*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

Shame about the lack of a dock, I guess it means if you buy the headset you get a better bonus now. All I want is O2 to release details of whether existing non iPhone contract holders will be able to upgrade like you could with the v1!
Well I popped into CPW in Harrow town earlier. One sales assistant didn't even know there was a v2. He was like "The iPhone is now discontinued sir..." I wanted to roll over and die. Thankfully there was a lady who was clued up and let me add my details to their sophisticated reservations list - an A4 pad o paper!

I can't get the 11th off from work so it looks like I'll be visiting CPW at around 5pm on that day :/1
Well I popped into CPW in Harrow town earlier. One sales assistant didn't even know there was a v2. He was like "The iPhone is now discontinued sir..." I wanted to roll over and die. Thankfully there was a lady who was clued up and let me add my details to their sophisticated reservations list - an A4 pad o paper!

Any idea if the reservations list is for the PAYG version, or is it just the contract?
I just called up Vodafone and they gave me my PAC code over the phone, I thought I would be waiting a week for it in the post so I'm happy. I assume that I just give the PAC to O2 when I go and buy the new iPhone and they'll sort out the rest.
FYI: Justin - Geotagging will be available in the iPhone 2.0 software, and can be used by the iPhone V1 however, the location will only show up / be accurate if there are Wi-Fi hotspots around as it comes from the same triangulation technology as "locate me" (via Skyhook Wireless)

Essentially, if you can use the "locate me" feature, you can use the geotagging :)

peter_hutson said:
AT&T do seem to be releasing a contract free version, but the price was almost the same as that in the UK, so no real advantage. The only other option would be to get a contract phone, then cancel within 30 days and pay the early termination fee. But you would need someone in the US to do it for you, unless the wifey has a US social security number and bank account. Even then there would be no guarantee that you could unlock the phone. Apple have really closed down the grey importing of iphones with these new contracts and purchase methods. It's still possible to do it, but the financial benefit is now only marginal

That won't work.

AT&T require that you hand back the iPhone if you can the contract in the first 30 days.

[DOD]Asprilla;12022923 said:
Hurumph! I've just ordered my PAC code and they said they couldn't give me it over the phone!

That is a lie. They can give it to you instantly, although some carriers will send a hard copy through the post to cover themselves.

I'd ring them back and try a different advisor, or at least ring up closer to July 11th if you haven't caught sight of it in the post.
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I asked for it on Wednesday so if it's not in the post today or tomorrow I'll give them a ring.

Incidentally, for those going through CPW, I had no end of trouble getting my PAC out of them before. They claim their PAC processing unit is in portugal and they have no way of contacting them directly and they wanted the request in writing.

I had to go to Oftel and it still took two weeks.
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Quick question about the internet usage wording on o2's site. All their tariffs include Unlimited Data & Wi-Fi, so what exactly does that mean? In the T+C's it says this 'Data usage whilst roaming not included'

So will it cost me if I were in a non-wifi region, using the interent via 3G?
Quick question about the internet usage wording on o2's site. All their tariffs include Unlimited Data & Wi-Fi, so what exactly does that mean?

You also get free access to 'The Cloud' and 'BTOpenzone' wifi hotspots which you would otherwise have to pay for (I know BTOpenzone is about £6 a hour so it's a good freebee). They are quite common across the country, a lot of pubs have an 'ItBox' game machine which broadcasts 'The Cloud' and 'BTOpenzone' hotspots are quite common around coffee shops and airports. Wifi will probably still be faster than 3G so it is a nice extra to have.
i currently have the 02 simplicity contract, would i be able to upgrade my contract to the £35pm and pay £160 for the 16gb i phone on launch day? sorry if this has been asked already, i couldnt find anything.
Any idea if the reservations list is for the PAYG version, or is it just the contract?
This was contract as I never once mentioned PAYG and she said that they'd be in touch (fat chance) on friday via phone to remind me to come in.
i currently have the 02 simplicity contract, would i be able to upgrade my contract to the £35pm and pay £160 for the 16gb i phone on launch day? sorry if this has been asked already, i couldnt find anything.

Shouldn't be a problem. I was on a really poor contract until a week ago so I called o2 just to checked when I could renew my contract as I knew it was due any day. I explained that I wanted to hold off for the 3G iPhone and they suggested I move to the simplicity contract. I was told I'd be able to upgrade to the iPhone as soon as it's out so I'm sure you'll be fine.
[DOD]Asprilla;12023490 said:
AFAIK, but you'll be bound by a fair use policy of course.

Not sure if it's changed, but 02's unlimited plan was truly unlimited for the iPhone V1 :D
Not sure if it's changed, but 02's unlimited plan was truly unlimited for the iPhone V1 :D
It'll still be subject to fair use, all data packages on everything (phones, wifi, adsl, cable) are subject to some sort of fair use. Usually only invoked when the usage is truely unfair though. If you manage to make it connect to your laptop and start shifting 200Gb per month, they're going to take some action.
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