The Hunter

just finished another epic elk hunting session :p

first elk 1064lb

then another

then spotted these beasts all together (recorded this will add later)

killed the one walking around cause couldnt get to the biggest at back who was 1099lb

also got a female to round of a 4 elk kilkspree

new updates and info

Today's News
New Items Coming to Doc's Outfitters

Monday, 18th May 2009

This week we have exciting news for all those that have been enjoying Doc's Outfitters, but who have been asking for a few more items! Later this week we'll be adding two exceptionally useful items.

First up is the .44 Rem Mag revolver. Not only is this more powerful than the .357, it's also the only firearm that can be used to hunt all the species found in the EHR. So whether you're after a turkey or an elk, you'd be a fool to head out on a hunt without one of these at your side.

The second new item is the 3-9x 40mm rifle scope and has already proven to be a huge hit with our experts during testing. This scope has three distinct magnifications ensuring that it is both more versatile and more powerful than the existing rifle scope. It is designed to fit the exiting .243 and .270 rifles that are already available (and also the .300 that we're putting the finishing touches to).

So whether it's the .44 or the zoom scope you've got your eye on, make sure you check out Doc's Outfitters later in the week.
New Elk video

We've also added a new video showing the mighty Roosevelt Elk strolling round the EHR. Be sure to visit the video page if you're wondering what this most magnificent of EHR residents looks like.
New 'In Development'

Finally there's an update on the In Development page with some new details on the forthcoming journal changes and competition system.

Happy Hunting

TheHunter Team


In Development
Journal Changes and the Competition System
Monday, 18th May 2009

Two of the features we're busy working on at the moment are some key changes to the way that journals work, and the all new competition system.

One thing we know players love to do is write journal entries detailing their exploits in the EHR. However at the moment the system doesn't make it entirely convenient for you to catch up with everything that your friends have been writing. This is about to change however as we're putting the finishing touches to a rework of the journal system.

These changes include adding a page that summarises all your own entries rather than having to browse them one by one, but also a new page showing all of the new journal entries from your friends. In practice then you can log in and go to this one page and get an overview of what your friends have been up to, and that includes the likes of Doc and Honeybee (and they love to give out help and advice via their journals).

Doc, Honeybee and our other experts love the way these changes make the journal so much more accessible. You can expect to be hearing a lot more from them once this system goes live.

The other key new system is our Competition page. With the introduction of this there will be even more reasons to get out there and hunt. Competitions will have specific parameters both in terms of what species you have to hunt, what firearm you can hunt with and who is eligible to enter, but also and perhaps most critically, what you can win! Some competitions may just run for a weekend, others for a week, but there will always be something running that you can join in with.

All competitions reward a trophy, so winners can expect to see themselves receiving a fine trophy from one of the EHR experts. For prize competitions you can win anything from em$ to items to memberships, and we have some really exciting competitions planned for the future.
let us know about the scopre not got that yet :D

heres the 44 mag you get free on trial

first thing i see a 21.8lb turkey and death :D
92 points

seems pretty good and it is good for all species!

also noticed we have .300 bullets in inventary so it cant be long now till we get that aswell.

just got two male elk a turkey as above and a whitetail in 1 hr 20 mins so good hunting.
schweet, can't wait to try the new gun, have also coughed up for the new scope. Hoping at max zoom it'll be a nice replacement for the binocs so I can leave those behind and use the extra slot for something else.
Can someone explain without me going through the whole thread. Is this a completely free game? does it work on mac? what are the catches if its free haha!
yes its free to play the basic part.

you will have a few guns and hunt a few species.

it works out at about 9 quid for a three month liciense (this is what i suggest you get for a start)

to use the newer guns youll need to buy (30.06 for elk ) which is 450ems about 3 pound. the newset scope is 350 ems.once youve brought your guns , scopes there yours forever.

you get 500ems for 4.99$ .

when i purchased some last week it was 1500 ems to a tenner roughly.
I just bought the scope and .44, killed 2 turkeys and a mule doe with the .44 so far.
Not found anything far enough away to use the scope yet but looking around with it you notice the higher magnification, very promising.
All I need now is the .300 and I'll be set :)
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