*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

I'm sure this has been asked/done before so instead of starting a new thread I thought I'd post in here.
I'm on O2 Simplicity (with the unlimited web bolton) and I'm looking at getting an iPhone 3G. I don't want to get a fixed contract but am I right in thinking all I have to do is pop down an O2 shop, buy a PAYG iPhone - bung my sim in - and volia I now have an iPhone?
If that is right and I also right in thinking due to having an iPhone I can get rid of my bolton but still have unlimited web?

I'm sure this has been asked/done before so instead of starting a new thread I thought I'd post in here.
I'm on O2 Simplicity (with the unlimited web bolton) and I'm looking at getting an iPhone 3G. I don't want to get a fixed contract but am I right in thinking all I have to do is pop down an O2 shop, buy a PAYG iPhone - bung my sim in - and volia I now have an iPhone?
If that is right and I also right in thinking due to having an iPhone I can get rid of my bolton but still have unlimited web?


No reason you can't put the SIM in as far as I can see, as long as it's O2. You won't get free web though unless you keep the bolt-on, that's down to your contract, not the fact that you have an iPhone.
Wow. Interesting. Any hitches with activation? Does it matter if you put the simplicity sim into a contract iPhone or PAYG one?

How does the networking work?

I just assume the iPhone is locked to O2, not a certain tariff. Activation was easy, put your old sim in, stick your details into iTunes and it activates fine and legit. You have all the functionality of somebody on the rip-off iPhone tariffs. Simplicity will work fine as well.
You have all the functionality of somebody on the rip-off iPhone tariffs.

You won't have Visual Voicemail. Plus, the cost of buying an iPhone 3G on PAYG (£350 or £400), then not using the 12 months free data and paying for a contract on top is likely to make this more expensive than using the iPhone tariffs or just using PAYG.
You won't have Visual Voicemail. Plus, the cost of buying an iPhone 3G on PAYG (£350 or £400), then not using the 12 months free data and paying for a contract on top is likely to make this more expensive than using the iPhone tariffs or just using PAYG.

How do you mean visual voicemail? Im sure I do...

Buying a PAYG iPhone 3G plus a simplicity sim card even with the unlimited net bolt on at £7.50 a month is a lot cheaper than the preset tariffs.
How do you mean visual voicemail? Im sure I do...

Possibly this has changed but it never used to be able to get Visual Voicemail without an official iPhone contract, and it's still not even available on the official PAYG. I'm a bit surprised if it's been enabled on non-iPhone contracts, but I haven't actually double checked recently so I could be wrong.

Visual Voicemail is the feature that lets you see a list of all of your voicemail messages on-screen, and individually play or delete them through the iPhone's interface (by touching the screen) - as if they were text messages. This means you don't have to use the "traditional" voicemail phone system ("press 7 to delete the message, press 1 to save, press 2 to hear the next message", etc)

The £20 simplicity contract plus the price of the 16GB phone is £760 over 18 months. The £35 per month iPhone contract (which has the same number of minutes and 500 rather than 1000 texts) is £790 over 18 months. This also includes WiFi, which isn't included in the simplicity web bolt-on. So the difference is really quite tiny given that the simplicity option means spending £400 straight away (depending on how much of a difference the extra 500 text messages makes to you)
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Your forgetting, i can end the simplicity contract as and when i like. Im not tied to the iphone, or the contract ;)

True, if that's a big deal to you - but you have already paid £400 for it and you won't be able to get the same back for it when you sell it! Are you really expecting that you suddenly won't want a phone in a few months?
Anyone noticed that O2 are messing with images that come over 3G? They have nasty re-compression artifacts that aren't present in the source. Obviously for bandwidth reasons, but I assume you have no choice in the matter.

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I finally got my upgrade 3G today!!! Woohoo! :p A nice white 16GB.

It's been a long time coming! Dunno what i'm gonna do with my old one now. May just keep it. Is there a 2.1 winpwn or ipwn out yet?

Haven't been able to get 3G on it yet....:(
All mobile internet providers seem to do it. It saves them a fortune in bandwidth.

Yes, I get the same on T-mobile. When I used it briefly with my PC it was possible to get the original image by pressing shift and clicking on the picture - it loaded the uncompressed image. Don't think this is possible on the phone though. You don't seem to have a choice about it, but it must save them lots of bandwidth and possibly/probably is the only reason that "unlimited" internet is available over 3G at all...
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