Im not too informed on the EU. what would really happen if we vote to leave ?
So far ive not seen any clear true info, its mostly PMs pushing there options on people who know nothing, if we win or loose we may not gain any benifets or not ateast for a number of years.
I'm Undecided but leaning towards staying but gaining more control and more benefits from the EU.
I need some real information, we never know the real reasons for PM's to do things, its always to benefit them not us, which should be kept in mind.
A Few things I would like to know
1. What do we gain from our currant membership ??
2. What would we loose if we leave ?
3. if we leave how long would things take to change ? a year, 10 years ?
4. How much control could we get back and how well would our PM's use it.
Im expecting it to be no better or even worse in some cases.
5. How would the Gov deal with the eastern Europeans, I'n my areas they are 98% EE gypsy people who are jobless, a strain on resources, not interested in knowing much and wonder around on the streets all day. This take away from people that need help, most people have now moved to other areas which is a shame.
6. How would rest of the EU treat us ?
Most of the time France and Germany already try to push us in a corner on most things, If we leave I'm assuming things would get worse.
im assuming boarders in Calais would be relaxed.
7. Would taking back control take us ahead of the pack like in the past ?
Would we do more things in the UK, would UK farming, engineering, technology, new products ext.
could we get back on par with the US in these and other areas, I think because we now get a lot from outside the UK we have a bit to lose.
This is what I want to see from the UK, but we could also do this without leaving.
8. if we have control would be do any better in this world ?
We still had a hand in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other country's, how would we do things if we had full control ?
9. if we vote to leave what would really happen ?
A. If we had full control in the past would things have turned out better ?
UK banks
open boarders
how laws are made
10. in coming migrants how would they be dealt with ? what would be the difference if we leave ?
11. what benefits would the British people see ?
to me the bigger issues is open boarders. most the inbound of eastern Europeans gypsy's who are unwilling to work. learn or want to integrate, to me this is a disadvantage for us not a benefit, with the open boarder system we get a lot of unwanted people. if they would have tried to be a benefit for the country like all the past migrants it would not be a issue.
what would happen to them, would they be sent back, would they loose benefits, would the have min requirements to meet ??
This is not a xenophobic view in my option, I have no issue with anyone that benefits the community, its just annoying when some people just come in because they can and abuse the system then treat everything very poorly even the place they live. they do nothing with the chance they have in years, when other people who are dying to get even a minor chance. which most will agree with.
Could anyone with more knowledge give me some real facts ??