That's odd, I've also heard they aren't contacting people just flogging the iPhones from failed credit checks to people that have passed.
I'd ring them if I was you.
I used the 0808 100 9250 number and got through to a bloke that was nice, and seemed to know what he was talking about.
I have done. Just got through to customer support after some arrogant, rude sales chap messed me around for like 5 mins.
'It has failed security check, dont know why, system doesnt have that info, could be any number of reasons. Is the debit card registered at your address?'
'Yep, registered at the address I provided, been with bank 19 years, blah blah. Can you give me a reason why or put me through to someone who can?'
'Nope, system doesnt show us. We dont have that info... blah blah'
'Ok, Perhaps i'll waste a few more mins of my time talking to barclays to find out why/if they might have stopped a payment.....'
'Ok, but it might not be a Barclays problem, but we cant tell you or find out why you failed security check. Oh and by the way, probably not a good idea to use that debit card for 30 days at CPWH. All stock as been allocated now, call back on Friday to order another from new stock when it arrives.'
'Ok, dont bother giving me the number, because tbh I dont really want to be a CPWH customer after this.'
Like I said, fools.
UPDATE: barclays debit card services : zero failures on the card, zero refusals
UPDATE2: barclays debit card services : £0.01 pre-auth from CWH to check card is valid, nothing else in history