

Democracy has already stifled and stumbled. Lets prove the people do have a voice. I don't want you or anyone else to speak for me... But that is what we get with the EU, no voice.
I think the reasons people would vote to leave are precisely the reason I think it should have been left to the politicians. We had this conversation at work where we are all in the work share schemes and they are threatening us with the share price falling if we leave. So many people at work would vote one way or another for a short term gain say of doubling their shares over a 3 year period and would vote whichever way gave them that.

People would vote either way to turn even a small amount of 2k into 4k because just about anyone I have spoken to about this really has no idea about long term impact. Myself included.

But the politicians have no better idea than you or I about what the future holds, so why leave it to them to decide our fate?

For me personally, the economic argument is pretty much irrelevant. The same people claiming to know that our economy will be damaged are the same people who failed to accurately predict pretty much everything else before. But even some of the worst estimates seem like something I could live with.

For me, the deciding factor will be this: Do I want to continue the march towards a federal Europe which will be run under the continental system? No, I do not.
Have we started a fire?

Nearly half of Europeans in poll want own votes on EU, like UK

Nearly half of voters in eight big European Union countries want to be able to vote on whether to remain members of the bloc, just as Britons will in a referendum next month, according to an opinion poll published on Monday.

Forty-five percent of more than 6,000 people surveyed in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain and Sweden said they wanted their own vote, and a third would opt to leave the EU if given the chance, poll firm Ipsos-MORI said.

The size of the potential "Out" vote ranges from as high as 48 and 41 percent in Italy and France respectively to as low as 22 and 26 percent in Poland and Spain, the firm said.

"The Italians in particular hope to have their own opportunity to go to the polls on their EU membership, which lends a sense that even if the (British) vote does ... stick with the status quo in June, it will not be the end of the EU's woes," said Bobby Duffy, head of social research at Ipsos-MORI.
All successful scaremongering has a nucleus of plausibility. That doesn't mean that it isn't scaremongering though. The UK could merge its forces with an EU army. Greece's economy could collapse completely. Turkey could join the Schengen zone. None are likely in the medium-term though.

It depends what medium term you are looking at. This is a once in a lifetime in/out referendum, the last was 40 years ago. Short, medium or long term?

I cannot believe that a referendum will be called by any party in the next couple of generations. So whatever you think may occur in that sort of time span is what you vote for this time.
Democracy has already stifled and stumbled. Lets prove the people do have a voice. I don't want you or anyone else to speak for me... But that is what we get with the EU, no voice.

Democracy is, by definition, other people speaking and deciding for you.
Not true. Its about every person having a voice with majority rules (makes a mockery of FPTP). A democracy gives permission to not consent.
What makes it a dodgy leaflet? It's far, far, far, far, far, far more balance and reasonable than what we're getting from the Brexit/Bremain campaigns.

Just opened it and a bloke said how the Government was legally obliged to provide information... didn't they just fulfil that?

That fact there has to be a debate on the leaflet at all shows how wrong it was that it was sent at all.
The debate was triggered by a load of people crying on the internet and signing a petition. That doesn't mean it's a dodgy leaflet.

I was amused that their picture of a shipping port talking about trade with Europe shows a dock exclusively used for trade with China.
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