The " Hiper-Active " Club

Coming up on 12 months old with no major issues.


I've just fitted a BFG 8800 GT 512Mb to replace a 7600 and it's apparent the PSU is now having to work for a living - getting hotter, fan running faster (especially during Crysis). It will be interesting to see if it can survive another 12 months!
been using a Hiper Type-R 580W (blue) for over a year no probs.

It's currently powering:
AMD X2 6000+ at ~3450MHZ (watercooled)
2 x HD 3870's crossfire
6 x hard drives (5 Seagate 7200.10, 1 Raptor ADFD)
8 x 120mm case fans
MCP655 pump (running full speed)
Had mine since august 2006 and it's fine, I know one of my friends has a 400w unbranded power supply I gave him at the same time which I ripped the top off and installed an old blue fan I had lying around and soldered in myself, surprised *that* hasn't blown up really
Just got a Hiper Type M 630W. Only been 3 weeks but I'm very sure I smell burning. After seeing this thread I'm gonna check out the PSU.
ive got a hiper 580w Type R the black one and its been going strong for over 2 years now aswell, i think its closing on to 3 years actually, never had 1 problem and is now powering a qx6800 RIG so it has to be the best PSU ive owned :D :D
funny topic, read a couple of pages before realising how old it is :)

Just had to chip in and state I have a hiper type r modular 580w black for 2 and a half years now and it's still working fine. Was one of the best ever investments (although expensive) I made in self building because of its design and noise output, very quiet, I couldn't even hear it unless I put my ear up close - was a vast improvement over cheap psus that came with cases.

it's powered 4 mobos, 3 cpus including the power hungry amd 6000+ (125w), a number of graphics cards including 8800gtx currently plus loads of other system components.

I think the combination of the msi k9n ultra with the 6000+ and 8800gtx, 4gb high speed ram, 3 hds and other stuff put it under a great deal of strain.

When I moved to my E8400 and asus p5n-d build I didn't have a suitable power cable set up for the 8800gtx and a loud high pitch sound came from inside the hiper. I think the cause was because where you need 2 molex to the 2nd pci-e 6 pin well one of the molex lines I had other devices on it. Rearranging things so that the gtx had 2 dedicated molex stopped the high pitch sound (that only happened when I started a game). So it's important to take good notice of the advice hiper give on cable setup whenever possible.

the back fan is showing its age with louder movement noise where before it was silent.

It seems to be doing its job still but I might replace it with a corsair TX750W and put the hiper in a music production system (if the back fan is not too loud).
I have the Hiper Type-M 580W (non-modular) and its been firing life into my [email protected] for well over 14 months now. Has also been powering my 8800GT that I bought 3 months ago. Prior to that it was a heavily overclocked 7900GS.

I did change the stock Hiper 120mm fan after 3 weeks as it was a bit loud and replaced it with a 120mm Akasa Amber. Quiet as a mouse!
It was rock stable infact for about 3 Years ( 1 month before warranty went ) then I noticed the system locking up, screen going black and coming back on etc.. I didn't really take much notice as it's not a system I use that much ( A64, X800XT etc.. ) but it got worse eventually not letting the system post the majority of the time.

I then went looking to see what was going on and started to notice a buzzing noise coming from the PSU. When ever the PSU had the buzzing noise it would either not post or if it did post there would be no buzzing noise and a few mins later it would start to buzz and the system would lock up. I'm sure its ready to go bang any second but it's on the way to Hiper now!
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