The Evil Within 2 (Friday 13th October 2017!!!)

performance is crap for me, its 42-45fps no matter if on ultra or low so clearly a bug somewhere.

I Didn't buy a 1080ti to play at 30fps so will need to wait it out for a fix.

Seems its not just me looking around.
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I'm getting mostly between 63 and 75 FPS with 1 or 2 dips into the 50's on occasion at 3440x1440 with my liquid cooled Vega 64. Everything is maxed except for Motion Blur which is disabled, FOV at 90, V-sync off. Only played first 2 chapters but so intrigued and exited to play some more, I'm really going to enjoy this...
I better get this bought! :D


Shes coming down full whack, be about an hr and half :D

Lets see how long it takes me to finish this one then :p
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What do we make of the difficulty settings? It says under the most difficult 'Nightmare' that it's for players who liked the difficulty of the original game - does this mean it's easier than the original? Seems to suggest it doesn't it? I went for my usual middle/normal difficulty but it will be interesting to see how it pans out. I thought they had the balance of ammo/resources and difficulty mostly spot on at normal difficulty in the original. Hope I don't find it too easy going with 'Survival'...
What do we make of the difficulty settings? It says under the most difficult 'Nightmare' that it's for players who liked the difficulty of the original game - does this mean it's easier than the original? Seems to suggest it doesn't it? I went for my usual middle/normal difficulty but it will be interesting to see how it pans out. I thought they had the balance of ammo/resources and difficulty mostly spot on at normal difficulty in the original. Hope I don't find it too easy going with 'Survival'...

The first game has almost no ammo and you had to be careful using it..i can only assume theyve made ammo a little less rare now.
FPS issues are easily solved if you have vsync on & lock the game to 60FPS in the menu! Then it runs smooth as butter!! Let the game engine frame pace works best this is not really an unlocked FPS or Gsync title. Such a good game as well reminds me a lot of the old Silent Hill2-4 series on PC back in the early 2000s or the early Resident Evil games 1-3 (also on PC from late 1990s to early 2000s). Conserve resources its not an easy game either even on the lowest setting its a reasonable challenge at times. Some of the gfx are also top notch especially the lighting FX is very high quality & some of the hero characters have amazing facial details.
Just had a quick run about, see how it runs etc... (havn't gone far, just milling about the first place, where Baker is etc... fallbacking :D), and it seems fine, runs like the first one (which ran fine for me).

Got it on Ultra at 1440p, but had to whack the FOV up though, as the default 65 looked well odd, he was taking up half the screen :D, seems ok on 75, and i turned the film grain down to 50, as don't like too much of that either, also whacked the pad axis sensitivity up a bit, as the default 20 was too slow when looking about etc..., 28 seems ok, so just stuck to that for now, once i start playing it though, i'll probably tweak it a bit more, im still on the old 16.3 hotfix drivers from last March too :p

Will make a start when i get Bioshock Infinite finished off, which doesn't seem far away now, im at the end of it now i think.
FPS issues are easily solved if you have vsync on & lock the game to 60FPS in the menu! Then it runs smooth as butter!! Let the game engine frame pace works best this is not really an unlocked FPS or Gsync title. Such a good game as well reminds me a lot of the old Silent Hill2-4 series on PC back in the early 2000s or the early Resident Evil games 1-3 (also on PC from late 1990s to early 2000s). Conserve resources its not an easy game either even on the lowest setting its a reasonable challenge at times. Some of the gfx are also top notch especially the lighting FX is very high quality & some of the hero characters have amazing facial details.
Perhaps this will work for some but I'm running it with V-sync off and it doesn't behave any differently to any other big game release over the past few years. All modern games see the frame rates fluctuate within a 20 FPS tolerance I've found depending on how populated the screen is. Isn't that exactly what adaptive sync is for though - to allow the montor refresh rate to adapt and match the varying frame rates of the game?
Whacked the FOV right up to 90 now, looks better :p

This game is epic so far only on Chapter 3 its a massive level with lots of hidden underground sections under buildings as well so much content to discover.
still aint pld the first 1 even tho ive had it since release...

so hard to not watch streams on this as dont wanna ruin the story.. does the first 1 work at 3440x1440?
still aint pld the first 1 even tho ive had it since release...

so hard to not watch streams on this as dont wanna ruin the story.. does the first 1 work at 3440x1440?
Not natively but there is a great Flawless Widescreen fix that works perfectly and also removes the horizontal letter box effect.
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