*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

Ordered. anyone get this on the final screen?

Please note that some aspects of your application need to be reviewed, and the application has therefore been referred for assessment.

As we are unable to discuss credit applications over the phone, we will contact you by email within 24 hours regarding the status of your application.

Is that standard or are they telling me they think I have a diff credit rating?
Would there be any advantage walking into an o2 store rather than ordering online? I.e. would they be likely to throw in any freebies at all in the form of accessories?

I think i'll be going for the £35 tariff, just not sure I can justify the £45 per month on a phone contract. Before now I have paid £17.50 for most of my contract on 3, now I have a PAC code and can finally leave!
Ordered. anyone get this on the final screen?

Is that standard or are they telling me they think I have a diff credit rating?

Its not standard, cos I never got that. Must be something with your app they need to check, I just got a, you will be emailed shortly after we have processed your order etc etc.


I got this:

Your order number is xxxxxxxxx
Please quote this number if you need to contact us. We'll email you shortly to confirm your order.

Any questions
If you have any queries, please visit o2.co.uk/help. Alternatively call 0870 600 3009. Calls from an O2 mobile are free. Calls from your landline or other networks will be charged at your telephone providers published rates.
Opening hours are 8am-9pm Monday to Friday and 9am-8pm Saturday and Sunday

My order number wasn't really xxxxxxxxx so don't try anything clever! :)
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iPhone preorder is now online!

Just a quick note to remind you all that the iPhone preorder is now online via o2 website.

Click on http://shop.o2.co.uk/promo/iphoneindex

For those who want it on pay & go, I'm afraid that tariff will not be launched on the same day. o2 confirmed that pay & go will be released later in the year .
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Fact is most people wont get it on the 11th. States they'll deliver as many as possible on the 11th but then delivery could take a few weeks.

As soon as they get your order they have no incentive to get it out early so will put new customers first!

Could someone confirm if the contract renewel starts from today? Or whenever they decide to send the new phone out?
i'd tell you if i could get through to the final stages... so far i have 6 upgrade codes as you have to use a new one each time and have managed to get as far as ordering the new tarrif and phone before it crashes!
Did anyone notice an option to pick which colour iPhone you want ?

I got into the process, but didn't want to start clicking through it when I only got the option for 8 or 16GB.
8gb are in black only 16gb is in black or white, i'm only having the 8 so no choice there!

good ploy to get people onto the £45 tarrif tho!
i'm away on the 11th anyway so i don't know why i'm sitting here hitting f5 (then remembering i'm on a mac and manually refreshing the page)

but then i suppose i have to find something to fill my 2 weeks off and waiting for the 3g iphone will suffice for now
Aaargh, that sucks it's not on P&G until later this year.

Contracts are 18 months and from the e-mail I got, minimum contracts are £30 a month!

£540 for the 18 months (£30x18) and then another £159 for the phone which means a total of £699!!! :eek:
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