*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

Are they pre-unlocked then? (I was in Italy, Spain and France... could have gotten 1?)

@ Oliver.. my 02 box doesn't have a carrier on it.. I guess it's Apple's way of cutting down on the packaging.

Just realised mine hasn't either. My old v1 has though.
Errr hold on a minute?

Its been two weeks and you cannot yet get the White 16GB? :eek:

This is why I held off buying one at launch so I could give it a couple of weeks and waltz in a buy one!

I've found the battery life to be a lot worse than my old one so far. Yesterday I hardly used it, made a 10 minute phone call, checked my mail 4 or 5 times, 15minutes or so of browsing and sent a few texts.. pretty standard day.. and my battery was just over 50% by the end of the day.. my first gen would still be at 100% after that :o
So what skins/cases have people got for their iPhone 3G? I am all over the place and would prefer something rubbery and rugged (rather than an invisible shield jobby), like the following:


But i've got no idea if that iWorld site is any good, not sure if anyone here has used it and could recommend it at all? The Apple store is waay overpriced so am hoping to buy from somewhere else...
Here's one for you. If I started a new contract and ran two sim's for a while, until my current one ran out, could I freely swap my o2 sim cards without needing to unlock? I.e could I carry around my two sim cards and swap them as and when?
Does the include the one you're currently selling on a famous auction site with 4 days left? A bit of honesty wouldn't go amiss eh? :(

Lol - that was always going to go on the bay. I had 5, one for me, one for the missus and 2 were taken off me practically straight away! One was always going on the bay! I have a lot more coming though - i'm there in 2 weeks time on business and my uncle is there atm!
Fair enough. Well, since it's going to cost me ~£180 to break out of my Voda contract early I've been thinking more and more about getting an unlocked iPhone, obviously if the price isn't too ridiculous.
Fair enough. Well, since it's going to cost me ~£180 to break out of my Voda contract early I've been thinking more and more about getting an unlocked iPhone, obviously if the price isn't too ridiculous.

It makes sense to import on from Italy/Hong Kong to be honest. Even when the unlock software does come out, it will have be updated/ran again every time you upgrade. The Apple Unlocked iPhones will never have this issue and have actually been tested on T-Mobile/Vodafone/Orange and 3. If you are interested, UPS offer a service where you can ship something to them abroad and they will bring it to you (well they used to) - might be worth looking into!
The only issue I guess is that jailbreaking locks the phone (even legit unlocked ones) because it changes the phone baseband, so you have a choice between paying full price for a SIM-free unlocked iPhone and never jailbreaking it, or a jailbreaked locked iPhone or - when it finally becomes possible - a jailbreaked & unlocked iPhone. And, if you were going to go with the 3rd option - and let's face it who wouldn't - why would you pay over the odds for an legit unlocked unit to begin with?
The only issue I guess is that jailbreaking locks the phone (even legit unlocked ones) because it changes the phone baseband, so you have a choice between paying full price for a SIM-free unlocked iPhone and never jailbreaking it, or a jailbreaked locked iPhone or - when it finally becomes possible - a jailbreaked & unlocked iPhone. And, if you were going to go with the 3rd option - and let's face it who wouldn't - why would you pay over the odds for an legit unlocked unit to begin with?

No it doesn't?

Pwnage just jailbrakes and doesn't mess with any of the baseband etc on the 3G, it only messes with it on the 2G?
No it doesn't?

Pwnage just jailbrakes and doesn't mess with any of the baseband etc on the 3G, it only messes with it on the 2G?
Well whatever it does there was someone on this subforum who reported that their legit unlocked iPhone locked itself after jailbreaking. I'll see if I can dig it up, I'm 99% sure I wasn't dreaming.....
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