*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

Having seen JUMPURS woes, I'm now extremely doubtful I'll get the phone on Friday. Hell, I'd be shocked if anybody does to be honest. If by the end of play tomorrow I have no word of the phone arriving, I'll phone up and demand a refund. I'm not even going to risk heading into town to get one, as I'm already £160 down!

To be honest i am 27 minutes on the phone later and still none the wiser. Although the dude said he would keep an eye on my account tomorrow to see if it changes and told me i passed the credit check.
He said we will find out tomorrow when we get an e-mail/text telling us if it has been shipped. Still not really amused tbh.
Spoke to CPW today and was told the white version has been delayed for reasons unknown.

I'm tempted to get a black one now just so I can actually have one. The grubby marks is the only thing putting me off a black one!

I wanted a white initially, but even before the orders came out i decided on the black. I am not too bothered about some finger prints, what i would be worried about with the white is that it might get really grubby, dirt wise.
He said we will find out tomorrow when we get an e-mail/text telling us if it has been shipped. Still not really amused tbh.

I haven't had a single bit of contact from them since placing my order, so I won't be holding my breath for an e-mail tomorrow either. If it comes to Friday, and I won't be getting one for whatever reason, there will be hell to pay for taking the £160 from my account.
I haven't had a single bit of contact from them since placing my order, so I won't be holding my breath for an e-mail tomorrow either. If it comes to Friday, and I won't be getting one for whatever reason, there will be hell to pay for taking the £160 from my account.

I feel the same!
Just a few iPhone 3g questions:

1. "Unlimited Data" - is that properly unlimited 3g data..... ie I can youtube/iPlayer all I like without worrying about it?

2. I remember a friend saying with the V1 iPhone that it was £x per month + £7 insurance, is that the same the the 3g? I haven't read anything mentioning insurance

3. Availability - I'm new to 02 (but once I've got an iPhone 3g will PAC my existing orange PAYGO number), does that mean I can go to either O2, CPW and Apple?

4. Is it Apple official stores only, or will an Apple Premium Reseller be getting them on friday aswell?

5. What's the difference between getting it at CPW and getting it at O2?

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I placed my order through the failover page late on Monday afternoon and just received e-mail confirmation (one accepting the order, a second immediately after saying it was being processed) from O2. No indication if it will actually ship tonight or tomorrow, but better than nothing.
Does anyone know if CPW shops will be open early on friday as i have a contract with them and so will need to upgrade there.
iPhone/Contract Questions

Just a few iPhone 3g questions:

1. "Unlimited Data" - is that properly unlimited 3g data..... ie I can youtube/iPlayer all I like without worrying about it?

2. I remember a friend saying with the V1 iPhone that it was £x per month + £7 insurance, is that the same the the 3g? I haven't read anything mentioning insurance

3. Availability - I'm new to 02 (but once I've got an iPhone 3g will PAC my existing orange PAYGO number), does that mean I can go to either O2, CPW and Apple?

4. Is it Apple official stores only, or will an Apple Premium Reseller be getting them on friday aswell?

5. What's the difference between getting it at CPW and getting it at O2?

Just a few iPhone 3g questions:

1. "Unlimited Data" - is that properly unlimited 3g data..... ie I can youtube/iPlayer all I like without worrying about it?

I'm not sure here but some people think there is a fair use policy in play. I think you'll be fine for most things you do, it's when you start hooking it up to a computer and using it as a data connection you start to get into trouble.

2. I remember a friend saying with the V1 iPhone that it was £x per month + £7 insurance, is that the same the the 3g? I haven't read anything mentioning insurance

It depends if you buy insurance on the phone. It's normally an extra that the guys in store try to sell you so it's your decision.

3. Availability - I'm new to 02 (but once I've got an iPhone 3g will PAC my existing orange PAYGO number), does that mean I can go to either O2, CPW and Apple?

O2 or CPW only, Apple aren't even selling the iPhone on friday.

4. Is it Apple official stores only, or will an Apple Premium Reseller be getting them on friday aswell?

As far as I'm aware it's on the O2 stores and Carphone Warehouse that will be selling them.

5. What's the difference between getting it at CPW and getting it at O2?

Shouldn't be any but O2 might be better at sorting out any problems that arise in the future.

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Hi all,

Well i decided to write a email of complaint to o2 today stating the farce that was last Monday's online upgrade for the iPhone, just was expecting a return email to say that i can go instore on Friday and get one just as easily. Anyway just got a return email from them: 1. stating that an order for a free upgrade has now been registered (with today's date) and giving me a order confirmation number - 2. order status is saying as in progress with in my o2 online bill "track my orders" section.

Order status: In Progress
Order date: 9th July 2008
Apple iPhone 8GB Black Postpay SKU, Q1 08 Online GBP45 18MFree

O2 Insure Premier Monthly Free

Next Day Delivery Free

Delivery address: **
PR* *** UK
Delivery option: Not Applicable
Total price (excluding VAT): £0.00
VAT: £0.00
Total price (including VAT): £0.00.

What would anyone else make of this? ie: realistically i'll get this when more are in stock? or what?

I'm not sure what to make of this email from them, as i may ring them tomorrow and find out if i'm to get one through the post as and when they're in stock or tell them i'll get one instore on Friday instead.
Not sure if this has been asked before in the thread but i cant seem to find an answer,

Will i be able to download apps and put the same apps on my iphone 3g and my ipod touch and pay once for the app. Will it be tied to the product i bought it on or will it be tied to my itunes account? Will i be able to switch them up (uninstall from one and install on another) etc.
Justin on the processed email it has the delivery address as:


even though I opted for home delivery. Does yours have you local carphone warehouse address as delivery and billing address as your address?
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