*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

I've got some good ideas for apps, but don't have much experience coding with the iPhone SDK.

Here's hoping no one steals my idea whilst i'm learning the language :)
Yes they are (without jailbreaking, that is).

I really hate the APIs. I'm a developer, I've used them a fair bit and they are just too restrictive. Sure, you can do some pretty amazing things like the games that have been demoed. In fact, you can absolutely brilliant things within the confines of your own application that sits on top of the iPhone API. However, it is really difficult to extend, modify and access many of the standard phone functionality and features.

There are more extensive and documented unofficial APIs for jail broken iPhones; i.e. don't even think about making something like IntelliScreen (http://www.greghughes.net/rant/TopNotchAppForIPhoneIntelliScreenBetaReleased.aspx) - which is in my opinion a basic addon to any phone (extendable home-screen functionality).

I know they are the only way in the public SDK, but it's possible they have some other methods available to "special" people like TomTom :)

We can but hope :)

The nerfed API is the reason why i'm not too interested in one until Installer.App and all the apps I use day to day work on the new firmware.
I'm just glad that V1 owners (on the official contract) can upgrade to the 3G for £99 :)

I'll worry about TomTom when they show their face. I'd also be willing to bet it would be a £25-40 app on the app store if it's anything like their road units.
O2 have updated their website with regard to the Pay&go iphone 2. It now says "available later this year". Don't think they ever had any intentions of releasing it on Pay&go on the 11th and were just playing games. Well, they've lost a sale here. Looks like I'll stick with my hacked V1.
Just got a text from O2. They said, thank you for your interest in the 3g iPhone. We will let you know when you are due an upgrade.

I guess that answers whether or not you can break your contract early to get a 3g iPhone then (if you are on O2, with a different handset) - you can't.
So it's just available for existing iPhone customers?

I'm on o2 pay as you go so will I need a PAC code to keep my number or can I just walk into store Friday and pick one up?
Anybody else go thru the order process for a new iphone (non o2 customers) and enter all your details, only to get to the end for it to tell you "Unable to process, please call telesales on xxxx). You call telesales, select the iphone option and it tells you that you can only preorder online, then the line goes dead, nice :)
Process timed out about 10 times for me, finally got to enter all my card details etc, now just have blank screen - no idea whether it's been ordered or not.
Nope, my order went through fine, mines just said credit refferal though. Probably because i have only been in my new house 8 months.

I hope the lack of PAYG model keeps the price of the V1 very high.
Yeah I just did it again in FF and it worked this time. Better check my card don't get charged twice!
Pathetic. It's a good job I'm not that fussed about upgrading (not that I'm not going to sit here for as long as it takes for the page to start working :p).
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