*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

This phone has really come into its own for me the last week

Apps like Twinkle, Showtimes, Zenbe, Shazam and Last FM have all been used so much and have really helped in situations where the only other way of finding out would be an internet cafe or an expensive phone call

The battery is a lot better after a few charge cycles

Can't wait for the future of the app store
This phone has really come into its own for me the last week

Apps like Twinkle, Showtimes, Zenbe, Shazam and Last FM have all been used so much and have really helped in situations where the only other way of finding out would be an internet cafe or an expensive phone call

The battery is a lot better after a few charge cycles

Can't wait for the future of the app store
Are they all available on the AppStore or have you jailbreaked yours?
Thats what i'm doing with O2. Can drop the tarrif by £5 a month. In total I'll end up paying an extra £105 by doing that over the next sixth months. (Lowest you can go is £15 a month). Much cheaper than buying one from ebay.
Thats what i'm doing with O2. Can drop the tarrif by £5 a month. In total I'll end up paying an extra £105 by doing that over the next sixth months. (Lowest you can go is £15 a month). Much cheaper than buying one from ebay.
But if you're with O2 already can't you just upgrade to the iPhone? (or am I getting confused?)

I'm going to end up getting one on contract now I think, eBay prices for unlocked iPhone 3Gs are going for insane money. I can see why chets84 didn't want to sell his one to forum members now!
After a few weeks of use, the battery on my 3G is still pants I find.

This morning I left home with the 3G on full charge. I took the bus to work, which normally takes 1hr. During this period I was chatting to random gimps on Twinkle. By the time I reached work, the battery was at the 20% mark. Luckily I have a dock at work.
This phone has really come into its own for me the last week

Apps like Twinkle, Showtimes, Zenbe, Shazam and Last FM have all been used so much and have really helped in situations where the only other way of finding out would be an internet cafe or an expensive phone call

The battery is a lot better after a few charge cycles

Can't wait for the future of the app store

I can't get Last FM to work, keeps saying insufficient Content when i try to add a station
But if you're with O2 already can't you just upgrade to the iPhone? (or am I getting confused?)

I'm going to end up getting one on contract now I think, eBay prices for unlocked iPhone 3Gs are going for insane money. I can see why chets84 didn't want to sell his one to forum members now!

Not until january, when my contract is up. I even offered to pay a bit more to upgrade early. Nothing. No flexability whatsoever. They're being treated like normal phones now. By Janurary, though, I may as well just wait until july for the next one.

By reducing my contract right down and starting a new one I only end up paying an extra £100. (And I'm not paying it all up front!) Less than I was willing to pay on ebay to get one now. By starting an iPhone contract now, too, it would be up a year in december, so if one is released next july I wouldn't have to wait too long for that either.
Yeah, I'm in a sortof similar boat - 9 months left on my Voda contract, I've busted it down to the lowest tariff available (£20) and as of yesterday I paid off the early termination fee (£151) and requested my PAC code.

I've had Vodafone on the phone all day today trying to convince me why the iPhone isn't worth buying, everything that's missing from it (which I already know). I basically just said that as a casual user I'm finding that I'm only sending texts, making calls and using the Internet anyway - the 3 things that the iPhone does really well. So then they say "but why would you want to pay £35 a month + £160 for the phone if you're a casual user?".

I was debating just buying an unlocked iPhone 3G so I could carry on using Vodafone (who I have no real complaints about) but the prices of them are pretty insane, even factoring in the ~£151 I would save from not terminating early.
I seem to be charging my battery up every night. A typical day at work sees me use up probably about 2 hours surfing the net via 3G, 30 mins or so on phonecalls and about 15 or so txts / emails. Not sure if I should be expecting any better.

Any news on 2.0.1 firmware? 2.0.0 has the potential to be excellent but feels like there still needs to be some bugs to be ironed out. The phone sometimes feels a bit sluggish / erratic and I have had Safari crash a handful of times.

None of those points have changed my opinion about what is an excellent phone though.
Id be tempted by Orange as O2 round mine isnt too good.

Anyone use the iPhone in-car through a head-unit/radio system? When my v1 was on T-mobile I was able to leave the phone mode turned on without getting and buzzing through the radio. Now its on O2 I have to turn airplane mode on to stop buzzing :/ Really irritating!
Anyone in central London have trouble with the gps? I'm down here trying to find a flat and it would have been bloody usefull if it had been working!!
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